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Meeting is a fate, contact is a trust If you don't have confidence in the market, I will help you regain confidence in the market A thousand words are worse than helping you make two orders, follow orders like my heart
Meeting is a fate, contact is a trust
If you don't have confidence in the market, I will help you regain confidence in the market
A thousand words are worse than helping you make two orders, follow orders like my heart
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A legend that made over 4 billion US dollars just by white papers and various publicity without even launching the mainnetIt’s hard to imagine how crazy it was back then. People hadn’t even seen the coins, hadn’t experienced the interaction, and hadn’t even seen the wallet interface, but they were spending money like crazy to buy things. It has been falling for 6 consecutive years since it went online. It has fallen terribly, but there are still countless leeks buying at the bottom. From this we can see how rich and enthusiastic people in the cryptocurrency world are. This coin is the EOS which is said to be worth 500 yuan after three waves. In the cryptocurrency world, only 10% of people bought Bitcoin, and only 10% did not buy EOS. Although it may not be that exaggerated in reality, it is enough to show that EOS has a really good mass base!

A legend that made over 4 billion US dollars just by white papers and various publicity without even launching the mainnet

It’s hard to imagine how crazy it was back then. People hadn’t even seen the coins, hadn’t experienced the interaction, and hadn’t even seen the wallet interface, but they were spending money like crazy to buy things.

It has been falling for 6 consecutive years since it went online. It has fallen terribly, but there are still countless leeks buying at the bottom.

From this we can see how rich and enthusiastic people in the cryptocurrency world are.

This coin is the EOS which is said to be worth 500 yuan after three waves.

In the cryptocurrency world, only 10% of people bought Bitcoin, and only 10% did not buy EOS. Although it may not be that exaggerated in reality, it is enough to show that EOS has a really good mass base!
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Rumor has it that Donald Trump is considering choosing Elon Musk as his vice president! Then the people's currency Dogecoin will definitely take off! 😀😀😀 #doge #DOGE土狗龙头
Rumor has it that Donald Trump is considering choosing Elon Musk as his vice president! Then the people's currency Dogecoin will definitely take off! 😀😀😀

#doge #DOGE土狗龙头
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There was a group of people who were clamoring to hold long-term positions. Why? Because the price was rising. When asked if they could hold on, they said: Yes. Some regretted not holding all positions and said that if they were given another chance, they would definitely sell their house and wife to go all in. Two months later: Damn rights protection. It’s still the same group of people, and the cryptocurrency circle is still the same cryptocurrency circle.
There was a group of people who were clamoring to hold long-term positions. Why? Because the price was rising.
When asked if they could hold on, they said: Yes. Some regretted not holding all positions and said that if they were given another chance, they would definitely sell their house and wife to go all in.

Two months later: Damn rights protection.

It’s still the same group of people, and the cryptocurrency circle is still the same cryptocurrency circle.
今天来分析下TRB现在是否还能跟?能否重回去年的500美元?看完以下五点参考,自行决定入还是不入! 1️⃣ TRB,即Tellor币,是B安布局预言机领域的重要币种。这支币的走势往往不是由市场技术面决定,而是受到主力资金的高度控制。 2️⃣ 在币圈,TRB因其独特的控盘特性而备受关注。由于缺乏明确的数据流支撑,投资者在投机TRB时往往感到难以捉摸。因此,对于想要涉足TRB的投资者来说,需要谨慎行事,因为简单的技术分析可能并不适用。 3️⃣ 回顾TRB的历史走势,我们不难发现它曾多次上演暴涨暴跌的戏码。特别是在2024年初,TRB经历了一次惊心动魄的“过山车”行情。短短4个月内,TRB从268.88美元一路飙升至593.09美元,涨幅高达120.5%。然而,就在市场为之疯狂时,TRB却突然断崖式下跌,短短6小时内便跌至143.69美元的低点,跌幅高达312.75%。 4️⃣ 这一次的上涨,与之前的暴涨手法颇为相似。上次被套在500美元附近的投资者可能还在苦苦等待解套。对于这种由主力高度控制的币种,每一次的拉升都似乎带有明确的目的性。它们并非基于市场的整体行情或利好消息而上涨,而是更多地受到庄家意图的驱动。因此,投资者在投资TRB时需要保持清醒的头脑,谨慎分析市场走势和庄家意图。 5️⃣ 总之,TRB的未来走势仍然充满不确定性。虽然有人看好其重回500美元之巅,甚至预测会涨到1000美元,但投资者仍需谨慎行事,避免盲目跟风。在币圈这个充满变数的世界里,只有保持冷静和理性,才能在这场博弈中立于不败之地。 币圈的风险与机会并存,大家看完资料自行判断吧。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以来我的村庄看看,点头像坎简界,条件真实玩家即可! #山寨币热点 #TRB #Meme币你看好哪一个?








