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BTC&ETH (contract) market analysis and operations on October 7 Technical analysis of the BTC contract on October 7: The daily level closed the positive line yesterday, the K-line pattern was single yin and single yang, the price still did not change much, the rhythm of ups and downs was back and forth, the indicator in the attached picture was shrinking, but fell. The continuity and price are difficult to break out for the time being, and short-term shocks are the main force. In the short-cycle hourly chart, the price retraced before the US market yesterday, with a low near the 27150 area. The US market rebounded with support and broke the previous day's high. It retreated under pressure this morning, with the pressure position near the 28300 area. The current K The line pattern is continuously negative, and the indicator in the attached picture is dead cross. There is a need for retracement correction during the day. What needs to be paid attention to is the strength of the retracement correction. Therefore, today's BTC short-term contract strategy: go short at the current price of 27950, stop loss 28150, and target 27650- 27500; the retracement is more than 27500, the stop loss is 27300, and the target is 28000. Technical analysis of the ETH contract on October 7: The daily level closed a small positive line yesterday, the K-line pattern has a continuous negative and single positive line, the price is below the moving average, the indicators in the attached picture are running in shrinkage, and the fast and slow lines have signs of sticking together. Although the price did not fall significantly, the overall trend was obviously downward, and the counter-taker did not see much force, so the general trend was still bearish. On the short-cycle hourly chart, the U.S. market price rebounded with support the day before and broke through the previous day's high. It was under pressure and retraced this morning. Plus it's the weekend, so today we have to watch for shocks. The current K-line pattern is continuously negative. The indicator in the attached picture is running dead cross. From this point of view, there is a need for retracement correction during the day. What needs to be paid attention to is the strength. Therefore, today's ETH short-term contract strategy: go short at the current price of 1645, stop loss at 1665, and target 1620-1615. The retracement is more than 1615, stop loss is 1600, and the target is 1640-1645.

BTC&ETH (contract) market analysis and operations on October 7

Technical analysis of the BTC contract on October 7: The daily level closed the positive line yesterday, the K-line pattern was single yin and single yang, the price still did not change much, the rhythm of ups and downs was back and forth, the indicator in the attached picture was shrinking, but fell. The continuity and price are difficult to break out for the time being, and short-term shocks are the main force. In the short-cycle hourly chart, the price retraced before the US market yesterday, with a low near the 27150 area. The US market rebounded with support and broke the previous day's high. It retreated under pressure this morning, with the pressure position near the 28300 area. The current K The line pattern is continuously negative, and the indicator in the attached picture is dead cross. There is a need for retracement correction during the day. What needs to be paid attention to is the strength of the retracement correction. Therefore, today's BTC short-term contract strategy: go short at the current price of 27950, stop loss 28150, and target 27650- 27500; the retracement is more than 27500, the stop loss is 27300, and the target is 28000.

Technical analysis of the ETH contract on October 7: The daily level closed a small positive line yesterday, the K-line pattern has a continuous negative and single positive line, the price is below the moving average, the indicators in the attached picture are running in shrinkage, and the fast and slow lines have signs of sticking together. Although the price did not fall significantly, the overall trend was obviously downward, and the counter-taker did not see much force, so the general trend was still bearish. On the short-cycle hourly chart, the U.S. market price rebounded with support the day before and broke through the previous day's high. It was under pressure and retraced this morning. Plus it's the weekend, so today we have to watch for shocks. The current K-line pattern is continuously negative. The indicator in the attached picture is running dead cross. From this point of view, there is a need for retracement correction during the day. What needs to be paid attention to is the strength. Therefore, today's ETH short-term contract strategy: go short at the current price of 1645, stop loss at 1665, and target 1620-1615. The retracement is more than 1615, stop loss is 1600, and the target is 1640-1645.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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有人今天问: 1、现货可以买吗? 回调了两周后,价格都偏低,随便买,前两天买和今天买也相差不了多少。但如你计较那很小的价格差,就应在周日晚上到周一早盘弱势时买入,这是上周五时说过的。今天早上不就回踩了吗?回踩的时候你敢买吗?还是只有反弹的时候才买?现货要坚持反人性,买跌不买涨。前年我就是一整个下半年越跌越买,买到加息75个基点后停止,所以价格很低。比如btc我的成本是17600,eth成本是1380,near成本是2.75,sol最早成本12-15,doge成本0.048,gala成本0.016…所以今年中途不管怎么回调,我都没卖过一个币。我也不会在整个牛市去买任何现货,因为再怎么回调也不可能回调到前年下半年价格,中途补仓现货只会抬高我的成本均价,没多大意义。所以索性直接拿到牛市中后段再分批卖出,现货不做波段,只出不进,直到清仓结束为止。 2、问:现在调整阶段性结束了,单边行情就要来了? 近期没有纯单边行情,纯单边行情指的是去年10月到今年3月中旬这种,周线macd呈鸭嘴状,大张大合,每天基本就是进10退3,扎针也能快速回升。当前不同,因为这月的调整是周线级别,当前严格来说处于周线调整周期中的5日线调整范围内,这几天的反弹是基于触及5日线boll中轨59500后获得支撑后,同时2、3日线下跌动能减弱配合1日线归零反抽促使的反弹。单纯从整个k线层面上讲,说“牛回”其实不严谨,因为周线还是开口向下呢,只不过离零轴还很远、没有前两周那么大风险。但如果真正要走春节期间的那种纯单边上升行情,就需要修复1日线以下各个级别的动能指标,4小时以上各个级别macd均需爬上零轴且大开口向上,且2、3日线macd右拐向上呈鸭嘴状,直接就能将5日线和周线级别的压制完全破除,价格上需要突破站稳72800,即可真正意义上说“牛回归”。

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