Terms (ICT):

OTE - Optimal Trade Entry

BSL - Buyside Liquidity

SSL - Sellside Liquidity

OB - Order Block

    +OB - Bullish Order block

    -OB - Bearish Order block

PB - Propulsion Block

VB - Vacuum Block

MB - Mitigation Block

BRK - Breaker

    +BRK - Bullish Breaker

    -BRK - Bearish Breaker

FVG - Fair Value Gap

BISI - Buyside Imbalance Sellside Inefficiency

SIBI - Sellside Imbalance Buyside Inefficency

LP - Liquidity Pool

LV - Liquidity Void

RTO - Return to Order Block

RTB - Return to Breaker

RR - Risk to reward

MS - Market Structure

BMS - Break of Market Structure

SMS - Shift in Market Structure

IOF - Institutional Order Flow

PDH - Previous Daily High

PDL - Previous Daily Low

DH - Daily High

DL - Daily Low

MH - Monthly High

ML - Monthly Low

CE - Consequent Encroachment

IPDA - Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm

MTH - Mean Threshold

LO - London Open

NYO - New York Open

LOKZ - London Kill Zone

NYKZ - New York Kill Zone

AMD - Accumulation, Manipulation, Distribution

WDYS - What Do You See?

TSBM - Turtle Soup Buy Model

TSSM - Turtle Soup Sell Model

SH - Stop Hunt

SL - Stop Loss

SP - Stops Purged

TP - Take Profit