Binance Square
“财经不求人”微博同名。私聊微博,免费进财富密码群。专业炒币8年,第二个牛市赚到人生第一桶金7 位数,不谈虚的,主打现货。关注我每天分享干货带你穿越牛熊!
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1. If it falls during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night. 2. If you don’t chase after the big rise in the morning, you will fool the Chinese people who got up to take over the market. 3. Buying the bottom when there is a big drop in the morning is to trick the Chinese who wake up into panic and sell goods. 4. When inserting a very long needle, be sure to stick to the bottom. The purpose of injection is to treat diseases and facilitate growth. 5. There will be a rise before a major meeting, but a fall before the meeting. 6. Whenever there is discussion in the group about which position is the major resistance, then this position will definitely break through. 7. If you buy something recommended by a group of friends, you will definitely be fooled. 8. It is recommended by a group of friends. If you think about it and still don’t buy it, you will definitely fly all the way to the sky. 9. When you place a heavy position and carry orders, your position will definitely be liquidated. 10. When you hit the stop loss on a short position, it will definitely fall. 11. When you get close to getting your money back, the rebound stops abruptly. 12. When you make a profit and exit, a dark horse appears. 13. When you are complacent, the air raid will arrive as scheduled. 14. When you are penniless, good coins are everywhere#热门话题 #ai #BTC
1. If it falls during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night.
2. If you don’t chase after the big rise in the morning, you will fool the Chinese people who got up to take over the market.
3. Buying the bottom when there is a big drop in the morning is to trick the Chinese who wake up into panic and sell goods.
4. When inserting a very long needle, be sure to stick to the bottom. The purpose of injection is to treat diseases and facilitate growth.
5. There will be a rise before a major meeting, but a fall before the meeting.
6. Whenever there is discussion in the group about which position is the major resistance, then this position will definitely break through.
7. If you buy something recommended by a group of friends, you will definitely be fooled.
8. It is recommended by a group of friends. If you think about it and still don’t buy it, you will definitely fly all the way to the sky.
9. When you place a heavy position and carry orders, your position will definitely be liquidated.
10. When you hit the stop loss on a short position, it will definitely fall.
11. When you get close to getting your money back, the rebound stops abruptly.
12. When you make a profit and exit, a dark horse appears.
13. When you are complacent, the air raid will arrive as scheduled.
14. When you are penniless, good coins are everywhere#热门话题 #ai #BTC
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What are the benefits of a man in the cryptocurrency circle marrying a wife? 1. After marrying a wife, not only are physiological needs guaranteed, but the task of passing on the family line can also be completed. 2. After marrying a wife, you can eat hot meals at home, and who will wash your stinky socks? Even the quilt is warm every day. 3. After marrying a wife, you don’t have to go shopping for clothes. After wearing new clothes and new shoes, you can proudly say to your buddies that my wife bought them. 4. After marrying a wife, life is more motivated. When I think of my wife, I am full of energy. Finally, I have someone to accompany me for the rest of my life. 5. With a wife, I can finally get drunk after being happy, and then call my wife to pick up my husband. Looking at the envious eyes of single buddies, I can’t be too happy. 6. With a wife, I finally don’t have to be alone on Valentine’s Day and watch others happily celebrate the festival. I can hold my wife’s hand and pick a gift for her. 7. With a wife, when you have something unpleasant at work, there is finally someone who listens to your nagging and complaints. Then comfort your poor and injured heart. 8. With a wife, when your parents are sick and you are busy, there is finally someone to help you cook for them, take care of them, and honor them with you. 9. With a wife, you have a home. You have a warm harbor in a city, you are a happy person, and you are cared for by others. 10. With a wife, you have a golden house, you have a beautiful woman, and you have someone to accompany you for the rest of your life. Cherish your wife, don't make her angry, don't make her sad. With her, you will not be lonely, and you will live longer. $BTC
What are the benefits of a man in the cryptocurrency circle marrying a wife?

1. After marrying a wife, not only are physiological needs guaranteed, but the task of passing on the family line can also be completed.

2. After marrying a wife, you can eat hot meals at home, and who will wash your stinky socks? Even the quilt is warm every day.

3. After marrying a wife, you don’t have to go shopping for clothes. After wearing new clothes and new shoes, you can proudly say to your buddies that my wife bought them.

4. After marrying a wife, life is more motivated. When I think of my wife, I am full of energy. Finally, I have someone to accompany me for the rest of my life.

5. With a wife, I can finally get drunk after being happy, and then call my wife to pick up my husband. Looking at the envious eyes of single buddies, I can’t be too happy.

6. With a wife, I finally don’t have to be alone on Valentine’s Day and watch others happily celebrate the festival. I can hold my wife’s hand and pick a gift for her.

7. With a wife, when you have something unpleasant at work, there is finally someone who listens to your nagging and complaints. Then comfort your poor and injured heart.

8. With a wife, when your parents are sick and you are busy, there is finally someone to help you cook for them, take care of them, and honor them with you.

9. With a wife, you have a home. You have a warm harbor in a city, you are a happy person, and you are cared for by others.

10. With a wife, you have a golden house, you have a beautiful woman, and you have someone to accompany you for the rest of your life.

