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Judging from the recent trend, the market is still bullish. The daily line attempts to break through the Bollinger Band and the currency price has risen to the top from 27,000 last time. There is no sign of a significant decline. On the contrary, Ethereum went through the last wave of pins at 1780 and then quickly fell around 1630 in a day and fluctuated upward. It is obvious that Ethereum has a sell-high and buy-low phenomenon. The market makers are shipping at high prices. Many currency friends who placed orders at highs of more than 1700 may still be trapped in it. above. As long as the 1600-1620 support is not broken, it is recommended to choose the 80-point range to cover the position and wait for the counter-extraction to unwind. The operation suggestion is to go long when the market pulls back. The target does not need to be that big. Ethereum can be bigger. Since it was forced to sell heavily in the first round, there will definitely be a second time. Suggestions for big pie operation: go long in batches in the 27900-27700 range, target: 28700-28500 Ethereum recommends: go long in batches in the 1630-1610 range, target: 1700-1680 #BTC #ETH #一起来跟单

Judging from the recent trend, the market is still bullish. The daily line attempts to break through the Bollinger Band and the currency price has risen to the top from 27,000 last time. There is no sign of a significant decline.

On the contrary, Ethereum went through the last wave of pins at 1780 and then quickly fell around 1630 in a day and fluctuated upward. It is obvious that Ethereum has a sell-high and buy-low phenomenon. The market makers are shipping at high prices. Many currency friends who placed orders at highs of more than 1700 may still be trapped in it. above.

As long as the 1600-1620 support is not broken, it is recommended to choose the 80-point range to cover the position and wait for the counter-extraction to unwind. The operation suggestion is to go long when the market pulls back. The target does not need to be that big. Ethereum can be bigger. Since it was forced to sell heavily in the first round, there will definitely be a second time.

Suggestions for big pie operation: go long in batches in the 27900-27700 range, target: 28700-28500

Ethereum recommends: go long in batches in the 1630-1610 range, target: 1700-1680

#BTC #ETH #一起来跟单

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比特币第四次减半的重要性 1、“减半”的重要性 每次减半事件都是比特币生命周期中的关键时刻,因为它直接影响到比特币的发行和通胀率,减少区块奖励(激励矿工生产区块、维持网络安全的新发行比特币),并可能因更大的稀缺性给BTC的市场价值带来冲击。 正如其名称所示意的那样,“减半”是指比特币发行量减少一半,从而有效地将比特币通胀率(新比特币进入市场的速度)减半。伴随这次减半,比特币的发行量将从每天900枚比特币(1.8%的发行率)下降到每天450枚比特币(0.9%的发行率)。所以,矿工因验证新区块和保护网络安全(不包括费用)而获得的奖励也将减少一半,这会影响到他们的激励水平和盈利能力。减半被设定为每21万个区块发生一次,也就是大约每4年发生一次,并且是不可改变的——管理这一过程的规则被写入比特币网络的底层代码中。 自2009年诞生以来,该网络经历了三次减半事件,每次都将矿工的区块奖励减少一半。2012年11月的第一次减半将奖励从50 BTC减少到25 BTC,随后是2016年7月的第二次减半,将奖励从25 BTC减少到12.5 BTC,最近一次的减半事件是在2020年5月发生的,将奖励从12.5 BTC减少到6.25 BTC。即将到来的减半预计将于4月20日(区块高度840,000)进行,并将区块奖励进一步削减至3.125 BTC。 然而,比特币继续按照这一时间表发展,随着发行率的下降和2100万供应上限中的1970万已被开采,每一次新的减半对整体供应产生的影响将越来越小。因此,随着比特币接近其有限供应的上限,未来减半的重要性也将逐渐减弱。$BTC #比特币减半 #大盘走势 $ETH

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