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Transaction volume on the Avalanche network has increased significantly, from approximately 158,000 transactions when Stars Arena launched on September 20, to over 250,000 transactions on October 3. Additionally, the growing trend over the past few days has seen Avalanche’s trading volume increase, with the AVAX price reaching around $10.4, up 3.71% in the last 24 hours. If the market price shows signs of continued upward movement, AVAX price may break above the previous high price of $11.2. However, if the market pulls back, the price could fall towards the $9-9.8 support. Personally, I think the chance of a correction is relatively high, and I will not deploy it at this high price. In the short term, you can take advantage of the low price correction to deploy, but note that the short-term risks are extremely high, so you need to operate with caution. "None of the content and views shared above constitute investment advice. The level of petty bourgeoisie is limited, and mistakes may inevitably occur. Please do not criticize me. DYOR》 #Avax #注意资金安全 $AVAX

Transaction volume on the Avalanche network has increased significantly, from approximately 158,000 transactions when Stars Arena launched on September 20, to over 250,000 transactions on October 3. Additionally, the growing trend over the past few days has seen Avalanche’s trading volume increase, with the AVAX price reaching around $10.4, up 3.71% in the last 24 hours.

If the market price shows signs of continued upward movement, AVAX price may break above the previous high price of $11.2.

However, if the market pulls back, the price could fall towards the $9-9.8 support.

Personally, I think the chance of a correction is relatively high, and I will not deploy it at this high price. In the short term, you can take advantage of the low price correction to deploy, but note that the short-term risks are extremely high, so you need to operate with caution.

"None of the content and views shared above constitute investment advice. The level of petty bourgeoisie is limited, and mistakes may inevitably occur. Please do not criticize me. DYOR》