Cherish your wife, don't make her angry, don't make her sad. With her, you will not be lonely, and you will live longer. $BTC
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How should the layout be arranged if the copycats rise generally? 1. BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL account for 40% of the warehouse 2. New public chains (such as metis, etc.) account for 30% 3. Popular tracks (such as wld, etc.) account for 20% 4. Private equity (meme, etc.) account for 10% The current market is the most difficult. Some players are very anxious. Are they afraid of missing out if they are short? Are they afraid of continuing to fall if they are full? Both rises and falls are short-lived. I hope everyone can be patient. The big cake has been rising for six or seven months. The callback is the main theme, and the rise is the temptation. Slow down your pace, don't copy the coins, and be a coin player. The biggest difference between the two is that the coin speculation chases the rise and kills the fall, and the coin speculation waits for the opportunity, buys and sells in batches, and when it rises, follow the trend and stop when it is good. When it falls, try to make yourself a person who is not a coin speculator. Do your own thing, wait for a better time to invest in batches in the big bull coins in our group! #BTC
How should the layout be arranged if the copycats rise generally?

1. BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL account for 40% of the warehouse

2. New public chains (such as metis, etc.) account for 30%

3. Popular tracks (such as wld, etc.) account for 20%

4. Private equity (meme, etc.) account for 10%

The current market is the most difficult. Some players are very anxious. Are they afraid of missing out if they are short? Are they afraid of continuing to fall if they are full? Both rises and falls are short-lived. I hope everyone can be patient. The big cake has been rising for six or seven months. The callback is the main theme, and the rise is the temptation. Slow down your pace, don't copy the coins, and be a coin player. The biggest difference between the two is that the coin speculation chases the rise and kills the fall, and the coin speculation waits for the opportunity, buys and sells in batches, and when it rises, follow the trend and stop when it is good. When it falls, try to make yourself a person who is not a coin speculator. Do your own thing, wait for a better time to invest in batches in the big bull coins in our group! #BTC
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The big pie that was going well was hammered down by the inflation rate data, and it still hasn't broken the key position of 6W for the time being. Short-term technical traders should have a hard time recently, and they are being hammered to death. The $WLD and $BOME that I bought are performing well. CPI will be announced next Wednesday, and there should not be much movement before that. When liquidity is not good, the data becomes particularly sensitive. I looked at the market. A group of people were eliminated by the leverage clearance on the 14th of last month, and a group of people were eliminated by the current irregular shock. The dream of getting rich in various groups has woken up, and they are all very quiet. It's time to give up the fantasy in the group. Hang in there, coin holders, look at the weekly and monthly lines for spot. You don't have to do contracts. If you don't get on the train and are afraid of missing out, then it's not stupid to buy a set in this price range. The more hard days you have, the closer the good days will be. This whole month is the time for sowing. Don't always think that you will make money tomorrow if you buy today. If you planted rice in April, you have to wait until August to harvest it. $BTC
The big pie that was going well was hammered down by the inflation rate data, and it still hasn't broken the key position of 6W for the time being. Short-term technical traders should have a hard time recently, and they are being hammered to death. The $WLD and $BOME that I bought are performing well.
CPI will be announced next Wednesday, and there should not be much movement before that. When liquidity is not good, the data becomes particularly sensitive.
I looked at the market. A group of people were eliminated by the leverage clearance on the 14th of last month, and a group of people were eliminated by the current irregular shock. The dream of getting rich in various groups has woken up, and they are all very quiet. It's time to give up the fantasy in the group.
Hang in there, coin holders, look at the weekly and monthly lines for spot. You don't have to do contracts. If you don't get on the train and are afraid of missing out, then it's not stupid to buy a set in this price range. The more hard days you have, the closer the good days will be. This whole month is the time for sowing. Don't always think that you will make money tomorrow if you buy today. If you planted rice in April, you have to wait until August to harvest it. $BTC
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Why was the previous bull market so strong, while the current bull market is generally sluggish? First, the previous cryptocurrency market was relatively small, and investors were relatively concentrated in choosing currencies. Therefore, once a currency was sought after by the market, its price would rise rapidly. The current cryptocurrency market has become very large, with various currencies emerging in an endless stream, and investors have more diverse choices, which has also led to the dispersion of market funds and made it difficult to form a large-scale rising market. Second, the previous currency circulation market value was relatively low, so a smaller amount of funds could bring a larger increase. Now, the circulation market value of many mainstream currencies is already very large, and more funds are needed to push their prices up. In addition, the previous bull market track was relatively small, and investors were more likely to form a consensus and drive the market up. Now, various sectors and concepts have appeared in the cryptocurrency circle, and investors are easily distracted and it is difficult to form a joint force. Furthermore, the number of players in the market is not increasing enough, and there are countless people who have withdrawn from the circle. In addition, many people do not understand BTC and blockchain, which also limits the market's room for growth. Finally, current project owners tend to focus more on short-term interests and lack long-term vision and pattern, which also affects the healthy development of the market. Looking back on these reasons, it is not difficult to find that the current cryptocurrency market has undergone earth-shaking changes. I hope that the leeks can remain rational, invest prudently, and become a qualified cryptocurrency person! #BTC
Why was the previous bull market so strong, while the current bull market is generally sluggish?

