Dilkinska is the latest person to face charges in connection with a $4 billion crypto scam.

Irina Dilkinska, a Bulgarian woman involved in the crypto scam OneCoin, has been extradited to the United States and charged, according to the U.S. Department of Justice on March 21.

Dilkinska faces multiple charges

The U.S. Department of Justice released an announcement stating that Dilkinska was extradited on March 20 and will appear before a U.S. magistrate judge soon.

Dilkinska served as OneCoin’s head of legal and compliance. The newly unsealed charges against Dilkinska allege that she helped create shell companies to launder money and manage assets belonging to “crypto queen” Ruja Ignatova.

Additionally, Dilkinska allegedly helped OneCoin attorney and co-conspirator Mark Scott launder $400 million. After Scott was arrested, she destroyed incriminating information and notified another person of her arrest, thereby incriminating herself.

Dilkinska is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. She has not yet been sentenced.

Ironically, Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, noted that Dilkinska “accomplished the exact opposite of her position” by facilitating the fraud.

Other OneCoin Developments

Various other members of the OneCoin scam have made the news in recent months.

In December 2022, Karl Sebastian Greenwood was convicted. In the same month, another OneCoin employee, Frank Schneider, faced trial. Developments against two British colleagues, Christopher Hamilton and Robert McDonald, also occurred in 2022.

Reports in February indicated that the ringleader of the scam, Ruja Ignatova, was killed by Bulgarian gangsters in 2018. However, reports in January indicated that Ignatova’s name appeared on recent property filings. Both reports are unconfirmed and have not been acknowledged by the Justice Department, which continues to seek information on Ignatova’s location.

OneCoin managed to steal $4 billion from its victims.