• Current Web3 systems are complex and present barriers to entry, requiring users to navigate fragmented infrastructure. This often leads to suboptimal user experiences and vulnerabilities like MEV exploitation. 

  • Intents are signed messages that enable users to express their on-chain goals, while third-party solvers handle the technicalities, simplifying the process and enhancing user experiences. Intents are opening the door to new use cases.

  • Solvers are pivotal for counterparty discovery, identifying and categorizing user intents to optimize the path for valid transactions. Their competition in a free market, based on price and credibility, incentivizes them to discover the most efficient execution path, ensuring maximum value for users. 

  • Account Abstraction serves as the gateway for intents, made possible by the validation logic within a smart contract wallet. However, it is primarily engineered for single-domain usage, lacking the capability to operate seamlessly across multiple chains. 

  • To handle more generalized, multi-domain intents, protocols like Anoma, SUAVE, and Essential are developing the requisite infrastructure for a dedicated intent layer. This includes the introduction of new intent languages and virtual machines. 

  • Leading applications are expanding their functionality by directly involving solvers. Various protocols are attending to specialized types of intents, including UniswapX, CoW Swap and 1inch Fusion. 

  • Improved composability among intent pools increases the matching opportunities for solvers, making it easier to bootstrap solver networks. Success in intent-centric networks hinges on aligning solver incentives with ideal user outcomes.

  • Intent-centric setups encompass technical complexities that AI can effectively mitigate. AI's capabilities include interpreting natural language intent, goal deconstruction, and strategizing optimal transaction routes.


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