#山寨币热点 #TRB #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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As a retail investor in the cryptocurrency circle, the most important thing to pay attention to is not the lowest callback, but at what price and with what layers of positions you are willing to start building a position. Every time the bitcoin price rises sharply, it always makes people feel unexpected, and this suddenness is because there was a long period of volatility before that made people no longer pay attention to it. You must know how to ambush in advance. If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in trading at the moment, you can come to my village and click on the avatar Kan Jianjie, and you can be a real player! #ASM #UMA #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析
As a retail investor in the cryptocurrency circle, the most important thing to pay attention to is not the lowest callback, but at what price and with what layers of positions you are willing to start building a position.

Every time the bitcoin price rises sharply, it always makes people feel unexpected, and this suddenness is because there was a long period of volatility before that made people no longer pay attention to it. You must know how to ambush in advance.

If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in trading at the moment, you can come to my village and click on the avatar Kan Jianjie, and you can be a real player!

#ASM #UMA #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析
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05/10 Review Today's market greed index is 66 (the greedier the market, the more cautious you should be in trading) BTC yesterday's lowest point was 60573, and the highest point in the early morning was 63406 BTC support level: 60932, 59839 resistance level: 64200, 65170 ETH yesterday's lowest point was 2948, and the highest point in the early morning was 3057 ETH support level: 2865, 2800 resistance level: 3112, 3167, 3277 BTC 12-hour chart: BTC's increase fluctuated by 2830 points yesterday. BTC progressed as expected in the review, and stepped back and pulled up 3000 points📈 Hourly and 30-minute charts, the price is above the middle track of the Bollinger Band. Observe the price around 64200 during the day. There are two possible trends during the day: 1. Break through 64200 and rush to 65500 or even higher 2. Consolidate in the range of 61000-62800 ETH 2-hour chart: ETH fell by 100 points yesterday and has reached our TP1 stop profit position. Now we just need to wait patiently for a breakthrough to 3112 The price of 3046 needs to be observed during the day. There are two possible trends during the day: 1. Break through 3046, ETH rushes to 3112, 3167 2. Consolidate in the range of 2950 - 3046 Congratulations to my friends in the village for making all profits on BTC ETH#SOLorders. Only need to wait for the price to rise during the day, no more operations are needed, tomorrow will be the weekend
05/10 Review

Today's market greed index is 66 (the greedier the market, the more cautious you should be in trading)

BTC yesterday's lowest point was 60573, and the highest point in the early morning was 63406
BTC support level: 60932, 59839 resistance level: 64200, 65170

ETH yesterday's lowest point was 2948, and the highest point in the early morning was 3057
ETH support level: 2865, 2800 resistance level: 3112, 3167, 3277

BTC 12-hour chart: BTC's increase fluctuated by 2830 points yesterday. BTC progressed as expected in the review, and stepped back and pulled up 3000 points📈

Hourly and 30-minute charts, the price is above the middle track of the Bollinger Band. Observe the price around 64200 during the day. There are two possible trends during the day:
1. Break through 64200 and rush to 65500 or even higher
2. Consolidate in the range of 61000-62800
ETH 2-hour chart: ETH fell by 100 points yesterday and has reached our TP1 stop profit position. Now we just need to wait patiently for a breakthrough to 3112
The price of 3046 needs to be observed during the day. There are two possible trends during the day:
1. Break through 3046, ETH rushes to 3112, 3167
2. Consolidate in the range of 2950 - 3046
Congratulations to my friends in the village for making all profits on BTC ETH#SOLorders.
Only need to wait for the price to rise during the day, no more operations are needed, tomorrow will be the weekend
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Hundred-fold coin - UMA surges 80%! How will it trend in the future? Detailed analysis for you!Currently, the price of UMA has experienced a remarkable increase. In 2 days, it has rapidly climbed from 2.6 to 4.3, an increase of 80%. The current price is 3.92 What is UMA? UMA includes 2 products UMA was founded in 2017, and Hart Lambur is one of the co-founders of UMA. In December 2018, the UMA project white paper was released. Soon after, the developers announced the official launch of the UMA project and launched the USSTOCK token as the first product of the core network. In April 2021, UMA conducted its first liquidity issuance and became the first decentralized trading platform to conduct its first issuance on Uniswap.

Hundred-fold coin - UMA surges 80%! How will it trend in the future? Detailed analysis for you!

Currently, the price of UMA has experienced a remarkable increase. In 2 days, it has rapidly climbed from 2.6 to 4.3, an increase of 80%. The current price is 3.92