First, the previous cryptocurrency market was relatively small, and investors were relatively concentrated in choosing currencies. Therefore, once a currency was sought after by the market, its price would rise rapidly.

The current cryptocurrency market has become very large, with various currencies emerging in an endless stream, and investors have more diverse choices, which has also led to the dispersion of market funds and made it difficult to form a large-scale rising market.

Second, the previous currency circulation market value was relatively low, so a smaller amount of funds could bring a larger increase. Now, the circulation market value of many mainstream currencies is already very large, and more funds are needed to push their prices up.

In addition, the previous bull market track was relatively small, and investors were more likely to form a consensus and drive the market up. Now, various sectors and concepts have appeared in the cryptocurrency circle, and investors are easily distracted and it is difficult to form a joint force.

Furthermore, the number of players in the market is not increasing enough, and there are countless people who have withdrawn from the circle. In addition, many people do not understand BTC and blockchain, which also limits the market's room for growth.

Finally, current project owners tend to focus more on short-term interests and lack long-term vision and pattern, which also affects the healthy development of the market.

Looking back on these reasons, it is not difficult to find that the current cryptocurrency market has undergone earth-shaking changes. I hope that the leeks can remain rational, invest prudently, and become a qualified cryptocurrency person! #BTC
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Today is Mother's Day. When are women happiest? 1. When their physical and psychological needs are met. 2. When their husband has been away on a business trip for a long time and just returned home, and brought a lot of gifts. 3. When their material needs are met and their vanity is satisfied. 4. When someone suddenly gives her a gift that she has wanted for a long time. 5. When their emotional needs are met, when they meet someone they like very much and who also likes them very much. 6. When their children have very good academic performance and get very good grades in the exam. 7. When they are moved by their bestie's heartwarming behavior and by friendship. 8. When their career is stable, their husband's career is stable, their family's financial income is very good, their family relationship is harmonious, they have a very good relationship with their husband, and their family is happy. 9. When their boss gives them a promotion and a raise. 10. When they eat the food they have long missed. 11. When they are praised by their boss at work. 12. When they find a confidant who can confide in them but will not mess around. 13. When you find your soul mate. #祝天底下的母亲节幸福快乐
Today is Mother's Day. When are women happiest?

1. When their physical and psychological needs are met.

2. When their husband has been away on a business trip for a long time and just returned home, and brought a lot of gifts.

3. When their material needs are met and their vanity is satisfied.

4. When someone suddenly gives her a gift that she has wanted for a long time.

5. When their emotional needs are met, when they meet someone they like very much and who also likes them very much.

6. When their children have very good academic performance and get very good grades in the exam.

7. When they are moved by their bestie's heartwarming behavior and by friendship.

8. When their career is stable, their husband's career is stable, their family's financial income is very good, their family relationship is harmonious, they have a very good relationship with their husband, and their family is happy.

9. When their boss gives them a promotion and a raise.

10. When they eat the food they have long missed.

11. When they are praised by their boss at work.

12. When they find a confidant who can confide in them but will not mess around.

13. When you find your soul mate.
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Today is Mother's Day. When are women happiest? 1. When their physical and psychological needs are met. 2. When their husband has been away on a business trip for a long time and just returned home, and brought a lot of gifts. 3. When their material needs are met and their vanity is satisfied. 4. When someone suddenly gives her a gift that she has wanted for a long time. 5. When their emotional needs are met, when they meet someone they like very much and who also likes them very much. 6. When their children have very good academic performance and get very good grades in the exam. 7. When they are moved by their bestie's heartwarming behavior and by friendship. 8. When their career is stable, their husband's career is stable, their family's financial income is very good, their family relationship is harmonious, they have a very good relationship with their husband, and their family is happy. 9. When their boss gives them a promotion and a raise. 10. When they eat the food they have long missed. 11. When they are praised by their boss at work. 12. When they find a confidant who can confide in them but will not mess around. 13. When you find your soul mate. #祝天底下的母亲节幸福快乐
Today is Mother's Day. When are women happiest?

1. When their physical and psychological needs are met.

2. When their husband has been away on a business trip for a long time and just returned home, and brought a lot of gifts.

3. When their material needs are met and their vanity is satisfied.

4. When someone suddenly gives her a gift that she has wanted for a long time.

5. When their emotional needs are met, when they meet someone they like very much and who also likes them very much.

6. When their children have very good academic performance and get very good grades in the exam.

7. When they are moved by their bestie's heartwarming behavior and by friendship.

8. When their career is stable, their husband's career is stable, their family's financial income is very good, their family relationship is harmonious, they have a very good relationship with their husband, and their family is happy.

