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The non-agricultural data greatly exceeded the previous data. Judging from the data alone, the U.S. economy is not declining but is strengthening. Previously, due to panic, the U.S. economy held a large amount of U.S. dollar safe-haven funds. Now it is selling in large quantities, which has relaxed the tension, although it is now greatly aggravated. There is an expectation of an interest rate hike at the end of the year, but everyone has been speculating on the interest rate hike for a long time, and the market has basically accepted this result. Now that the U.S. economy has improved, U.S. dollar funds will flow back, and all funds will enter the investment market. This is a very necessary result. . Those who are overly interested should not be overly FOMO. If the location is good, you can try it. If you don’t go in, be cautious. Again, today was stimulated by the news. The weekend is coming, and if the trading situation still rebounds so strongly next Monday, you can enter the market again. In the so-called early stage of the bull market, even if it starts in the early stage, it is impossible to pull down 100,000 US dollars overnight. There are a lot of opportunities in the middle, so it is not too much to wait a few more days. #BTC $BTC

The non-agricultural data greatly exceeded the previous data. Judging from the data alone, the U.S. economy is not declining but is strengthening. Previously, due to panic, the U.S. economy held a large amount of U.S. dollar safe-haven funds. Now it is selling in large quantities, which has relaxed the tension, although it is now greatly aggravated. There is an expectation of an interest rate hike at the end of the year, but everyone has been speculating on the interest rate hike for a long time, and the market has basically accepted this result. Now that the U.S. economy has improved, U.S. dollar funds will flow back, and all funds will enter the investment market. This is a very necessary result. . Those who are overly interested should not be overly FOMO. If the location is good, you can try it. If you don’t go in, be cautious. Again, today was stimulated by the news. The weekend is coming, and if the trading situation still rebounds so strongly next Monday, you can enter the market again. In the so-called early stage of the bull market, even if it starts in the early stage, it is impossible to pull down 100,000 US dollars overnight. There are a lot of opportunities in the middle, so it is not too much to wait a few more days.


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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看盘不瞎猜,用数据说话: 随着比特币的企稳,山寨迅速增量复苏! 看盘不瞎猜,用数据说话,故意等到现在更新这个板块,让数据在美股开盘后走一走。 对比上周市场市值增幅只有300亿,且主要市值增幅来自比特币自身,以太山寨依旧表面上不好看,比特币占比再次增加,以太坊没被吸走,山寨跟稳定币占比被吸了。 但是虽然今天市值增幅主角是比特币,交易量主角反而是山寨,对比上周五交易量增幅253亿,山寨占据了单日65%的交易量,但是为何山寨市值没有增幅? 核心原因就是山寨正在进行多空博弈,很多代币看似价格没有涨但是交易量换手增加,说明山寨已经耐不住寂寞,多空博弈开始互相厮杀,如果比特币继续企稳在当前位置,不敢买比特币的资金就会转向山寨,这就是资金溢出的机会。 资金方面,稳定市值增加5亿,留存资金增加说明信心增强。亚洲资金对比上周五净流入1.99亿,美国资金净流出0.2亿,单日净流入1.79亿。 亚洲资金的流入伴随着资金交易量大幅度增加,交易量对比上周五增幅50%,这也是山寨交易量增加的核心原因,资金利用率增加。 美国资金,小幅度流出,交易流动性变差,不过没问题,今天周一,我们在给美区的交易者一点时间。 其实近期给我的感觉,整个加密市场逐渐慢慢亚洲市场在从美国市场接手。 比特币继续企稳,山寨明天的数据可能会更好,山寨的活跃上涨,也代表市场的情绪真的开始复苏转好,这是好事。就是不知道本周的讲话以及数据是不是支撑情绪继续走好! #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC

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