What is UMA?
UMA includes 2 products
UMA was founded in 2017, and Hart Lambur is one of the co-founders of UMA. In December 2018, the UMA project white paper was released. Soon after, the developers announced the official launch of the UMA project and launched the USSTOCK token as the first product of the core network. In April 2021, UMA conducted its first liquidity issuance and became the first decentralized trading platform to conduct its first issuance on Uniswap.
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The cryptocurrency world is the easiest place to make money that I have ever seen. Buy some big cakes, ether, some mainstream coins, make some money, do some reliable NFTs, buy some platform coins for staking, and you can make money with your eyes closed. As long as you are not greedy, it is easy to double your money in a bull market. Everyone understands the truth. With sufficient funds, everyone can make money with their eyes closed. The cryptocurrency world is also a place where big fish eat small fish. So why do so many people lose money? But it is precisely because the principal is too small, so many people continue to increase investment risks to increase the rate of return. The only possibility of losing money in the cryptocurrency world is to fantasize about making a small bet for a big gain, betting on contracts, betting on local dogs, betting on inscriptions, runes, and going to all-in to pledge some zeroed projects. Those who lose money are high-risk investors with little principal who need to make quick money. Just like the bottom class in reality, they get up early and stay up late but have been struggling on the poverty line. Most of their income is spent on basic living security and they can never save money. In fact, no matter how much the principal is, if you invest carefully and buy some reliable projects, you will earn considerable income when the market is good. Because digital currency still has a huge market to be developed. As long as you are not impatient, there will still be very good market waiting for us. It is recommended to win in a stable way. As long as you are not greedy, it is too easy to double the market in a wave. If you are a little luckier, it is also common to double the market by dozens of times. At present, the bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day. As I said, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow me, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing. I need fans, you need reference. It’s better to follow than to guess. #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
The cryptocurrency world is the easiest place to make money that I have ever seen.

Buy some big cakes, ether, some mainstream coins, make some money, do some reliable NFTs, buy some platform coins for staking, and you can make money with your eyes closed. As long as you are not greedy, it is easy to double your money in a bull market.

Everyone understands the truth. With sufficient funds, everyone can make money with their eyes closed.

The cryptocurrency world is also a place where big fish eat small fish.

So why do so many people lose money?

But it is precisely because the principal is too small, so many people continue to increase investment risks to increase the rate of return.

The only possibility of losing money in the cryptocurrency world is to fantasize about making a small bet for a big gain, betting on contracts, betting on local dogs, betting on inscriptions, runes, and going to all-in to pledge some zeroed projects.

Those who lose money are high-risk investors with little principal who need to make quick money.

Just like the bottom class in reality, they get up early and stay up late but have been struggling on the poverty line. Most of their income is spent on basic living security and they can never save money.

In fact, no matter how much the principal is, if you invest carefully and buy some reliable projects, you will earn considerable income when the market is good.

Because digital currency still has a huge market to be developed.

As long as you are not impatient, there will still be very good market waiting for us.

It is recommended to win in a stable way. As long as you are not greedy, it is too easy to double the market in a wave. If you are a little luckier, it is also common to double the market by dozens of times.

At present, the bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day.
As I said, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow me, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing.
I need fans, you need reference. It’s better to follow than to guess.

#山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
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Fork craze-the forked coin 6 years ago is a hundred times crazier than MEME coin!Did you feel the MEME craze a while ago? Everyone is desperately issuing all kinds of meaningless air coins. As long as they are issued, people will rush to buy them, and the project owners will make a lot of money. In fact, the forked coin six years ago was a hundred times crazier than the MEME coin! Its gameplay was also more advanced, and the most amazing thing was that it was listed on the top exchanges in seconds! As soon as the forked coins were launched, a bunch of fools bought them without thinking, which led to the forking of Bitcoin becoming a shortcut to wealth! And all the coins were issued under real names! Here are some of the more popular forked coins during the 2017 bull market!

Fork craze-the forked coin 6 years ago is a hundred times crazier than MEME coin!

Did you feel the MEME craze a while ago?

Everyone is desperately issuing all kinds of meaningless air coins. As long as they are issued, people will rush to buy them, and the project owners will make a lot of money.

In fact, the forked coin six years ago was a hundred times crazier than the MEME coin! Its gameplay was also more advanced, and the most amazing thing was that it was listed on the top exchanges in seconds!

As soon as the forked coins were launched, a bunch of fools bought them without thinking, which led to the forking of Bitcoin becoming a shortcut to wealth! And all the coins were issued under real names!

Here are some of the more popular forked coins during the 2017 bull market!
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The 94 Incident in the Cryptocurrency Circle - The Magnificent History of Blood and Tears of LeeksEveryone has heard about the 94 incident in the cryptocurrency circle, and everyone knows that the market fell very sharply on 94, but in fact the most severe event was 915. 915 was the final blow of 94, and with just this one blow, countless people lost their fortunes once again! Here I will reconstruct the whole incident as an eyewitness! On September 4, 2017, seven ministries jointly issued a notice that explicitly prohibited any token issuance and financing activities, and all ICO token trading platforms were required to clean up and close transactions before the end of the month. As soon as this article came out, altcoins began to fall. Many altcoins lined up to return to zero, falling several times. Many altcoin exchanges even chose to close directly.

The 94 Incident in the Cryptocurrency Circle - The Magnificent History of Blood and Tears of Leeks

Everyone has heard about the 94 incident in the cryptocurrency circle, and everyone knows that the market fell very sharply on 94, but in fact the most severe event was 915. 915 was the final blow of 94, and with just this one blow, countless people lost their fortunes once again!

Here I will reconstruct the whole incident as an eyewitness!