9. When their boss gives them a promotion and a raise.

10. When they eat the food they have long missed.

11. When they are praised by their boss at work.

12. When they find a confidant who can confide in them but will not mess around.

13. When you find your soul mate.
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The essence of short-term cryptocurrency trading: ① Look at the trend (whether the coin is in a long position, look at the weekly and monthly lines and then do the daily line, look at the long and do the short) ② Look at the sector (whether it has the current speculation theme concept, which can only be used as a reference, not a hard requirement) ③ Look at the position (whether the position of the coin is low, medium or high, which mainly determines the rising space of the coin) ④ Look at the technology (check whether MACD, KDJ and Bollinger Bands meet the technical requirements for rising, whether there are important reference forms such as secondary price support, immortal guidance, single yang unbroken, etc.) ⑤ Look at the volume (whether the rise is large, and whether the fall is small) ⑥ Look at the details (check the overall trend of the recent K-line and whether the short-term multiple moving averages are in important forms such as adhesion and divergence) ⑦ Look at the mood (the good or bad market sentiment represents the mood of the funds. Only with the drive of market sentiment can you have a more sufficient money-making effect) Finally, the most important and difficult thing is to combine knowledge and action when doing short-term trading...#BTC
The essence of short-term cryptocurrency trading:

① Look at the trend (whether the coin is in a long position, look at the weekly and monthly lines and then do the daily line, look at the long and do the short)

② Look at the sector (whether it has the current speculation theme concept, which can only be used as a reference, not a hard requirement)

③ Look at the position (whether the position of the coin is low, medium or high, which mainly determines the rising space of the coin)

④ Look at the technology (check whether MACD, KDJ and Bollinger Bands meet the technical requirements for rising, whether there are important reference forms such as secondary price support, immortal guidance, single yang unbroken, etc.)

⑤ Look at the volume (whether the rise is large, and whether the fall is small)

⑥ Look at the details (check the overall trend of the recent K-line and whether the short-term multiple moving averages are in important forms such as adhesion and divergence)

⑦ Look at the mood (the good or bad market sentiment represents the mood of the funds. Only with the drive of market sentiment can you have a more sufficient money-making effect)

Finally, the most important and difficult thing is to combine knowledge and action when doing short-term trading...#BTC
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When an ordinary person invests 500,000 yuan in the currency circle, a fluctuation of one point is 5,000 yuan, which is the monthly income of an ordinary worker in China. He will feel that working is useless. When a small boss invests 5 million yuan in the currency circle, a fluctuation of one point is 50,000 yuan, which is also the monthly income of an ordinary boss. He will feel that starting a company and being a boss is useless. There are probably tens of millions of leeks in our currency circle market. When the market rises sharply and the wealth effect doubles, these tens of millions of young and strong leeks will feel that working is useless and starting a business is useless. Buying coins is the fastest way to make money. Do you think it will affect the healthy development of China's economy? It will definitely, because the currency circle is definitely not a place for you to make quick money. On the contrary, it is the most difficult place to make money. If you don't do it well, you will lose money. Even if there is a bull market, 80% of the money will be lost in the end. That is to say, even if you make money in the bull market, as long as you don't leave the market, you will still lose money in the end. There are always a few people who make money in this market. Because more than 90% of people in this world are greedy. #BTC
When an ordinary person invests 500,000 yuan in the currency circle, a fluctuation of one point is 5,000 yuan, which is the monthly income of an ordinary worker in China. He will feel that working is useless.

When a small boss invests 5 million yuan in the currency circle, a fluctuation of one point is 50,000 yuan, which is also the monthly income of an ordinary boss. He will feel that starting a company and being a boss is useless.

There are probably tens of millions of leeks in our currency circle market. When the market rises sharply and the wealth effect doubles, these tens of millions of young and strong leeks will feel that working is useless and starting a business is useless.

