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Manta Network: Multi-modular blockchain based on zero-knowledge technology, Atlantic and Pacific lead Web3 innovation#MantaRWA生态 This year, Manta Network was launched on HotsCoin. Manta Network is a multi-modular blockchain ecosystem based on zero-knowledge technology. Its two main networks are Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific. Manta Atlantic is a zero-knowledge L1 chain running on Polkadot, bringing programmable privacy and identity to Web3 through zkSBT technology. Manta Pacific is a modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native zero-knowledge applications, providing a scalable and cost-effective Gas fee environment for applications. The network provides a unique experience for the development and adoption of next-generation Web3 applications through zero-knowledge encryption technology. Currently $MANTA is open for trading on HotsCoin.

Manta Network: Multi-modular blockchain based on zero-knowledge technology, Atlantic and Pacific lead Web3 innovation

#MantaRWA生态 This year, Manta Network was launched on HotsCoin. Manta Network is a multi-modular blockchain ecosystem based on zero-knowledge technology. Its two main networks are Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific. Manta Atlantic is a zero-knowledge L1 chain running on Polkadot, bringing programmable privacy and identity to Web3 through zkSBT technology. Manta Pacific is a modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native zero-knowledge applications, providing a scalable and cost-effective Gas fee environment for applications. The network provides a unique experience for the development and adoption of next-generation Web3 applications through zero-knowledge encryption technology. Currently $MANTA is open for trading on HotsCoin.
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$BTC $ETH On May 27, Solana’s content monetization protocol Access Protocol announced the launch of Transferable Subscriptions. Transferable Subscriptions introduces cNFT as a tool for creating, buying, selling and transferring Access subscriptions (staked ACS). It is reported that all new subscriptions created on Access will be transferable and will receive a cNFT representing the staked account for each subscription, which can be used to trade on Tensor to obtain Tensorian and other rewards.
$BTC $ETH On May 27, Solana’s content monetization protocol Access Protocol announced the launch of Transferable Subscriptions. Transferable Subscriptions introduces cNFT as a tool for creating, buying, selling and transferring Access subscriptions (staked ACS). It is reported that all new subscriptions created on Access will be transferable and will receive a cNFT representing the staked account for each subscription, which can be used to trade on Tensor to obtain Tensorian and other rewards.
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$BTC $ETH The official of Optimism ecosystem DEX and liquidity protocol Velodrome posted on social media that the protocol will be extended to OP superchain Layer 2 network Metal. This will be the fifth superchain Layer 2 to deploy Velodrome.
$BTC $ETH The official of Optimism ecosystem DEX and liquidity protocol Velodrome posted on social media that the protocol will be extended to OP superchain Layer 2 network Metal. This will be the fifth superchain Layer 2 to deploy Velodrome.
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$BTC $ETH Taiko, an Ethereum L2 network based on zkRollup, announced on the X platform that its protocol has been deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. After the mainnet is launched, Taiko said that it plans to launch a DAO later this year to gradually transfer control of the protocol to its community. This transition will be carried out in stages, reducing the "training wheels" over time until the community achieves full governance. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH Taiko, an Ethereum L2 network based on zkRollup, announced on the X platform that its protocol has been deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. After the mainnet is launched, Taiko said that it plans to launch a DAO later this year to gradually transfer control of the protocol to its community. This transition will be carried out in stages, reducing the "training wheels" over time until the community achieves full governance. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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Bill Hughes, senior legal counsel and director of global regulatory affairs at Consensys, said in an interview that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is likely to classify ETH under investor protection laws. In October 2023, the SEC allowed Ethereum-based futures ETFs to be traded on securities trading platforms. This means that the assets based on the futures contracts are not securities. Something has happened between then and now, which seems to have caused the SEC to change its position. (Coindesk)$BTC $ETH
Bill Hughes, senior legal counsel and director of global regulatory affairs at Consensys, said in an interview that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is likely to classify ETH under investor protection laws. In October 2023, the SEC allowed Ethereum-based futures ETFs to be traded on securities trading platforms. This means that the assets based on the futures contracts are not securities. Something has happened between then and now, which seems to have caused the SEC to change its position. (Coindesk)$BTC $ETH
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$BTC $ETH EigenLayer announces the launch of the hackathon AVS MicroHacks, which starts today, May 27th, and ends on June 17th, 2024, with over $50,000.00 in prizes, and registration is now open.