On September 4, 2017, seven ministries jointly issued a notice that explicitly prohibited any token issuance and financing activities, and all ICO token trading platforms were required to clean up and close transactions before the end of the month.

As soon as this article came out, altcoins began to fall. Many altcoins lined up to return to zero, falling several times. Many altcoin exchanges even chose to close directly.
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The EU is considering including cryptocurrencies in the 12 trillion euro investment market, which may far exceed the US ETFThe EU is considering including cryptocurrencies in the 12 trillion euro investment market, and its impact may far exceed that of US ETFs The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is consulting the industry and experts on whether crypto assets should be included in investment products. This move is expected to open up a wider market for cryptocurrencies, far exceeding the market size of spot Bitcoin ETFs. The plan aims to expand the scope of application of UCITS (EU collective investment schemes in transferable securities), and the UCITS market size is as high as 12 trillion euros. If this move is implemented, it will be a key step in the mainstreaming of crypto assets in Europe. The consultation deadline of ESMA is August 7, and whether it will be approved remains to be seen. Andrea Pantaleo, a lawyer at DLA Piper, said that the impact of this move will far exceed that of US ETFs, because many fund departments may invest part of their liquidity in crypto assets.

The EU is considering including cryptocurrencies in the 12 trillion euro investment market, which may far exceed the US ETF

The EU is considering including cryptocurrencies in the 12 trillion euro investment market, and its impact may far exceed that of US ETFs

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is consulting the industry and experts on whether crypto assets should be included in investment products. This move is expected to open up a wider market for cryptocurrencies, far exceeding the market size of spot Bitcoin ETFs. The plan aims to expand the scope of application of UCITS (EU collective investment schemes in transferable securities), and the UCITS market size is as high as 12 trillion euros. If this move is implemented, it will be a key step in the mainstreaming of crypto assets in Europe. The consultation deadline of ESMA is August 7, and whether it will be approved remains to be seen. Andrea Pantaleo, a lawyer at DLA Piper, said that the impact of this move will far exceed that of US ETFs, because many fund departments may invest part of their liquidity in crypto assets.
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What is investment? Buy a chicken, keep it at home, and it will lay eggs for you every day. Buy a house and collect rent every month. Buy a coin, believe in it unconditionally, and hold it. Buy a stock and receive some dividends every year. Find a job, get a salary every month, and work hard to get promoted and get a raise. Read a good book, learn the wisdom in it, and use this wisdom for decades to come. Get a master's degree or a doctorate, and benefit from it for life. All of these belong to the scope of investment. Investment means that you invest money in an "asset", and then the asset can continuously bring you the cash income you want every month or every year. Here are a few key words to highlight: asset! Continuous! Monthly and annually! Cash income! In summary, it can generate returns frequently, continuously, and constantly. If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in trading at the moment, you can come to my village to have a look, nod to Kanjianjie, and the conditions are real players! #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #Meme币你看好哪一个?
What is investment?

Buy a chicken, keep it at home, and it will lay eggs for you every day.
Buy a house and collect rent every month.
Buy a coin, believe in it unconditionally, and hold it.
Buy a stock and receive some dividends every year.
Find a job, get a salary every month, and work hard to get promoted and get a raise.
Read a good book, learn the wisdom in it, and use this wisdom for decades to come.
Get a master's degree or a doctorate, and benefit from it for life.

All of these belong to the scope of investment. Investment means that you invest money in an "asset", and then the asset can continuously bring you the cash income you want every month or every year.

Here are a few key words to highlight: asset! Continuous! Monthly and annually! Cash income!

In summary, it can generate returns frequently, continuously, and constantly.

If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in trading at the moment, you can come to my village to have a look, nod to Kanjianjie, and the conditions are real players!

#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #Meme币你看好哪一个?
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Cryptocurrency storytelling: The frustrated people in the bull marketThere is a kind of people in the cryptocurrency circle who have survived 94 and 312. Countless corpses have made them masters of contracts! They make a living and support their families by trading. They can be called experienced old leeks. They are extremely good at short selling, because based on the experience of the cryptocurrency circle over the years, continuous rises rarely occur. At most, there will be a few waves of rises and then a wave of crashes to clear the market. So their trading method is to open a short position when Bitcoin rises to a high point, then increase the position and open a short position when it rises again, and then increase the position and open a short position again when it rises again. Wait for a crash, and then make back all the money with interest.

Cryptocurrency storytelling: The frustrated people in the bull market

There is a kind of people in the cryptocurrency circle who have survived 94 and 312. Countless corpses have made them masters of contracts! They make a living and support their families by trading. They can be called experienced old leeks.

They are extremely good at short selling, because based on the experience of the cryptocurrency circle over the years, continuous rises rarely occur. At most, there will be a few waves of rises and then a wave of crashes to clear the market.