Buying coins is the fastest way to make money. Do you think it will affect the healthy development of China's economy? It will definitely, because the currency circle is definitely not a place for you to make quick money. On the contrary, it is the most difficult place to make money. If you don't do it well, you will lose money. Even if there is a bull market, 80% of the money will be lost in the end. That is to say, even if you make money in the bull market, as long as you don't leave the market, you will still lose money in the end. There are always a few people who make money in this market. Because more than 90% of people in this world are greedy.
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Many people say that cryptocurrency speculation is “not a proper job”, which is true, because the profit and loss ratio in the cryptocurrency circle is too disparate. An industry with 1 profit, 2 draws and 7 losses cannot be considered a “proper job” in any way. If it causes the destruction of a family and the loss of both money and life, it is the worst thing to ruin a family. Speculating in cryptocurrencies is originally “side income”. The money you make is not the value created, but the income from other people’s losses. Although the cryptocurrency circle is different from futures trading, because there are dividends and corporate growth, it cannot be said to be a complete “zero-sum game”, but for most people in the cryptocurrency circle, it is the denominator, and the money earned by a small number of people is the numerator. Therefore, it is not easy to make a living by speculating in cryptocurrencies. In addition to having strong technical skills or mental concepts, you must also have a strong “side income” to bless you. #BTC
Many people say that cryptocurrency speculation is “not a proper job”, which is true, because the profit and loss ratio in the cryptocurrency circle is too disparate. An industry with 1 profit, 2 draws and 7 losses cannot be considered a “proper job” in any way. If it causes the destruction of a family and the loss of both money and life, it is the worst thing to ruin a family. Speculating in cryptocurrencies is originally “side income”. The money you make is not the value created, but the income from other people’s losses. Although the cryptocurrency circle is different from futures trading, because there are dividends and corporate growth, it cannot be said to be a complete “zero-sum game”, but for most people in the cryptocurrency circle, it is the denominator, and the money earned by a small number of people is the numerator. Therefore, it is not easy to make a living by speculating in cryptocurrencies. In addition to having strong technical skills or mental concepts, you must also have a strong “side income” to bless you. #BTC
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Strictly follow the following points, and you can also become a master of cryptocurrency trading. It is so easy to make a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle: 1. Avoid buying junk and unpopular coins. 2. Do not borrow money to trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid affecting your mentality. 3. Do not do short-term trading, wait for opportunities, and prefer to be short. 4. Do not buy good currencies without cutting them in half. 5. Limit the purchase of 2 coins with 100,000 yuan of funds. 6. Do not rely on technical indicators, and ignore daily trends and technical indicators after entering the market. 7. Lurk at low levels, wait patiently, and set profit targets. 8. Buy a large number of high-quality leaders in a bear market and sell them in a bull market. #BTC
Strictly follow the following points, and you can also become a master of cryptocurrency trading. It is so easy to make a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle:
1. Avoid buying junk and unpopular coins.
2. Do not borrow money to trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid affecting your mentality.
3. Do not do short-term trading, wait for opportunities, and prefer to be short.
4. Do not buy good currencies without cutting them in half.
5. Limit the purchase of 2 coins with 100,000 yuan of funds.
6. Do not rely on technical indicators, and ignore daily trends and technical indicators after entering the market.
7. Lurk at low levels, wait patiently, and set profit targets.
8. Buy a large number of high-quality leaders in a bear market and sell them in a bull market.
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2024.5.11 Cryptocurrency Circle Events: 1. After $BTC broke through 63,000, it began to fall due to the impact of US inflation, leading the entire crypto sector to fall; 2. US inflation rose, and the Fed hawks said that they would continue to raise interest rates and not cut interest rates; If I remember correctly, Powell once said that bad news is good news, but I didn’t understand; 3. Bloomberg: The trading volume of mainstream exchanges last month fell for the first time in the past seven months; Run away? 4.#basecreated a launch platform rugfun, which is said to imitate, but it looks completely different. It emphasizes the need for brains, but it seems that you can make money without brains; It is recommended not to participate in things that require brains. Everyone comes to make money, so where is the time to spend brains; 5. has become the largest casino. Many golden dogs have been run in the past month. It is said that the probability of making money has increased from 5% to 30%; If you don’t set a stop profit, it will return to zero. It is said that good project parties issue coins in batches, and one IP sends thousands; 6. The team that phished 1155WBTC has begun to return the coins to the victims, and continues to return them. At present, all the money has been returned; I don’t know if the victim gave him a 10% bounty through other means; 7. @ZKasino_io All the transferred ETH has returned to the wallet, and the founder is still "quibbling". With the help of @binance, the money should be returned soon; 8. JPMorgan Chase announced that it holds Bitcoin ETFs; 9. @eigenlayer Airdrop application and pledge are now online, and it is spring again for low-income people to get money; It really made a lot of money; 10. @MerlinLayer2 seal all assets can be unpledged; It is inconvenient to use a mobile phone, so let's do it for the next few days. 😆 The recent weekend market looks difficult to hold on this week, after all, there was a sudden plunge on Friday. Although the drop was not much, it was very damaging to morale. I don't know where to boost morale next time, I hope to save it. 🤪 $BTC $ETH
2024.5.11 Cryptocurrency Circle Events:

1. After $BTC broke through 63,000, it began to fall due to the impact of US inflation, leading the entire crypto sector to fall;

2. US inflation rose, and the Fed hawks said that they would continue to raise interest rates and not cut interest rates;

If I remember correctly, Powell once said that bad news is good news, but I didn’t understand;

3. Bloomberg: The trading volume of mainstream exchanges last month fell for the first time in the past seven months;

Run away?

4.#basecreated a launch platform rugfun, which is said to imitate, but it looks completely different. It emphasizes the need for brains, but it seems that you can make money without brains;

It is recommended not to participate in things that require brains. Everyone comes to make money, so where is the time to spend brains;

5. has become the largest casino. Many golden dogs have been run in the past month. It is said that the probability of making money has increased from 5% to 30%;

If you don’t set a stop profit, it will return to zero. It is said that good project parties issue coins in batches, and one IP sends thousands;

6. The team that phished 1155WBTC has begun to return the coins to the victims, and continues to return them. At present, all the money has been returned;

I don’t know if the victim gave him a 10% bounty through other means;

7. @ZKasino_io All the transferred ETH has returned to the wallet, and the founder is still "quibbling". With the help of @binance, the money should be returned soon;

8. JPMorgan Chase announced that it holds Bitcoin ETFs;

9. @eigenlayer Airdrop application and pledge are now online, and it is spring again for low-income people to get money;

It really made a lot of money;

10. @MerlinLayer2 seal all assets can be unpledged;

It is inconvenient to use a mobile phone, so let's do it for the next few days. 😆

The recent weekend market looks difficult to hold on this week, after all, there was a sudden plunge on Friday. Although the drop was not much, it was very damaging to morale.

