Binance Square
Web3 邪教俚语 - GVO - “只有良好的氛围” - - WAGMI-“我们会成功的” - NGMI - “不会成功” - WL - “白名单” - - GM/GN - “早安/晚安” - DM/PM/DC -“直接消息/私人消息/Discord” - - AMA - “有什么问题可以问我” - PFP -“个人资料图片” - - FUD - “恐惧、不确定性、怀疑” - IRL - “现实生活中” - - DYOR - “做你自己的研究” - IYKYK - “如果你知道,你就知道” - - LG - 《走吧》 - 德国之声 - “别担心” ——广州——“恭喜” - OG - “杰出人物/原创黑帮” - - SZN - “季节” - FOMO - “害怕错过” PoW - 工作量证明 PoS - 权益证明 PoA - 权威证明 DPoS - 委托权益证明 LPoS - 流动性权益证明 NPoS - 指定股权证明 BFT——拜占庭容错 DeFi——去中心化金融 DAPP-去中心化应用程序 ERC - 以太坊征求意见 EIP - 以太坊改进提案 EIPIP - EIP改进提案 DAO - 去中心化自治组织 EVM - 以太坊虚拟机 WASM——网络组装 VDF - 可验证的延迟功能 SC-智能合约 NFT - 不可替代的代币 HODL - Hold On For Dear Life / 拼写错误的单词“hold” FOMO-- 害怕错过 BTFD - 逢低买入 DYOR - 做你自己的研究 FUD——恐惧、不确定性和怀疑 - - GMI - “会成功” - TBH - “说实话” - - 待定 - “待公布” - - YOLO - “你只能活一次” - NFA - “不是财务建议” - - IDK - “我不知道” 空投:新的 NFT 或代币免费放入您的钱包中。 德根:堕落。不进行研究并承担高风险的人。 Alpha:市场其他部分尚未发现相关信息。 下架:取消待售 NFT 的上架。 DYOR:做你自己的研究。 阿玛:有什么问题都可以问我。 开发:开发人员。项目背后的人。 Flip:低价购买NFT并快速出售以获取利润。 猿入:赶紧购买 NFT。 钻石手:长期持有 NFT 的人。 底价(FP):您可以购买 NFT 的最低价格。 #crypto2023 #Layer2 #opbnb

Web3 邪教俚语

- GVO - “只有良好的氛围”

- - WAGMI-“我们会成功的”

- NGMI - “不会成功”

- WL - “白名单”

- - GM/GN - “早安/晚安”

- DM/PM/DC -“直接消息/私人消息/Discord”

- - AMA - “有什么问题可以问我”

- PFP -“个人资料图片”

- - FUD - “恐惧、不确定性、怀疑”

- IRL - “现实生活中”

- - DYOR - “做你自己的研究”

- IYKYK - “如果你知道,你就知道”

- - LG - 《走吧》

- 德国之声 - “别担心”


- OG - “杰出人物/原创黑帮”

- - SZN - “季节”

- FOMO - “害怕错过”

PoW - 工作量证明

PoS - 权益证明

PoA - 权威证明

DPoS - 委托权益证明

LPoS - 流动性权益证明

NPoS - 指定股权证明




ERC - 以太坊征求意见

EIP - 以太坊改进提案


DAO - 去中心化自治组织

EVM - 以太坊虚拟机


VDF - 可验证的延迟功能


NFT - 不可替代的代币

HODL - Hold On For Dear Life / 拼写错误的单词“hold”

FOMO-- 害怕错过

BTFD - 逢低买入

DYOR - 做你自己的研究


- - GMI - “会成功”

- TBH - “说实话”

- - 待定 - “待公布”

- - YOLO - “你只能活一次”

- NFA - “不是财务建议”

- - IDK - “我不知道”

空投:新的 NFT 或代币免费放入您的钱包中。



下架:取消待售 NFT 的上架。





猿入:赶紧购买 NFT。

钻石手:长期持有 NFT 的人。

底价(FP):您可以购买 NFT 的最低价格。

#crypto2023 #Layer2 #opbnb

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The next meme token The top five dog-themed meme coins: Doge, Shib, Wif, Floki and Bonk; have a combined market capitalization of more than $40 billion, more than 13x greater than Manchester United’s market capitalization of under $3 billion. In 2022, the global football merchandise market was valued at $11.4 billion. It is projected to experience a growth rate of 6.5% annually, reaching approximately $20 billion by 2031. Given the huge institutional interest in tokenization, it is probable that future consumer dollars will be spent on football-related tokens/meme coins. Additionally, the combined market capitalization of the leading sports coins is approximately $3 billion, led by Flow and Chz. The "Bobby" meme coin, inspired by Cristiano Ronaldo's Golden Labrador and named after the legendary Bobby Moore, seeks to bridge the worlds of finance and football, fostering deeper connections between fans and the sport's storied history. Through this unique approach, the Bobby Moore project aspires to lead the way in the emerging market of football-related tokens, providing investors with both meaningful engagement and substantial growth potential. featuring digital collectables and memorabilia curated by Ronaldo will be launched. This marketplace will offer fans a unique opportunity to own rare and exclusive NFTs celebrating Ronaldo's iconic moments and achievements in football. Project Details Website - Twitter / X - #Memecoins #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool
GM ☕️ Web 3 Learn Crypto wallets & Security  b4 you start hunting for Airdrops Each wallet for its purpose ✅ Testnet wallet ✅ Retroactive Airdrops wallet ✅ Telegram Airdrop wallet ✅ Giveaway wallet ✅Holding wallets/ Hardware ✅Daily Transaction wallet/Hot wallet ✅Domain Name wallet ✅ Testnet wallet Testnet wallet should be used solely for testnet purposes. As a tester you get to connect to a platform that is still in beta stage with high security risk. Each time you want to do a testnet such a wallet should be used. ✅ Retroactive Airdrops wallet Since Retroactive Airdrops required some sort of money to do them, you wouldn't want to expose such a wallet anyhow. Having a separate wallet for retroactive airdrops will save you a lot of stress. ✅ Telegram Airdrop wallet Get a separate wallet for all your Telegram bot Airdrops and name it Telegram Bots Airdrop wallet. With Trust wallet and Meta mask you can have multiple wallets and assign it for each purpose. ✅ Giveaway wallet A lot of people use the same wallet they used in doing retroactive airdrop or testnet for twitter giveaway. It is unacceptable. Get a wallet for twitter giveaway and name it for the purpose ✅Holding wallets/ Hardware Your holding wallet/hardware wallet is where you should store your crypto for long term and should not be connected to any platform no matter what. Hardware wallet is an offline wallet so let it remain offline. ✅Daily Transaction wallet/Hot wallet Your daily transaction wallet is the one you use in your day to day sending of crypto. Such as trust, meta mask, Binance,kucoin, bitget, bybit, gate,huobi, among others. Create one for such a purpose. ✅Domain Name wallet Create a wallet for all your domain name services. The wallet should be used solely for domain name purposes. In conclusion Crypto security is the practice of protecting digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, from unauthorized access, theft, and other malicious activities. #Fed #bitcoinhalving #Megadrop




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