So their trading method is to open a short position when Bitcoin rises to a high point, then increase the position and open a short position when it rises again, and then increase the position and open a short position again when it rises again. Wait for a crash, and then make back all the money with interest.
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The relationship between the coin circle and World of Warcraft 1. What are runes? Runes: Runes in World of Warcraft are props that can be used to enhance skill effects. They can be embedded in the rune slots of the corresponding profession to enhance skill effects. In the coin circle, runes are a protocol, which is said to be an upgraded version of inscriptions. 2. What are inscriptions? Inscriptions: In World of Warcraft, inscriptions are a professional skill. Players with inscription expertise can make a variety of runes to increase the power of combat skills. In the coin circle, inscriptions are to write a piece of data in the smallest unit of Bitcoin, turning it into a new token. 3. What is mining? Mining: Mining is a professional skill in World of Warcraft. After learning mining, you can mine and sell gold all over the world. In the coin circle, mining is divided into many forms, including POW mining machine mining, graphics card mining, CPU mining, etc. There are also POS pledge mining, mobile phone sign-in mining, NFT holding mining, etc. 4. What is fishing? Fishing: Fishing is a professional skill in World of Warcraft. As long as you equip a fishing rod, you can fish all over the world. In the cryptocurrency world, fishing means hackers stealing other people's digital currency assets in various ways, or stealing assets through fake web pages, wallet signatures, and fake wallets. 5. What is minting? Forging: Forging is a professional skill in World of Warcraft. You can create a variety of powerful armor through smelted ore. In the cryptocurrency world, minting means buying the first issue of NFT, and you will become the first owner of the NFT. Usually there will be a more favorable price. This content is purely fictional and is only for relaxation and humor
The relationship between the coin circle and World of Warcraft

1. What are runes?

Runes: Runes in World of Warcraft are props that can be used to enhance skill effects. They can be embedded in the rune slots of the corresponding profession to enhance skill effects.

In the coin circle, runes are a protocol, which is said to be an upgraded version of inscriptions.

2. What are inscriptions?

Inscriptions: In World of Warcraft, inscriptions are a professional skill. Players with inscription expertise can make a variety of runes to increase the power of combat skills.

In the coin circle, inscriptions are to write a piece of data in the smallest unit of Bitcoin, turning it into a new token.

3. What is mining?

Mining: Mining is a professional skill in World of Warcraft. After learning mining, you can mine and sell gold all over the world.

In the coin circle, mining is divided into many forms, including POW mining machine mining, graphics card mining, CPU mining, etc.
There are also POS pledge mining, mobile phone sign-in mining, NFT holding mining, etc.

4. What is fishing?

Fishing: Fishing is a professional skill in World of Warcraft. As long as you equip a fishing rod, you can fish all over the world.

In the cryptocurrency world, fishing means hackers stealing other people's digital currency assets in various ways, or stealing assets through fake web pages, wallet signatures, and fake wallets.

5. What is minting?

Forging: Forging is a professional skill in World of Warcraft. You can create a variety of powerful armor through smelted ore.

In the cryptocurrency world, minting means buying the first issue of NFT, and you will become the first owner of the NFT. Usually there will be a more favorable price.

This content is purely fictional and is only for relaxation and humor
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What is money laundering? Why is virtual currency involved in money laundering?Today, I will risk my life to reveal to you how those criminals who use running points to commit crimes in this industry launder money. (The U merchants here only refer to the U merchants who use running points to commit crimes, don’t take it personally) The following is a description of a real person's release from prison. Personnel table: Card dealers - those who collect (buy and sell) bank cards. Cardholders - also called cardholders, are people at the bottom of the food chain, who sell or rent out their bank accounts. The market quote - also called the material party or the channel party, is responsible for connecting with the telecommunications fraud traders and is responsible for the flow of funds. Team leader - connects with the market upper side, and card dealers and currency dealers (U dealers) lower side.

What is money laundering? Why is virtual currency involved in money laundering?

Today, I will risk my life to reveal to you how those criminals who use running points to commit crimes in this industry launder money. (The U merchants here only refer to the U merchants who use running points to commit crimes, don’t take it personally)

The following is a description of a real person's release from prison.
Personnel table:
Card dealers - those who collect (buy and sell) bank cards.

Cardholders - also called cardholders, are people at the bottom of the food chain, who sell or rent out their bank accounts.

The market quote - also called the material party or the channel party, is responsible for connecting with the telecommunications fraud traders and is responsible for the flow of funds.

Team leader - connects with the market upper side, and card dealers and currency dealers (U dealers) lower side.
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Want to make one million with three thousand yuan in the currency circle? Today, I will reveal a possible path to wealth growth for you! First, in 2024, you need to seize the opportunity of the bull market, buy the bottom of Bitcoin, and hold it until it breaks the previous high of 85,000. This is because the dominance rate of Bitcoin in the bull market will rise in the near future, sucking blood from altcoins, and Bitcoin will continue to be strong. Then, in the second half of 2024, when Bitcoin breaks the previous high of 69,000, you switch positions to Ethereum and hot altcoins, such as AI, Web3, L2, chain games, metaverse, NFT, social, RWA, decentralized concepts, new public chains, Bitcoin ecology, pledge, MEME, etc. You need to screen high-quality coins for layout and wait for the next wave of rise. Next, in the second half of 2025, you need to escape the top in batches, short Bitcoin, and short at a low multiple for a long time. Finally, in the second half of 2026, when the short order stops profit, you can ambush Bitcoin, Ethereum and high-quality new projects at the bottom of the stage, layout bulls, and enjoy the oversold rebound in the bear market. If you are interested in cryptocurrency investment and want to learn more about relevant knowledge and cutting-edge information, please follow me! Daily market analysis, recommendation of high-quality potential currencies, and help you achieve wealth growth #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点
Want to make one million with three thousand yuan in the currency circle?