I don't know where to boost morale next time, I hope to save it. 🤪

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Why is a 20% increase called a "technical bull market"? Because the initial rise in the bull market is not a general rise, and some individual coins can outperform the big pie, which requires technology, so it is called a "technical bull market". For most leeks, this technology is difficult to master, and they can only go blindly and try their luck. Therefore, it is normal not to outperform the pie at this stage. Don't worry, wait until the main rising wave, most currencies will rise, then it is the time to make money, that is called a big bull market. #BTC
Why is a 20% increase called a "technical bull market"? Because the initial rise in the bull market is not a general rise, and some individual coins can outperform the big pie, which requires technology, so it is called a "technical bull market". For most leeks, this technology is difficult to master, and they can only go blindly and try their luck. Therefore, it is normal not to outperform the pie at this stage. Don't worry, wait until the main rising wave, most currencies will rise, then it is the time to make money, that is called a big bull market. #BTC
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Is K-line technology the lowest level for cryptocurrency trading? Many analysts I know, even veteran traders, think that K-line is useless. Some people always regard things that others don't want as treasures. K-line contains great wisdom and can show the power comparison between short and long positions. As long as it is used properly, pure K-line can also achieve long-term profits. Of course, pure K requires stronger decision-making ability. For example, if there are multiple cross stars at the bottom of the horizontal market, or an engulfing pattern, a positive line engulfs multiple negative lines, it can often be judged that there is a profit opportunity here. In the market, K-line plays more of an auxiliary role. Different shapes, sizes, and points have different meanings. It cannot be simply applied with formulas, but must be used flexibly! I have summarized the K-line patterns that I often use, and I often review and compare them, and I often gain something. I suggest collecting them and forwarding them to friends in need. #BTC
Is K-line technology the lowest level for cryptocurrency trading? Many analysts I know, even veteran traders, think that K-line is useless.

Some people always regard things that others don't want as treasures. K-line contains great wisdom and can show the power comparison between short and long positions. As long as it is used properly, pure K-line can also achieve long-term profits. Of course, pure K requires stronger decision-making ability.

For example, if there are multiple cross stars at the bottom of the horizontal market, or an engulfing pattern, a positive line engulfs multiple negative lines, it can often be judged that there is a profit opportunity here.

In the market, K-line plays more of an auxiliary role. Different shapes, sizes, and points have different meanings.
It cannot be simply applied with formulas, but must be used flexibly!

I have summarized the K-line patterns that I often use, and I often review and compare them, and I often gain something. I suggest collecting them and forwarding them to friends in need. #BTC
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The more the cottage falls, the more it will rise in the future. At this stage, we must find ways to keep adding positions, and we cannot choose to clear positions and surrender. What you must know is that no matter how it falls in the end, it will rise again and break the historical high again. With this, we don’t have to worry at all. ​​​There is a commonality after the previous halvings. Because of certain opportunities, there will be a consensus explosion of several leading coins in the early stage of the bull market, or some special circumstances, such as the third halving, Musk’s entry, Grayscale’s big buying, Ethereum’s explosive application destruction mechanism, etc. Superimposed promotion. So far, except for the expectation of an interest rate cut, there is no explosive opportunity to pull the market. Therefore, the arrival of a real bull market must have a trigger to pull the enthusiasm of more than 90% of the people in the currency circle, and then various plots with a daily amplitude of more than 50% will begin. $BTC
The more the cottage falls, the more it will rise in the future. At this stage, we must find ways to keep adding positions, and we cannot choose to clear positions and surrender. What you must know is that no matter how it falls in the end, it will rise again and break the historical high again. With this, we don’t have to worry at all.

​​​There is a commonality after the previous halvings. Because of certain opportunities, there will be a consensus explosion of several leading coins in the early stage of the bull market, or some special circumstances, such as the third halving, Musk’s entry, Grayscale’s big buying, Ethereum’s explosive application destruction mechanism, etc. Superimposed promotion. So far, except for the expectation of an interest rate cut, there is no explosive opportunity to pull the market. Therefore, the arrival of a real bull market must have a trigger to pull the enthusiasm of more than 90% of the people in the currency circle, and then various plots with a daily amplitude of more than 50% will begin. $BTC
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How will the market go next? Which coins have the most potential at present? If you are a steady and leading investor. Then the following are definitely your best choices;#BTC#ETH#BNB#SOL The funds in this round of bull market are too dispersed, and the main funds of the second echelon have been around these sectors;#WLD#PEPE#ONDO#SUI This wave of rebound bull coins has returned to the previous high before the big drop, but the weak have been lying down, which truly reflects that choice is greater than effort! I don’t sell anxiety, but those who keep up with Qiu Ge’s thinking and rhythm will make a lot of money next. There are several core points in this round of bull market. First, market funds are not circulated, and second, ETH has not broken the previous high. The cottage season has not arrived yet. When will it come? Third, retail investors prefer meme coins. The first question: If the funds are not circulated, then buy the popular sectors I posted above. The second question: The big cake will stabilize next, and ether will make up for the rise. The cottage season will probably come in June-September. The third question: With the arrival of the copycat season, the meme sector will definitely be the first to rise, and the initial signs of this are already being seen.
How will the market go next? Which coins have the most potential at present?

If you are a steady and leading investor. Then the following are definitely your best choices;#BTC#ETH#BNB#SOL
The funds in this round of bull market are too dispersed, and the main funds of the second echelon have been around these sectors;#WLD#PEPE#ONDO#SUI
This wave of rebound bull coins has returned to the previous high before the big drop, but the weak have been lying down, which truly reflects that choice is greater than effort!

