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Frequently Asked Questions on the Binance Charity Program for Brazil Floods and Heavy Rains

2024-05-07 16:43

1. Which users will receive funds from this program?

Users that have completed identity verification (KYC) on or before May 6, 2024 with proof of address in the following cities will be eligible to receive 80 USD in BNB token vouchers:

Cities considered for the Program

Agudo, Alegrete, Alto Alegre, Alvorada, Anta Gorda, Araricá, Arroio do Meio, Arroio do Tigre, Arroio Dos Ratos, Arroio Grande, Arvorezinha, Augusto Pestana, Barão de Cotegipe, Bento Gonçalves, Boa Vista do Buricá, Boa Vista do Sul, Bom Jesus, Boqueirão do Leão, Brochier, Butiá, Caçapava do Sul, Cacequi, Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeirinha, Cacique Doble, Camaquã, Campina Das Missões, Campinas do Sul, Campo Bom, Candelária, Cândido, Godói, Canela, Canoas, Capão da Canoa, Capela de Santana, Carazinho, Carlos Barbosa, Catuípe, Caxias do Sul, Cerro Branco, Cerro Grande, Cerro Grande do Sul, Chapada, Constantina, Coronel Bicaco, Crissiumal, Cristal, Cristal do Sul, Cruz Alta, Cruzeiro do Sul, Dilermando de Aguiar, Dom Feliciano, Dona Francisca, Eldorado do Sul, Encantado, Encruzilhada do Sul, Erechim, Erval Seco, Espumoso, Estância Velha, Esteio, Estrela, Farroupilha, Faxinal do Soturno, Garibaldi, General Câmara, Gramado, Gravataí, Guaíba, Guaporé, Guaporema, Herveiras, Ibirubá, Igrejinha, Ipiranga do Sul, Itaara, Jaguarão, Jaguari, Jari, Jóia, Júlio de Castilhos, Lagoão, Lajeado, Lavras do Sul, Mampituba, Maratá, Marau, Marcelino Ramos, Marques de Souza, Monte Alegre Dos Campos, Montenegro, Mormaço, Mostardas, Muçum, Não-me-toque, Nova Alvorada, Nova Alvorada do Sul, Nova Bassano, Nova Bréscia, Nova Prata, Nova Ramada, Nova Santa Rita, Novo Cabrais, Novo Hamburgo, Palmeira Das Missões, Pantano Grande, Parobé, Passo Fundo, Paverama, Pelotas, Piratini, Portão, Porto Alegre, Porto Lucena, Porto Mauá, Porto Xavier, Presidente Lucena, Protásio Alves, Quaraí, Quevedos, Quinze de Novembro, Restinga Seca, Rio Pardo, Roca Sales, Rolante, Rondinha, Rosário do Sul, Salvador do Sul, Santa Clara do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria, Santa Maria do Herval, Santa Rosa, Santa Tereza, Santiago, Santo Ângelo, Santo Cristo, São Gabriel, São Jerônimo, São João da Urtiga, São João do Polêsine, São José do Herval, São José do Norte, São José do Sul, São Leopoldo, São Pedro da Serra, São Pedro do Sul, São Sepé, São Valentim, São Vendelino, Sapiranga, Sapucaia do Sul, Sarandi, Segredo, Serafina Corrêa, Sinimbu, Sobradinho, Soledade, Tabaí, Tapes, Taquara, Taquari, Teutônia, Torres Vedras, Torres, Três Coroas, Tucunduva, Uruguaiana, Vale do Sol, Vale Real, Venâncio Aires, Vera Cruz, Viamão, Vila Maria.

Existing users who complete identity verification between May 7, 2024 and June 6, 2024 with proof of address in the above cities will be eligible to receive 25 USD in BNB.

2. How can I receive funds from this program?

You don’t need to apply for the program. Users in the impacted area are automatically eligible to receive the funds which will be airdropped by May 9, 2024.

3. When will I receive my funds?

Registered users that have completed identity verification (KYC) with their proof of address on or before May 6, 2024, you will receive the funds by May 9, 2024.

Users registered on or before May 6, 2024 who complete identity verification with their proof of address between May 7, 2024 and June 6, 2024, will receive your funds no later than the week following the verification.

4. What will the relief package include?

Users who have completed identity verification on and before May 6, 2024, in the cities outlined in Section 1, will each receive 80 USD in BNB token vouchers to be redeemed to their Spot Wallets.

To any existing user completing identity verification with their proof of address between May 7, 2024 and June 6, 2024, Binance will donate 25 USD in BNB token vouchers.

5. (For non-registered or ineligible users) Can I register for a Binance account now or complete the POA verification now and benefit from the relief program?

Any existing user in the affected cities outlined in Section 1, who completes identity verification with their proof of address between May 7, 2024 and June 6, 2024, will receive 25 USD in BNB token vouchers in their Spot Wallet. Please note that you must be an existing Binance account holder on or before May 6, 2024 to be eligible.

6. (For existing users who have completed identity verification on or before May 6, 2024) Why haven’t I received the donations in my account? I completed the POA before the rains.

If you haven’t received the voucher by May 9, 2024, please contact 24/7 Customer Support for assistance.

7. My city is not on the list presented in Section 1, but I am an existing Binance user with complete KYC/POA and have been impacted by the rains in Brazil. Can I still be eligible for the donation?

For this program, Binance uses the list of cities issued by local authorities (Defesa Civil do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) on May 3, 2024 as reference. See Section 1 for the full list.

8. How are the donations distributed?

Each eligible user will receive a BNB token voucher. You may refer to the following article for more details on how to claim token vouchers on Binance.

Do note that the token voucher will be valid for 3 months from the time of issuance.

9. How may I convert the BNB to Brazilian Real?

Once you have redeemed your token voucher to your Spot Wallet, you may convert your balance to BRL and withdraw it to your account with the financial institution of your choice. Read how to withdraw to BRL.

10. I have recently moved to one of the affected cities, can I receive donations after completing my POA?

Yes, if you are residing in one of the affected cities as listed in Section 1 and have a Binance account.

11. Do I have to pay taxes on the funds received?

Every citizen has a responsibility to report their taxable income in accordance with the provisions of Brazilian law. Please make sure to consult with a qualified accountant or tax consultant on this matter. Binance does not offer tax or financial advisory services.

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