Today, I will reveal a possible path to wealth growth for you! First, in 2024, you need to seize the opportunity of the bull market, buy the bottom of Bitcoin, and hold it until it breaks the previous high of 85,000. This is because the dominance rate of Bitcoin in the bull market will rise in the near future, sucking blood from altcoins, and Bitcoin will continue to be strong. Then, in the second half of 2024, when Bitcoin breaks the previous high of 69,000, you switch positions to Ethereum and hot altcoins, such as AI, Web3, L2, chain games, metaverse, NFT, social, RWA, decentralized concepts, new public chains, Bitcoin ecology, pledge, MEME, etc. You need to screen high-quality coins for layout and wait for the next wave of rise. Next, in the second half of 2025, you need to escape the top in batches, short Bitcoin, and short at a low multiple for a long time. Finally, in the second half of 2026, when the short order stops profit, you can ambush Bitcoin, Ethereum and high-quality new projects at the bottom of the stage, layout bulls, and enjoy the oversold rebound in the bear market.

If you are interested in cryptocurrency investment and want to learn more about relevant knowledge and cutting-edge information, please follow me! Daily market analysis, recommendation of high-quality potential currencies, and help you achieve wealth growth

#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点
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The only completed view in the entire network! Ethereum will adjust extremely, looking forward to the market in the next few months! 1. From a technical point of view, whether it is the exchange rate against BTC or U, it has reached the bottom form. 2. Although the news of ETF rejection and postponement (the decline is bad news), I think since the institution has invested so much energy and cost, it will definitely not give up easily, so I still think that it is only a matter of time for approval, and it is likely to go down through time 3. At present, the Ethereum chain is not very active. Since the Cancun upgrade, it has been in a downturn. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. If it is very active, it may not be at this price. Layout and ambush are 4. I still think that Ethereum is the king of all public chains, and the future narrative development is also the most potential. I still believe that the introverted V God can continue to create miracles. No matter how disappointed I am with Ethereum! How many bad news there are! I will always maintain my current views, and it depends on the next few months to verify them in stages. Every hour and every day's K-line is very hard to bear, but I suggest you change the K-line of the coins you hold to the monthly line, so you will be better, really, you can try it. #BTC走势分析
The only completed view in the entire network! Ethereum will adjust extremely, looking forward to the market in the next few months!

1. From a technical point of view, whether it is the exchange rate against BTC or U, it has reached the bottom form.

2. Although the news of ETF rejection and postponement (the decline is bad news), I think since the institution has invested so much energy and cost, it will definitely not give up easily, so I still think that it is only a matter of time for approval, and it is likely to go down through time

3. At present, the Ethereum chain is not very active. Since the Cancun upgrade, it has been in a downturn. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. If it is very active, it may not be at this price. Layout and ambush are 4. I still think that Ethereum is the king of all public chains, and the future narrative development is also the most potential. I still believe that the introverted V God can continue to create miracles.

No matter how disappointed I am with Ethereum! How many bad news there are!

I will always maintain my current views, and it depends on the next few months to verify them in stages.

Every hour and every day's K-line is very hard to bear, but I suggest you change the K-line of the coins you hold to the monthly line, so you will be better, really, you can try it.