I don’t sell anxiety, but those who keep up with Qiu Ge’s thinking and rhythm will make a lot of money next. There are several core points in this round of bull market. First, market funds are not circulated, and second, ETH has not broken the previous high. The cottage season has not arrived yet. When will it come? Third, retail investors prefer meme coins.

The first question: If the funds are not circulated, then buy the popular sectors I posted above.
The second question: The big cake will stabilize next, and ether will make up for the rise. The cottage season will probably come in June-September.
The third question: With the arrival of the copycat season, the meme sector will definitely be the first to rise, and the initial signs of this are already being seen.
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In the cryptocurrency circle, being impetuous is actually a taboo in cryptocurrency trading. I look back from time to time to see what mental mistakes I made, and make corrections and stop losses in time! About the mentality of speculating in cryptocurrencies: 1. Get anxious if you don’t make money at the stage 2. Collapse if you lose money at the stage 3. Missing out is more painful than cutting losses 4. It’s painful to not make money when others make a lot of money 5. Want to get back the money quickly if you lose 6. Spend money when you make money and attack everywhere at will 7. Swear when you sell wrong or sell at a loss 8. Don’t dare to sell if you lose money 9. Listen to and follow others to buy coins and blame others and curse them, without reflecting on your own problems 10. Make a determination not to do it again after making a mistake, but make the same mistake again within two days 11. Don’t dare to buy back after selling wrong, and don’t dare to correct mistakes after buying wrong 12. Lack of extreme concentration and self-discipline 13. If you have a little profit at the stage, you will see a super expert, and if the super expert’s profit at the stage is not ideal, you will think that he is just like that, and even want to guide him 14. If you make money at the stage, you think you have realized the truth, recharge, leverage, what is risk? 15. It is said that risk should always be put first, but the foreseeable risks are not strictly examined and implemented 16. When you make money, you should take out the profit, and don't always think about compounding it 17. You should be calm about profit and loss
In the cryptocurrency circle, being impetuous is actually a taboo in cryptocurrency trading. I look back from time to time to see what mental mistakes I made, and make corrections and stop losses in time!

About the mentality of speculating in cryptocurrencies:
1. Get anxious if you don’t make money at the stage
2. Collapse if you lose money at the stage
3. Missing out is more painful than cutting losses
4. It’s painful to not make money when others make a lot of money
5. Want to get back the money quickly if you lose
6. Spend money when you make money and attack everywhere at will
7. Swear when you sell wrong or sell at a loss
8. Don’t dare to sell if you lose money
9. Listen to and follow others to buy coins and blame others and curse them, without reflecting on your own problems
10. Make a determination not to do it again after making a mistake, but make the same mistake again within two days
11. Don’t dare to buy back after selling wrong, and don’t dare to correct mistakes after buying wrong
12. Lack of extreme concentration and self-discipline
13. If you have a little profit at the stage, you will see a super expert, and if the super expert’s profit at the stage is not ideal, you will think that he is just like that, and even want to guide him
14. If you make money at the stage, you think you have realized the truth, recharge, leverage, what is risk?
15. It is said that risk should always be put first, but the foreseeable risks are not strictly examined and implemented
16. When you make money, you should take out the profit, and don't always think about compounding it
17. You should be calm about profit and loss
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There are four key points to pay attention to when buying at the bottom or selling at the top in the cryptocurrency market: If the price of a coin drops slightly during its rise, but the trading volume does not change, it will probably continue to rise. But if the price hits a new high, but the trading volume decreases, be careful, as it may be a signal of reaching the top. If the price of a coin is just sideways when it is very low, don't rush to buy it. Wait until it falls to a new low, and then rebounds quickly to cover the previous drop, then it is a good time to buy. If a coin has been sideways at the bottom for a long time, and then it suddenly rises for a few days, breaking through the previous sideways range, and then falls back, or even falls below the sideways range, then when it starts again, there may be a larger wave of gains. If a coin starts to sideways after hitting a new high, and then rises slightly several times, but also falls back several times, be careful at this time, it may be a signal of inducing more, and pay attention to the risks. Remember to set the entry and stop loss positions, don't get stuck If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click ↓Fang Wumen Kanqunli publishes market analysis every day and recommends high-quality potential currencies. $BTC $ETH
There are four key points to pay attention to when buying at the bottom or selling at the top in the cryptocurrency market:

If the price of a coin drops slightly during its rise, but the trading volume does not change, it will probably continue to rise. But if the price hits a new high, but the trading volume decreases, be careful, as it may be a signal of reaching the top.

If the price of a coin is just sideways when it is very low, don't rush to buy it. Wait until it falls to a new low, and then rebounds quickly to cover the previous drop, then it is a good time to buy.

If a coin has been sideways at the bottom for a long time, and then it suddenly rises for a few days, breaking through the previous sideways range, and then falls back, or even falls below the sideways range, then when it starts again, there may be a larger wave of gains.

If a coin starts to sideways after hitting a new high, and then rises slightly several times, but also falls back several times, be careful at this time, it may be a signal of inducing more, and pay attention to the risks.