#Avax #注意资金安全 $AVAX

Crypto JQ
"SocialFi's popularity continues to soar, Stars Arena was hacked"
Stars Arena, a social protocol based on Avalanche, suffered from a serious smart contract vulnerability that allowed hackers to steal Avax tokens, worth nearly $2,000, from the project’s smart contracts. Despite this theft, over $1 million worth of assets remain locked in Stars Arena’s smart contracts. The Stars Arena development team has successfully patched the flaw, but they stress that a high level of vigilance is still required as the area remains vulnerable to attacks from malicious actors. The attackers appear to be attempting to extract funds from the Stars Arena platform through low-cost attacks, but have not specifically disclosed who they believe is behind these attacks. Stars Arena says the bug has been fixed, but make no mistake, we're at war. Malicious actors in this space target us with the intent of stealing your funds. The little guy, including you and your platform diversity rights, is under attack. The team said these attackers were essentially wasting money on a heist by trying to spend $5 to extract just $1 of TVL from our platform, but did not specify who they suspected was behind the attack. SocialFi app Stars Arena was inspired by Friend Tech and launched at the end of September, quickly attracting users. According to data from DappRadar, Stars Arena has become the leader in daily active users on the Avalanche network, surpassing other Dapps. Data shows that over 10,000 unique active wallets interacted with Stars Arena within 24 hours. According to DeFiLlama, in just two weeks of launch, Stars Arena has reported over $1 million in total value locked (TVL). These numbers underscore the success and appeal of Stars Arena on the Avalanche network. Meanwhile, transaction volume on the Avalanche network has increased significantly, from around 158,000 transactions when Stars Arena launched on September 20, to over 250,000 transactions on October 3. Furthermore, AVAX trading price increased by 9.9% in 24 hours and currently stands at $10.14 as trading volume of Avalanche increased. These data highlight the positive impact Stars Arena has on the Avalanche network. These data highlight the rapid development and success of the social finance field on blockchain.Stars Arena top information announcing core team members. Meanwhile, the Ticket price is 75.34 AVAX, with a total trading volume of 32,887 AVAX, and a total of 130 holders. The surge in popularity of Social Fi began when FriendTech launched on Coinbase’s Base Layer 2 blockchain in August, similar to other imitating projects such as PostTech on Arbitrum and Friendzy on Solana. These platforms allow users to trade tokens associated with social media influencers, giving them access to exclusive conversations with these influencers. Similar to FriendTech’s functionality, Stars Arena offers the ability for users to link their Twitter accounts to buy or sell other users’ profile tokens using Avalanche’s native asset, AVAX. The app automatically creates a wallet for users to deposit into AVAX and start using the service. According to on-chain data compiled by CryptoKoryo on Dune Analytics, FriendTech is currently still the project with the largest daily transaction volume and revenue in the field of social finance. Personally, I am more optimistic about FriendTech. As for Stars Arena, I suggest you don’t get into it with FOMO. You might as well register and study it. From my personal experience earlier, I felt it was very laggy. Just post a Thread and a robot will buy your ticket. If you are optimistic about Stars Arena, you can deploy Avax while the correction is low. "None of the contents and views shared above constitute investment advice. The level of petty bourgeoisie is limited, and mistakes may inevitably occur. Please do not criticize me. DYOR》Remember to like + follow. Thank you|Thanks|Terima Kasih#Avax #注意资金安全 #FriendTech $AVAX
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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《比特幣減半並不是一個利好事件⁉️》 許多人認為比特幣減半將是一個利好事件,因為在之前的減半週期中,比特幣價格通常會飆升至新的歷史高點。 🕵️‍♂️ 然而,10x研究分析師馬庫斯·蒂倫表示,之前的減半並沒有直接導致牛市週期,而是由宏觀環境所驅動。 他認為,目前市場缺乏推動價格上漲的催化劑。由於宏觀經濟的不確定性籠罩著加密貨幣市場,預計比特幣可能會在未來幾周下跌至50,000美元。此外,現貨比特幣ETF也未見新資金流入,因為投資者已經經歷了一月份的初始興奮期,導致失去了推動價格從40,000美元上漲至70,000美元的典型驅動因素。 “ETF流入並非突然停止,而是在3月12日左右停止的,當時公佈了消費者物價指數和生產者物價指數。” 📊 數據顯示,灰度現貨比特幣ETF GBTC昨日(4月18日)淨流出9000萬美元,相當於1,420個比特幣。自GBTC轉換為ETF以來,已流出314,225個比特幣。目前,GBTC持有的比特幣數量為304,970個,低於1月份基金轉換為ETF時的620,000個比特幣。在過去的3個月里,GBTC減持了51%的比特幣。 ⚠️ 去年年底到2024年初,交易者普遍預計美聯儲將在今年多次降息,同時預計通脹將持續下降。這一預期推動了風險資產,例如科技股和加密貨幣,大幅上漲。然而,最近的3月通脹報告顯示,通脹水平仍然高於美聯儲的2%目標,這導致美聯儲反復表達了對今年是否能夠降息的不確定性。 💡 個人認為,儘管比特幣減半是一個利好因素,但比特幣回升新的高位可能需要持續幾週時間的區間盤整,並且受到宏觀環境的影響。或許市場正在給投資者一個累積更多籌碼的機會。 #BTC #比特币减半
《新一代投資趨勢:Gen Z更傾向於Crypto 而非傳統股票》 一項由Policygenius進行的調查顯示,新一代投資者,即Gen Z,更傾向於選擇加密貨幣而非傳統股票,與他們的前輩們形成了明顯的差異。調查顯示,約有20%的Gen Z擁有加密貨幣,而僅有18%持有股票。相比之下,33%的嬰兒潮一代持有股票,但僅有5%投資於加密貨幣。 這種趨勢反映了年輕一代與前輩們在財務規劃上的不同取向。他們更願意冒險嘗試新型投資,而加密貨幣正是一個備受關注的領域。然而,這種轉變也可能受到一些外部因素的影響,比如日益嚴重的住房短缺。 調查還發現,與擁有房地產的可能性相比,年輕一代擁有加密貨幣的可能性並不遜色。雖然仍有13%的Gen Z和24%的千禧一代擁有房地產,但有45%的嬰兒潮一代也持有房產。這反映了購房變得越來越困難的現實,尤其是在高利率和低庫存的情況下。 另一項由金融業監管局基金會和CFA協會進行的調查也得出了類似的結論,約56%的Gen Z擁有一些投資,其中大約55%選擇了加密貨幣,而41%選擇了個人股票。這表明,加密貨幣已經成為新一代投資組合中的重要一環。 💡個人認為:新一代投資者的偏好正在發生變化,他們更願意接受新興的金融工具和技術,以應對不斷變化的經濟環境。加密貨幣作為一種新興資產類別,吸引了年輕人的關注。比如NFT、DeFi生態系統和Staking。這些新興的金融工具和技術為投資者提供了更多選擇,但也需要謹慎對待,因為市場波動性和風險並不可忽視。 #BTC #web3
《Web3 迎来大规模爆发的时刻》 未來十年將是Web3的「1995時刻」,預示著Web3應用將在未來十年迎來爆發和價值發現。肖風在香港Web3嘉年華的閉幕演講指出,區塊鏈技術已經完成了從0到1的階段,現正處於從1到10的關鍵時期,預示著應用的大規模爆發。他認為,2024年至2034年將是Web3的黃金十年,類似於互聯網在1995年到2005年間的應用爆發期。 Web3的兩大支柱是區塊鏈和人工智能AI。區塊鏈通過分層和分片技術解決了「不可能三角」問題,而人工智能的“通用多模態模型”也為應用創新提供了支持。他還呼籲開發Web3的「瀏覽器」和「圖形操作系統」,後者可能基於AI的自然語言處理技術。 記賬方法是經濟與社會文明的基石,而區塊鏈技術代表了記賬方法的一次根本性變革。他從第一性原理出發,解釋了人類歷史上三次重大的記賬方法演進:單式記賬法、復式記賬法以及分布式賬本的出現。而區塊鏈技術則被視為第四次重大演進,創造了一個公開透明的「全球公共賬本」,為經濟和社會文明帶來深遠影響。 在我看來,隨著Web3平台的數字原生、數字自治和價值共享等顛覆式創新不斷湧現,以及從邊緣到核心、從原生到孿生的發展模式的引領,Web3有望在未來十年內實現應用的爆發和價值的發現。這一爆發將為經濟、社會和文化帶來深遠的影響,塑造新的商業模式和社會結構。 #BTC #web3

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