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Tonight, the total net value of the US Bitcoin spot ETF exceeded 15.6439 million US dollars. The ETF GBTC net value exceeded 28.613 million US dollars in a single day 📍 Personal opinion interpretation: Grayscale is still the most untrustworthy and often breaks through. FTX estate plans to start auctioning the third batch of locked SOL tokens on May 9 On May 8, according to The Block, the auction of the third batch of locked Solana tokens of FTX bankruptcy estate is being auctioned. According to people familiar with the matter, FTX's bankruptcy estate administrator began auctioning about 41 million locked Solana tokens on May 9. These tokens will be gradually unlocked over the next four years, and the staking reward plan will also be released according to a specific schedule. It is part of FTX's reorganization plan, which aims to reset creditors by selling its holdings. The management team of FTX hopes that through this series of auctions, it will be able to recover more funds for creditors while clearing the uncirculated crypto assets on its asset storage table. 📍 Personal opinion interpretation: The tens of millions of SOL in FTX's hands are not worth auctioning. FTX: Up to $16.3 billion in cash will be available for distribution to creditors after the sale of all assets On May 8, according to Bloomberg, according to a statement from FTX, once the sale of all assets is completed, the company will have up to $16.3 billion in cash distribution. It is reported that FTX owes about $11 billion to customers and other non-government creditors. The additional cash will currently be used to pay interest on more than 200 of the company's customers, a rare result because creditors can usually only receive partial compensation at face value in U.S. bankruptcy cases. Court documents filed with the federal court in Delaware late Tuesday show that although all debts will be paid in full and with interest, shareholders will get nothing. Type of claims held, creditors can recover 142% of the amount of some claims. However, the majority of customers may receive FTX bankruptcy protection when they hold 118% of the amount on the FTX platform that day. FTX also proposed to set up a fund to encrypt some creditors, including those who provided cryptocurrency loans to FTX, and the money would have flowed to government regulators. As FTX enters the final stage of its bankruptcy case, compensation may be obtained in a few months. 📍 Personal opinion interpretation: There is no problem with FTX Exchange, Zhao Changpeng maliciously dumped 100 million FTT, and Binance also lost 30 billion On May 8, Coinbase Assets announced that NEON is now open to German residents. Users can log in to its website, iOS and Android apps to buy, sell, convert, transfer, receive or store the asset. To access transactions, users may need to refresh their applications. On May 8, according to official news, Binance Financial Crime Compliance and Investigation Team cooperated with the Netherlands Fiscal Information and Investigation Service. BlockBeats previously reported that the Binance investigation team stated that the team should use a combination of on-chain tracking and open source intelligence information (OSINT) methods to study all smart contracts of ZKasino through behavioral networks, looking for the actual controller of the contract, and the signer behind the relevant address. After identifying the suspect, Binance informed law enforcement of the identity of the account behavior that carried out the behavior. On May 8, British Economy Minister Bim Afolami said on Wednesday that the Syrian British government will implement stablecoin and pledge legislation in the coming weeks. On May 8, Japanese crypto trading platform Coincheck will seek to list on Nasdaq through SPAC On May 8, the government agency Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Authority (Bappebti), whose responsibilities include regulating cryptocurrencies, recently established a special committee to regulate the industry. 📍 Personal opinion interpretation: In the future, small countries without sovereignty will rely on Bitcoin to avoid being harvested by the Americans On May 8, according to Tether's transparency page, the authorized issuance of USDT on TON has reached 180 million US dollars, surpassing Cosmos and Near, becoming the sixth largest blockchain in terms of USDT issuance, with elephants such as TRON, Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche and Omni 📍 Personal opinion interpretation: Son has been working hard to build an ecosystem, and his son probably has a larger market value 🔹 Summary: There is no destructive negative news. Bitcoin 56,600 is likely to be the bottom area of ​​the third historical bottoming. At present, the Shanzhai April 14th is likely to be the historical bottom area. Bitcoin 56,500 is likely to be the bottom area; May 24th is the mid-term bull market of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and every plunge is an opportunity. #5月市场关键事件
Tonight, the total net value of the US Bitcoin spot ETF exceeded 15.6439 million US dollars. The ETF GBTC net value exceeded 28.613 million US dollars in a single day

Personal opinion interpretation: Grayscale is still the most untrustworthy and often breaks through. FTX estate plans to start auctioning the third batch of locked SOL tokens on May 9

On May 8, according to The Block, the auction of the third batch of locked Solana tokens of FTX bankruptcy estate is being auctioned. According to people familiar with the matter, FTX's bankruptcy estate administrator began auctioning about 41 million locked Solana tokens on May 9. These tokens will be gradually unlocked over the next four years, and the staking reward plan will also be released according to a specific schedule. It is part of FTX's reorganization plan, which aims to reset creditors by selling its holdings. The management team of FTX hopes that through this series of auctions, it will be able to recover more funds for creditors while clearing the uncirculated crypto assets on its asset storage table.

Personal opinion interpretation: The tens of millions of SOL in FTX's hands are not worth auctioning.

FTX: Up to $16.3 billion in cash will be available for distribution to creditors after the sale of all assets On May 8, according to Bloomberg, according to a statement from FTX, once the sale of all assets is completed, the company will have up to $16.3 billion in cash distribution. It is reported that FTX owes about $11 billion to customers and other non-government creditors. The additional cash will currently be used to pay interest on more than 200 of the company's customers, a rare result because creditors can usually only receive partial compensation at face value in U.S. bankruptcy cases. Court documents filed with the federal court in Delaware late Tuesday show that although all debts will be paid in full and with interest, shareholders will get nothing. Type of claims held, creditors can recover 142% of the amount of some claims. However, the majority of customers may receive FTX bankruptcy protection when they hold 118% of the amount on the FTX platform that day. FTX also proposed to set up a fund to encrypt some creditors, including those who provided cryptocurrency loans to FTX, and the money would have flowed to government regulators. As FTX enters the final stage of its bankruptcy case, compensation may be obtained in a few months.