Remember to set the entry and stop loss positions, don't get stuck

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click ↓Fang Wumen Kanqunli publishes market analysis every day and recommends high-quality potential currencies.
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In the past month, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have been somewhat weak, and the technical form has shown a downward trend. Bitcoin's rebound strength is weaker than the other, and Ethereum's rebound is even weaker. 🔎 Funding: After the ETF was passed in January, Wall Street institutions were full of momentum and bought hundreds of millions of dollars of BTC every day, resulting in a nearly 100% increase in 2 months. After April, especially recently, BlackRock ended its continuous net buying and even started net selling. The funding side "suddenly" dried up. After the Bitcoin "halving" event landed in April, the market funding rate dropped drastically and even turned negative, indicating that market funds have become particularly cautious, which has the most direct impact on market sentiment. 🔎 Market situation: $BTC The general trend of the subsequent trend, in the short term, I think any fluctuation in the range of $610 million to $65,000 is necessary, which will force those who are not firm enough to wash out. After a brief correction, $BTC will continue to consolidate in the $66,000-$70,000 range before kicking off a strong altcoin season. 🔎 Sector Trends: The AI ​​sector is currently the best performer: $RNDR - Due to their official 'partnership' with Apple, it has also become a leader in the AI ​​field as we witness a narrative rotation. $ENA - Funding will undoubtedly return to positive as the market is bullish again, which essentially benefits Ethena. The team has also been hyping up recently, announcing more reward increases and the founder tweeting 'big week'. $JTO - There is news that Jito is building a 'feature layer for Solana' - essentially re-injecting SOL. $ETHFI - Despite the sell-off of many LRT-related tokens after Eigen, TVL seems to be increasing. 🔎 May Events: $FTM - Major upgrade with Fantom Sonic. $NEAR - Multichain abstract paper with an impressive tech stack. $TON - Mini-apps are the next big thing in mobile blockchain. $TIA - Modular DA market leader, more airdrops for stakers to come. $ARB - Appchain will be the next big narrative, and Arbitrum will lead the way with Orbit. $STX - A promising BTC sidechain as the Satoshi upgrade is reportedly coming soon.
In the past month, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have been somewhat weak, and the technical form has shown a downward trend. Bitcoin's rebound strength is weaker than the other, and Ethereum's rebound is even weaker.

🔎 Funding:
After the ETF was passed in January, Wall Street institutions were full of momentum and bought hundreds of millions of dollars of BTC every day, resulting in a nearly 100% increase in 2 months. After April, especially recently, BlackRock ended its continuous net buying and even started net selling. The funding side "suddenly" dried up. After the Bitcoin "halving" event landed in April, the market funding rate dropped drastically and even turned negative, indicating that market funds have become particularly cautious, which has the most direct impact on market sentiment.

🔎 Market situation:
$BTC The general trend of the subsequent trend, in the short term, I think any fluctuation in the range of $610 million to $65,000 is necessary, which will force those who are not firm enough to wash out. After a brief correction, $BTC will continue to consolidate in the $66,000-$70,000 range before kicking off a strong altcoin season.

🔎 Sector Trends:
The AI ​​sector is currently the best performer:
$RNDR - Due to their official 'partnership' with Apple, it has also become a leader in the AI ​​field as we witness a narrative rotation.
$ENA - Funding will undoubtedly return to positive as the market is bullish again, which essentially benefits Ethena. The team has also been hyping up recently, announcing more reward increases and the founder tweeting 'big week'.
$JTO - There is news that Jito is building a 'feature layer for Solana' - essentially re-injecting SOL.
$ETHFI - Despite the sell-off of many LRT-related tokens after Eigen, TVL seems to be increasing.
🔎 May Events:
$FTM - Major upgrade with Fantom Sonic.
$NEAR - Multichain abstract paper with an impressive tech stack.
$TON - Mini-apps are the next big thing in mobile blockchain.
$TIA - Modular DA market leader, more airdrops for stakers to come.
$ARB - Appchain will be the next big narrative, and Arbitrum will lead the way with Orbit.
$STX - A promising BTC sidechain as the Satoshi upgrade is reportedly coming soon.
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Let's test your investment style. There are 2 options. What you choose determines your risk preference...For the first option, there is a 10% probability of a 100% increase, and for the second option, there is a 100% probability of a 50% increase. Which one would you choose? I would choose the latter, which is called tolerance, or seeking stability. In this round of rebound at the beginning of the year, the altcoins generally rose, and it would be good if 10% of the number could rebound by more than 60%. The key is that the currency fluctuates greatly. Even if you buy the rising currency, you may watch the market and operate, and you may not be able to hold it even if it rebounds by 60%. How can you get 100% of this 30%? Just hold the AI ​​sector or PEPE. Why do some people always say that they dare not take it after it has risen so much? In a word, the strong will always be strong!

Let's test your investment style. There are 2 options. What you choose determines your risk preference...

For the first option, there is a 10% probability of a 100% increase, and for the second option, there is a 100% probability of a 50% increase. Which one would you choose?
I would choose the latter, which is called tolerance, or seeking stability. In this round of rebound at the beginning of the year, the altcoins generally rose, and it would be good if 10% of the number could rebound by more than 60%. The key is that the currency fluctuates greatly. Even if you buy the rising currency, you may watch the market and operate, and you may not be able to hold it even if it rebounds by 60%.
How can you get 100% of this 30%? Just hold the AI ​​sector or PEPE. Why do some people always say that they dare not take it after it has risen so much? In a word, the strong will always be strong!
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