$BTC $ETH EigenLayer announces the launch of the hackathon AVS MicroHacks, which starts today, May 27th, and ends on June 17th, 2024, with over $50,000.00 in prizes, and registration is now open.
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$BTC $ETH CAT memecoin team "Sol" is linked to last night's GCR social media hack. Before the hack, an address associated with the memecoin team opened a $2.3 million ORDI and $1 million ETHFI long position on Hyperliquid. The "Sol" team sniped the release of its CAT, controlling 63% of the supply and making a profit of $5 million, which was then transferred to multiple wallets and cross-chain. Through time analysis, multiple addresses on Ethereum and Arbitrum were confirmed, among which 0x5e...adc8 opened an ORDI long position at 5:45-5:46 pm UTC. At 5:55 UTC, the GCR Twitter account was hacked and posted about ORDI, causing the price to surge. 0x5e…adc8 then closed the ORDI long position and made a profit of $34,000; GCR posted a stolen warning in another account; the hacker later posted about ETHFI, but 0x5e…adc8 closed the position with a loss of $3.5k. #新币挖矿
$BTC $ETH CAT memecoin team "Sol" is linked to last night's GCR social media hack. Before the hack, an address associated with the memecoin team opened a $2.3 million ORDI and $1 million ETHFI long position on Hyperliquid. The "Sol" team sniped the release of its CAT, controlling 63% of the supply and making a profit of $5 million, which was then transferred to multiple wallets and cross-chain. Through time analysis, multiple addresses on Ethereum and Arbitrum were confirmed, among which 0x5e...adc8 opened an ORDI long position at 5:45-5:46 pm UTC. At 5:55 UTC, the GCR Twitter account was hacked and posted about ORDI, causing the price to surge. 0x5e…adc8 then closed the ORDI long position and made a profit of $34,000; GCR posted a stolen warning in another account; the hacker later posted about ETHFI, but 0x5e…adc8 closed the position with a loss of $3.5k. #新币挖矿
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$BTC $ETH $BNB According to HODL15Capital, the gap between Grayscale GBTC and BlackRock IBIT in Bitcoin holdings has further narrowed, and it is expected that the former will be overtaken by the latter next week. It is worth mentioning that the words "the world's largest (Bitcoin ETF)" have been removed from the Grayscale GBTC official website, perhaps because it is expected that BlackRock's IBIT will soon surpass GBTC. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
$BTC $ETH $BNB According to HODL15Capital, the gap between Grayscale GBTC and BlackRock IBIT in Bitcoin holdings has further narrowed, and it is expected that the former will be overtaken by the latter next week. It is worth mentioning that the words "the world's largest (Bitcoin ETF)" have been removed from the Grayscale GBTC official website, perhaps because it is expected that BlackRock's IBIT will soon surpass GBTC. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
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$BTC $ETH $BNB The Uniswap Foundation officially announced the unaudited quarterly financial summary as of March 31, 2024, indicating that as of Q1, it held $41.41 million and stablecoins (approximately $40.47 million, 750,000 DAI, 180,000 USDC), as well as 730,000 UNI. Fiat currency (US dollars) and stablecoins will be used to fund and operate activities, and UNI will be used for employee token rewards. The expected period of use of funds will last until the end of 2025, with the following specific allocations: Grant commitments and incentives: $25.77 million will be issued in 2024 and 2025. $2.94 million is reserved for previously promised grant issuance. The remaining $12.7 million will be used to fund operating expenses before the end of 2025. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
$BTC $ETH $BNB The Uniswap Foundation officially announced the unaudited quarterly financial summary as of March 31, 2024, indicating that as of Q1, it held $41.41 million and stablecoins (approximately $40.47 million, 750,000 DAI, 180,000 USDC), as well as 730,000 UNI. Fiat currency (US dollars) and stablecoins will be used to fund and operate activities, and UNI will be used for employee token rewards. The expected period of use of funds will last until the end of 2025, with the following specific allocations:
Grant commitments and incentives: $25.77 million will be issued in 2024 and 2025. $2.94 million is reserved for previously promised grant issuance.