Personal opinion interpretation: There is no problem with FTX Exchange, Zhao Changpeng maliciously dumped 100 million FTT, and Binance also lost 30 billion
On May 8, Coinbase Assets announced that NEON is now open to German residents. Users can log in to its website, iOS and Android apps to buy, sell, convert, transfer, receive or store the asset. To access transactions, users may need to refresh their applications. On May 8, according to official news, Binance Financial Crime Compliance and Investigation Team cooperated with the Netherlands Fiscal Information and Investigation Service. BlockBeats previously reported that the Binance investigation team stated that the team should use a combination of on-chain tracking and open source intelligence information (OSINT) methods to study all smart contracts of ZKasino through behavioral networks, looking for the actual controller of the contract, and the signer behind the relevant address. After identifying the suspect, Binance informed law enforcement of the identity of the account behavior that carried out the behavior. On May 8, British Economy Minister Bim Afolami said on Wednesday that the Syrian British government will implement stablecoin and pledge legislation in the coming weeks. On May 8, Japanese crypto trading platform Coincheck will seek to list on Nasdaq through SPAC On May 8, the government agency Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Authority (Bappebti), whose responsibilities include regulating cryptocurrencies, recently established a special committee to regulate the industry.

Personal opinion interpretation: In the future, small countries without sovereignty will rely on Bitcoin to avoid being harvested by the Americans

On May 8, according to Tether's transparency page, the authorized issuance of USDT on TON has reached 180 million US dollars, surpassing Cosmos and Near, becoming the sixth largest blockchain in terms of USDT issuance, with elephants such as TRON, Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche and Omni

Personal opinion interpretation: Son has been working hard to build an ecosystem, and his son probably has a larger market value

Summary: There is no destructive negative news. Bitcoin 56,600 is likely to be the bottom area of ​​the third historical bottoming. At present, the Shanzhai April 14th is likely to be the historical bottom area. Bitcoin 56,500 is likely to be the bottom area; May 24th is the mid-term bull market of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and every plunge is an opportunity.

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05/09 Review Today's market greed index is 55, down 9 points $BTC Yesterday's highest point was 63007, and the lowest point in the early morning was 60835. BTC support level: 61207, 59839, 56790. Pressure level: 62690, 65308 $ETH Yesterday's highest point was 3037, and the lowest point in the early morning was 2937. ETH support level: 2865, 2800. Pressure level: 3112, 3167, 3277 BTC 12-hour chart: BTC fell 2170 points yesterday. In the early morning, US President Biden issued a notice mentioning cryptocurrencies and the House of Representatives vote, causing the price to fall below 61320, but an hour later, the price quickly returned to the top of the trend line. The price of 61207 is observed during the day. There are three possible trends during the day: 1. Stabilize above 61207, BTC sprints to 65500 2. Consolidate in the range of 61207 - 62690 3. Lose 61207, the price falls back to the next support point 59839 ETH 1-hour chart: ETH fell 100 points yesterday. Affected by the market in the early morning, the price once fell below the 2975 support, and the lowest price came to 2937. Here is a key point. ETH's price quickly rose to above 2980 in just 10 minutes. The price of 3046 needs to be observed during the day. There are two possible trends during the day: 1. Break through 3046, ETH sprints to 3112, 3167 2. Consolidate in the range of 2975 - 3046 This week we have been mentioning this point every day in our review. The price below 65500 is a monkey market. We need to wait patiently for a retracement point and observe whether it can stabilize. Now we need to observe whether this retracement can be effective, end the monkey market, and break through 65500. Tonight at 8:30pm Beijing time, pay attention to the unemployment benefit data. #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件
05/09 Review Today's market greed index is 55, down 9 points

$BTC Yesterday's highest point was 63007, and the lowest point in the early morning was 60835. BTC support level: 61207, 59839, 56790. Pressure level: 62690, 65308

$ETH Yesterday's highest point was 3037, and the lowest point in the early morning was 2937. ETH support level: 2865, 2800. Pressure level: 3112, 3167, 3277

BTC 12-hour chart: BTC fell 2170 points yesterday. In the early morning, US President Biden issued a notice mentioning cryptocurrencies and the House of Representatives vote, causing the price to fall below 61320, but an hour later, the price quickly returned to the top of the trend line. The price of 61207 is observed during the day. There are three possible trends during the day: 1. Stabilize above 61207, BTC sprints to 65500 2. Consolidate in the range of 61207 - 62690 3. Lose 61207, the price falls back to the next support point 59839

ETH 1-hour chart: ETH fell 100 points yesterday. Affected by the market in the early morning, the price once fell below the 2975 support, and the lowest price came to 2937. Here is a key point. ETH's price quickly rose to above 2980 in just 10 minutes. The price of 3046 needs to be observed during the day. There are two possible trends during the day: 1. Break through 3046, ETH sprints to 3112, 3167 2. Consolidate in the range of 2975 - 3046

This week we have been mentioning this point every day in our review. The price below 65500 is a monkey market. We need to wait patiently for a retracement point and observe whether it can stabilize. Now we need to observe whether this retracement can be effective, end the monkey market, and break through 65500.

Tonight at 8:30pm Beijing time, pay attention to the unemployment benefit data.

#BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件
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