Binance Square
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There was a group of people who were clamoring to hold long-term positions. Why? Because the price was rising. When asked if they could hold on, they said: Yes. Some regretted not holding all positions and said that if they were given another chance, they would definitely sell their house and wife to go all in. Two months later: Damn rights protection. It’s still the same group of people, and the cryptocurrency circle is still the same cryptocurrency circle.

There was a group of people who were clamoring to hold long-term positions. Why? Because the price was rising.

When asked if they could hold on, they said: Yes. Some regretted not holding all positions and said that if they were given another chance, they would definitely sell their house and wife to go all in.

Two months later: Damn rights protection.

It’s still the same group of people, and the cryptocurrency circle is still the same cryptocurrency circle.

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别错过这最后的买进时机哦,未来形势一片大好。 为啥说这是最后的机会呢? 从历史规律看,现在已经到了减半后的一个月了,再过1-2个月,时间窗口就差不多了,机会就在眼前了。 今年11月5日,美国要大选了,为了拉选票,发钱、印钞票是常有的事。所以,大选前的两个月,确实是个买进的好时机。 美国降息大概率在今年,可能9月份就开始了。而且,ETH的ETF现货可能在7月份就获批了,这也是个好消息。 粉丝币的旺季要到了,六七月份粉丝币会火起来,加上各种运动赛事,价格肯定会涨一波。 我跟你说,价格再跌一波,那就是买进的好时机。别老想着能买到最低价,那几乎是不可能的,买到相对低价就不错了! 看今年的热门投资,无非就是AI、MEME、SOL这些。如果你还没投这些,那就等属于你的投资机会吧。 除了AI,香港的投资机会也很明确。现在越来越多的机构都在买香港的大饼或以太的ETF,这快成新趋势了。经常听到内地投资者问,啥时候能参与投资啊?这些消息不是空穴来风,香港只是个开始,后面还有更多好消息等着我们。 说了这么多,就是希望大家别轻易放弃,别在黎明前倒下。22年和23年的熊市咱都挺过来了,现在肯定是牛市,涨价只是时间问题。 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享我的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知道该如何下手,不妨关注我的主页,与我一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性,点点头像介绍找到我。 #BTC走势分析 #pepe #aevo #shib #sol

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