The remaining $12.7 million will be used to fund operating expenses before the end of 2025. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
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$BTC $ETH $BNB According to @ai_9684xtpa, in the past 13 hours, Amber Group has deposited 25 million GRTs worth $8.03 million to Binance. Amber received 25 million tokens from The Graph project three years ago, and subsequent funds have been flowing in and out of the exchange. In the past two days, a total of 30 million tokens have been deposited to the exchange, with a transfer price of $0.32. Currently, there are still 35.2 million GRTs left. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH $BNB According to @ai_9684xtpa, in the past 13 hours, Amber Group has deposited 25 million GRTs worth $8.03 million to Binance. Amber received 25 million tokens from The Graph project three years ago, and subsequent funds have been flowing in and out of the exchange. In the past two days, a total of 30 million tokens have been deposited to the exchange, with a transfer price of $0.32. Currently, there are still 35.2 million GRTs left. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH $BNB Non-custodial Bitcoin exchange Hodl Hodl has changed its service agreement to explicitly exclude residents of the United States (including its states and the District of Columbia), the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Puerto Rico, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and any country or region subject to UN sanctions from accessing its lending platform. This change is part of Hodl Hodl's stricter policies to address regulatory uncertainty and protect the security and integrity of the platform. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #美众议院通过FIT21法案
$BTC $ETH $BNB Non-custodial Bitcoin exchange Hodl Hodl has changed its service agreement to explicitly exclude residents of the United States (including its states and the District of Columbia), the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Puerto Rico, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and any country or region subject to UN sanctions from accessing its lending platform. This change is part of Hodl Hodl's stricter policies to address regulatory uncertainty and protect the security and integrity of the platform. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #美众议院通过FIT21法案
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$BTC $ETH DePIN X, a crypto investment institution focusing on investing in DePIN projects, has made a strategic investment in the decentralized AI cloud gaming protocol DeepLink Protocol, further consolidating DeepLink's important position in the technological revolution of the decentralized cloud gaming industry. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH DePIN X, a crypto investment institution focusing on investing in DePIN projects, has made a strategic investment in the decentralized AI cloud gaming protocol DeepLink Protocol, further consolidating DeepLink's important position in the technological revolution of the decentralized cloud gaming industry. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH $BNB Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas believes that Ethereum lacks an "easy-to-understand" voice to attract baby boomers to buy ETFs. He said: "Is there such a simple sentence for Ethereum? If so, what is it? One of the challenges facing the Ethereum ETF in breaking into the world of 60/40 baby boomers is to distill its purpose/value into an easy-to-understand voice. A potential obstacle to the success of the spot Ethereum ETF is how it resonates with investors in the 60-80 age group." #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH $BNB Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas believes that Ethereum lacks an "easy-to-understand" voice to attract baby boomers to buy ETFs. He said: "Is there such a simple sentence for Ethereum? If so, what is it? One of the challenges facing the Ethereum ETF in breaking into the world of 60/40 baby boomers is to distill its purpose/value into an easy-to-understand voice. A potential obstacle to the success of the spot Ethereum ETF is how it resonates with investors in the 60-80 age group." #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH Ethereum liquidity re-staking protocol's deposits and total locked value (TVL) have risen to all-time highs, with more than 270,000 ETH ($995 million) deposited into in the past ten days. These inflows, coupled with ETH's recent price increase, have contributed to the protocol's total locked value increasing from $4 billion to $5.4 billion, a new all-time high. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH Ethereum liquidity re-staking protocol's deposits and total locked value (TVL) have risen to all-time highs, with more than 270,000 ETH ($995 million) deposited into in the past ten days. These inflows, coupled with ETH's recent price increase, have contributed to the protocol's total locked value increasing from $4 billion to $5.4 billion, a new all-time high. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH Bitcoin (BTC) mining company Marathon Digital (MARA) reached an agreement with Kenya's Ministry of Energy and Petroleum on Friday to invest more than $80 million to develop the African country's energy infrastructure. Marathon CEO Fred Thiel said the goal of the partnership is to "monetize Kenya's underutilized energy and jointly develop technology projects," and the investment will be used for green data centers. The funding will include foreign investment, but the source of the funds was not specified. The joint venture is expected to bring economic benefits to the Kenyan economy and generate revenue for the local energy industry ecosystem. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿
