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Recent ETF outflows show signs of being unsustainable. Yesterday, there was another net outflow of 11.3 million, of which the main outflow of funds still came from Grayscale, with a single-day outflow of 43.4 million. In contrast, BlackRock recorded a net inflow of 14.2 million, and the inflow of funds from other institutions was relatively limited. This trend shows that market funds are gradually maintaining balance, and the activity of buying and selling is decreasing. The trading volume of Hong Kong ETFs has not exceeded 3 million US dollars per day. These data show that the cryptocurrency market is entering a period of adjustment. After seven consecutive months of growth, the trading volume of global crypto transactions fell for the first time in April, which further confirmed the view that the market is in a period of adjustment. Large institutions and listed companies have completed their purchase plans, and the halving market has also prompted some holders to sell assets. In terms of altcoins, as the overall market recovers, various sectors generally show an upward trend. Traditional sectors such as AI, RWA and MEME performed well. In the field of AI, since Apple mentioned RNDR's software Octane in the M4 chip promotional video, RNDR soared, driving the rise of similar track projects such as AKT, AR, and WLD. The entire AI sector has formed a linkage effect. Market analysis shows that Bitcoin has been supported near 60,000, but lacks sufficient trading volume support, and will still face the possibility of testing the support level in the short term. The key support level is around 58,000. If effective support can be obtained at this position, it will mean the end of the market adjustment. Ethereum's performance is relatively weak compared to Bitcoin, mainly affected by securities issues. The SEC has characterized Ethereum as a security, which has brought challenges to the launch of ETHETF. In addition, the decline in on-chain transaction volume has also put pressure on ETH. Although the market outlook for ETH is not optimistic in the short term, it still has potential in the long run. Important institutions believe that ETH will win the lawsuit against the SEC, and the ETF to be launched in the future will also be approved. In the current market, the market value share of copycat currencies is on the rise. Once the trend line is broken, it will usher in an outbreak period. Copycat currencies led by Ethereum are the focus of attention. In the Ethereum series, SSV, LDO, RPL, FXS, ANKR and other LSD sectors are worth investing in. In addition, ARB, OP, STRK, METIS, IMX, MINA and other L2 sectors also have investment value.In addition, ETC, ETHFI and ETHW, which are about to be halved, are also worth paying attention to. The SOL ecosystem and AI sector are still the focus of attention. In the AI ​​sector, GRT, NFP and LPT are the key projects recommended by me. In the SOL ecosystem, WIF, LINK, JTO, TNSR and PYTH are also worth paying close attention to. Finally, ONDO is recommended as an investment currency. It has strong technical aspects and promising market value prospects. It is expected to become a Binance spot token in the future. Overall, the current market is at the historical bottom range, and every pullback is a good opportunity to enter the market.

Recent ETF outflows show signs of being unsustainable. Yesterday, there was another net outflow of 11.3 million, of which the main outflow of funds still came from Grayscale, with a single-day outflow of 43.4 million. In contrast, BlackRock recorded a net inflow of 14.2 million, and the inflow of funds from other institutions was relatively limited. This trend shows that market funds are gradually maintaining balance, and the activity of buying and selling is decreasing. The trading volume of Hong Kong ETFs has not exceeded 3 million US dollars per day. These data show that the cryptocurrency market is entering a period of adjustment. After seven consecutive months of growth, the trading volume of global crypto transactions fell for the first time in April, which further confirmed the view that the market is in a period of adjustment. Large institutions and listed companies have completed their purchase plans, and the halving market has also prompted some holders to sell assets.

In terms of altcoins, as the overall market recovers, various sectors generally show an upward trend. Traditional sectors such as AI, RWA and MEME performed well. In the field of AI, since Apple mentioned RNDR's software Octane in the M4 chip promotional video, RNDR soared, driving the rise of similar track projects such as AKT, AR, and WLD. The entire AI sector has formed a linkage effect.

Market analysis shows that Bitcoin has been supported near 60,000, but lacks sufficient trading volume support, and will still face the possibility of testing the support level in the short term. The key support level is around 58,000. If effective support can be obtained at this position, it will mean the end of the market adjustment.

