Did you feel the MEME craze a while ago?

Everyone is desperately issuing all kinds of meaningless air coins. As long as they are issued, people will rush to buy them, and the project owners will make a lot of money.

In fact, the forked coin six years ago was a hundred times crazier than the MEME coin! Its gameplay was also more advanced, and the most amazing thing was that it was listed on the top exchanges in seconds!

As soon as the forked coins were launched, a bunch of fools bought them without thinking, which led to the forking of Bitcoin becoming a shortcut to wealth! And all the coins were issued under real names!

Here are some of the more popular forked coins during the 2017 bull market!

1. ETC (Ethereum Classic): The ancestor of forked coins, the famous work of Niu Niu Erye! His success gave countless fork people hope, and they all wanted to follow suit and get a chance to be financially free! The peak period was in 2017, and then it returned to its peak in 2021. A big yang stick reached 180 dollars, and the air force returned after all the money was lost!

2. BCH (Bitcoin Cash): The pioneering work of the mining tyrant! It is known as the prince currency, and there was once a rumor that it was about to ascend the throne. However, since it rose to $4,000 in the bull market, it has been falling all the way, and it is still bleak today!

3. BTG (Bitcoin Gold): It is the most popular forked coin besides BCH, but it has no practical value, so it will inevitably return to zero.

4. BTX: It is said to be the first fork of Bitcoin, but there was no big player to come out and call for orders, so it ended in failure!

5. BCD (Bitcoin Diamond): With Bitcoin Gold, we need Bitcoin Diamond, which is more NB than gold. The founder is the owner of the top exchange that was once ranked first. The price of BCD has skyrocketed since its launch, but it is just a wave.

6.SBTC: It was originally a mockery, mocking those who force X Bitcoin as XX. The first two letters of this coin have already proved its powerful power. Whoever buys it can grasp the title of the first two letters!

7. XMC (Monero Classic): Another masterpiece of Miner. Because XMR has always been mined with CPU, Miner’s mining machine was witched by the project owner. In order to sell the mining machine and to give an explanation to the person who took over the mining machine, XMC was launched, nicknamed Panda Coin!

8. LBTC (Lightning Bitcoin): The masterpiece of Dianfu Datou, a big boss in the cryptocurrency circle. Later, it was said that he left the company due to a loss of 800 million yuan. . . .

PS: History will not repeat itself simply, but it is surprisingly similar! You are thinking about other people's profits, but they are thinking about your principal!

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