$BTC $ETH Bitcoin (BTC) mining company Marathon Digital (MARA) reached an agreement with Kenya's Ministry of Energy and Petroleum on Friday to invest more than $80 million to develop the African country's energy infrastructure. Marathon CEO Fred Thiel said the goal of the partnership is to "monetize Kenya's underutilized energy and jointly develop technology projects," and the investment will be used for green data centers. The funding will include foreign investment, but the source of the funds was not specified. The joint venture is expected to bring economic benefits to the Kenyan economy and generate revenue for the local energy industry ecosystem. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿
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$BTC $ETH Goldman Sachs Kamakshya Trivedi and other analysts said that the current US economic data has weakened the Fed's case for easing policy, which may lead to broader and more destructive dollar fluctuations. However, even if this trend continues, it will be difficult for the dollar to fall sharply before the US election because investors are unlikely to chase improved overseas economic growth as they did in 2016. The dollar will return to the strong side of the recent range in the coming months, and a "breakthrough" in favor of the dollar is more likely to occur when "factors such as tariffs or more fiscal expansion policies that catalyze higher inflation emerge." #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH Goldman Sachs Kamakshya Trivedi and other analysts said that the current US economic data has weakened the Fed's case for easing policy, which may lead to broader and more destructive dollar fluctuations. However, even if this trend continues, it will be difficult for the dollar to fall sharply before the US election because investors are unlikely to chase improved overseas economic growth as they did in 2016. The dollar will return to the strong side of the recent range in the coming months, and a "breakthrough" in favor of the dollar is more likely to occur when "factors such as tariffs or more fiscal expansion policies that catalyze higher inflation emerge." #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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$BTC $ETH Crypto custody company BitGo will be able to proceed with its $100 million lawsuit against financial services company Galaxy Digital. The Delaware Supreme Court overturned a lower court's decision to dismiss the lawsuit last year, allowing BitGo to proceed with the case in Chancery Court. BitGo accused Galaxy of "willful" breach of contract in the $1.2 billion merger agreement reached in May 2021 because it could not pay the huge fee after suffering huge financial losses in the crypto bear market. Galaxy said the agreement broke down because BitGo failed to provide the necessary audited financial statements on time and said BitGo's allegations were "without basis." Last June, Delaware Chancery Court Associate Justice J. Travis Laster ruled that Galaxy had "good cause" to withdraw from the agreement on the grounds that BitGo provided "non-compliant" financial documents. After BitGo appealed, the Delaware Supreme Court overturned the previous ruling because the definition of "financial statements" in the merger agreement was ambiguous and the two parties provided reasonable explanations. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH Crypto custody company BitGo will be able to proceed with its $100 million lawsuit against financial services company Galaxy Digital. The Delaware Supreme Court overturned a lower court's decision to dismiss the lawsuit last year, allowing BitGo to proceed with the case in Chancery Court.
BitGo accused Galaxy of "willful" breach of contract in the $1.2 billion merger agreement reached in May 2021 because it could not pay the huge fee after suffering huge financial losses in the crypto bear market. Galaxy said the agreement broke down because BitGo failed to provide the necessary audited financial statements on time and said BitGo's allegations were "without basis."
Last June, Delaware Chancery Court Associate Justice J. Travis Laster ruled that Galaxy had "good cause" to withdraw from the agreement on the grounds that BitGo provided "non-compliant" financial documents. After BitGo appealed, the Delaware Supreme Court overturned the previous ruling because the definition of "financial statements" in the merger agreement was ambiguous and the two parties provided reasonable explanations. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH market shows that #山寨币热点 CORE briefly broke through $2 and is now at $1.93, with a daily increase of 21.8%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job of risk control. It was previously reported that Coinbase included Core (CORECHAIN) in the coin listing roadmap.
$BTC $ETH market shows that #山寨币热点 CORE briefly broke through $2 and is now at $1.93, with a daily increase of 21.8%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job of risk control.
It was previously reported that Coinbase included Core (CORECHAIN) in the coin listing roadmap.
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