Ethereum's performance is relatively weak compared to Bitcoin, mainly affected by securities issues. The SEC has characterized Ethereum as a security, which has brought challenges to the launch of ETHETF. In addition, the decline in on-chain transaction volume has also put pressure on ETH. Although the market outlook for ETH is not optimistic in the short term, it still has potential in the long run. Important institutions believe that ETH will win the lawsuit against the SEC, and the ETF to be launched in the future will also be approved.

In the current market, the market value share of copycat currencies is on the rise. Once the trend line is broken, it will usher in an outbreak period. Copycat currencies led by Ethereum are the focus of attention. In the Ethereum series, SSV, LDO, RPL, FXS, ANKR and other LSD sectors are worth investing in. In addition, ARB, OP, STRK, METIS, IMX, MINA and other L2 sectors also have investment value.In addition, ETC, ETHFI and ETHW, which are about to be halved, are also worth paying attention to.

The SOL ecosystem and AI sector are still the focus of attention. In the AI ​​sector, GRT, NFP and LPT are the key projects recommended by me. In the SOL ecosystem, WIF, LINK, JTO, TNSR and PYTH are also worth paying close attention to.

Finally, ONDO is recommended as an investment currency. It has strong technical aspects and promising market value prospects. It is expected to become a Binance spot token in the future. Overall, the current market is at the historical bottom range, and every pullback is a good opportunity to enter the market.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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在「边玩边赚」模式下,STEPN团队近日宣布将品牌更名为STEPN GO,并推出全新的健身社交游戏。这一应用将引入新代币GGT、跑鞋借贷功能Haus、以及社交互动地图等多种新功能。尽管这些变化旨在提升用户体验,吸引更多用户参与,但现有STEPN用户是否会接受这些新举措仍存在疑问。    STEPN GO的主要功能   1. 新代币GGT (GO GAME TOKEN) GGT是一种供应量无限的游戏代币,用户可以通过行走或跑步来获得,用于升级与强化运动鞋、制作服装及参与社交活动。   2. 能量机制 STEPN GO具有每日能量上限,超过上限跑步会导致运动鞋过热而暂时无法使用。用户需通过烧毁部分运动鞋来增加能量上限,以维持可持续性。   3. 跑鞋借贷功能Haus 用户可以将运动鞋借给朋友或家人,共享跑步收益。常用Haus功能的用户将能获得更多的声望值,并解锁更多福利。   4. 可自定的3D虚拟角色 用户可以自定义头像、外观及服装,服装具有稀有度区分,通过跑步赚取服装碎片制作服装,并在市场上交易。   5. 社交互动地图 用户可以在互动地图上放置聊天框与他人互动,并将其加入好友列表。同时,通过燃烧GGT邀请他人一同跑步。   6. 体能等级 系统根据用户跑步频率及程度,将用户分为「脚软、脚酸、有力」等级,给予不同收益比率。该功能旨在通过奖励活跃用户,激励不活跃用户,提倡定期使用STEPN GO并促进户外活动。    STEPN现况与用户反应   STEPN团队通过改名和新功能的推出,试图吸引更多新用户并提升用户粘性。然而,现有用户对这一转变存在诸多疑虑。部分用户认为,团队未能解决原有问题,却推出更复杂的新机制,可能难以获得更好的效果。    STEPN的历史与现状   在2022年,STEPN曾作为「Move to Earn」链游的代表性应用,月活跃用户一度超过70万,游戏内代币GST价格高涨时用户收益也相当可观。然而,随着市场压力增加及用户流入放缓,STEPN团队及用户的平均收入逐渐减少,用户流出速度加快。现如今,STEPN的单日最低收入仅为0.06美元,上个月的月活跃用户数仅为1.4万人。   尽管如此,STEPN团队仍在不断进行产品更新与品牌合作,如整合Apple Pay、推出社交结合PVP游戏新作GasHero、以及与Adidas联名发行NFT等。对于STEPN及全新的STEPN GO的未来发展,仍需看新旧用户的接受程度。    结论   STEPN GO的推出代表了STEPN团队在产品创新与用户体验提升上的努力。然而,能否成功吸引新用户并挽回旧用户,还需要时间来验证。团队需要在解决旧问题与推行新机制之间找到平衡,才能确保其产品在市场上的持续竞争力。#内容挖矿
重要新闻一览 Gala Games 遭受攻击 上周,Gala Games 生态系统遭到攻击,一名尚未确定身份的黑客利用 Gala 智能合约铸造并窃取了 50 亿 GALA 代币,当时价值约 2.4 亿美元。黑客通过 Uniswap 交换了 6 亿 GALA 代币换取以太坊后,其钱包被冻结。第二天,攻击者归还了成功获取的 2200 万美元以太坊。 Gala 团队决定在销毁之前将归还的以太坊兑换成 GALA 代币,从而减少总供应量。目前,网络运营商正在投票决定是否有效销毁被困在冻结钱包中的剩余 44 亿 GALA 代币。 NYAN 代币发布 基于 Solana 的英雄射击游戏 Nyan Heroes 于本周二在 Bybit 上发布了其代币。代币价格一度超过 0.46 美元,早期交易量达到 2200 万美元,目前市值约为 2100 万美元(数据来自 CoinMarketCap)。 同时,Bybit 举办了一项奖励活动,向在交易所上抵押 NYAN、MNT 或 USDT 的客户分发了 276 万 NYAN 代币(约合 82.8 万美元)。Nyan Heroes 开发者 9 Lives Interactive 还向那些在 Epic Games 商店查看了预阿尔法版演示游戏测试的人开放了空投认领。 Notcoin 推出赚取任务 在成功推出其 NOT 代币并获得相当需求后,基于 Telegram 的病毒式点击游戏 Notcoin 上周推出了一种新类型的游戏任务,让玩家通过持续参与获得加密奖励,而不是一次性奖励。 这些“赚取任务”指导玩家参与不同社区的“合作项目”,作为回报,他们可以了解其他加密游戏和应用程序。然而,实际的点击游戏玩法尚未恢复,尽管已有计划。 其他加密游戏动态 - Stepn:运动赚取游戏 Stepn 宣布推出名为 Stepn Go 的新社交生活游戏。 - Pixemon:类似宝可梦的加密和 NFT 游戏 Pixemon 宣布了即将推出的 MON 代币的空投细节。 -模因币赌博游戏 正在建设中,开发人员正在制作游戏的第二版。 - Apeiron Guild Wars 2024:电子竞技比赛已经开始,奖金总值达 100 万美元。 - Fantasy Top:开始了为期 22 天的比赛,奖励为 222,222 个 Blast Gold。 政治动态 总统候选人罗伯特·F·肯尼迪(RFK Jr.)表示他购买了 GameStop 股票,以“惩罚卖空者,让股价飙升”。
SEC批准以太坊ETF,标志加密货币行业重要里程碑 2024年5月23日,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)正式批准了多只以太坊ETF,包括贝莱德、富达和灰度等公司的产品。这为投资者提供了通过传统金融渠道投资以太坊的新途径,成为继现货比特币ETF之后的第二个加密货币ETF。 尽管19b-4表格已获批,ETF发行方仍需等待S-1注册声明生效才能正式交易。这一过程可能需要数周时间。批准消息公布后,以太坊价格小幅上涨,目前暂报3807美元,24小时涨幅1.3%。 自去年9月以来,各大基金机构陆续申请以太坊ETF,市场预期变化。彭博分析师Eric Balchunas本周将获批几率从25%提高到75%。SEC要求纳斯达克和芝加哥期权交易所加速更新19B-4文件,暗示可能准备批准申请。然而,正式交易还需SEC批准S-1注册声明,这可能需要几个月时间。 多家发行方在申请文件中注明不包含质押条款,这是SEC接受以太坊现货ETF的必要条件。SEC明确表示,不质押的以太坊不视为证券,这表明了明确的监管界线。 随着大选年的临近,加密货币成为重要选票群体。特朗普接受加密货币捐款,批评拜登政府的加密货币政策。拜登政府可能因此在加密货币政策上更为柔和。 此外,FIT 21法案和SAB 121会计规则也是近期监管关注的焦点。FIT 21法案旨在明确加密货币监管框架,已在众议院通过,接下来进入参议院表决。SAB 121会计规则则要求公司将客户持有的加密货币记为负债,目前等待总统签字。 此次批准标志着加密货币行业的重要里程碑,尽管正式交易仍需时间,但为投资者提供了新的机会,并预示着未来几个月内监管环境可能进一步改善。

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