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"Web3 is about to explode on a large scale" The next ten years will be the "1995 moment" of Web3, which indicates that Web3 applications will usher in an explosion and value discovery in the next ten years. Xiao Feng’s closing speech at the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival pointed out that blockchain technology has completed the stage from 0 to 1 and is now in the critical period from 1 to 10, indicating a large-scale explosion of applications. He believes that 2024 to 2034 will be the golden decade of Web3, similar to the Internet's application explosion period from 1995 to 2005. The two pillars of Web3 are blockchain and artificial intelligence AI. Blockchain solves the "impossible triangle" problem through layering and sharding technology, and the "universal multi-modal model" of artificial intelligence also provides support for application innovation. He also called for the development of a Web3 "browser" and "graphical operating system," the latter of which may be based on AI's natural language processing technology. Accounting methods are the cornerstone of economic and social civilization, and blockchain technology represents a fundamental change in accounting methods. Starting from first principles, he explained the three major evolutions of accounting methods in human history: single-entry accounting, double-entry accounting, and the emergence of distributed ledgers. Blockchain technology is regarded as the fourth major evolution, creating an open and transparent "global public ledger" and bringing far-reaching impact to the economy and social civilization. In my opinion, with the continuous emergence of disruptive innovations such as digital nativeness, digital autonomy and value sharing of the Web3 platform, as well as the leadership of the development model from edge to core, from native to twin, Web3 is expected to achieve application development in the next ten years. Explosion and discovery of value. This outbreak will have a profound impact on the economy, society and culture, shaping new business models and social structures. #BTC #web3

"Web3 is about to explode on a large scale"

The next ten years will be the "1995 moment" of Web3, which indicates that Web3 applications will usher in an explosion and value discovery in the next ten years. Xiao Feng’s closing speech at the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival pointed out that blockchain technology has completed the stage from 0 to 1 and is now in the critical period from 1 to 10, indicating a large-scale explosion of applications. He believes that 2024 to 2034 will be the golden decade of Web3, similar to the Internet's application explosion period from 1995 to 2005.

The two pillars of Web3 are blockchain and artificial intelligence AI. Blockchain solves the "impossible triangle" problem through layering and sharding technology, and the "universal multi-modal model" of artificial intelligence also provides support for application innovation. He also called for the development of a Web3 "browser" and "graphical operating system," the latter of which may be based on AI's natural language processing technology.

Accounting methods are the cornerstone of economic and social civilization, and blockchain technology represents a fundamental change in accounting methods. Starting from first principles, he explained the three major evolutions of accounting methods in human history: single-entry accounting, double-entry accounting, and the emergence of distributed ledgers. Blockchain technology is regarded as the fourth major evolution, creating an open and transparent "global public ledger" and bringing far-reaching impact to the economy and social civilization.

In my opinion, with the continuous emergence of disruptive innovations such as digital nativeness, digital autonomy and value sharing of the Web3 platform, as well as the leadership of the development model from edge to core, from native to twin, Web3 is expected to achieve application development in the next ten years. Explosion and discovery of value. This outbreak will have a profound impact on the economy, society and culture, shaping new business models and social structures.

#BTC #web3

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當BTC 比特幣價格在三角形整理後,投資者應警惕可能出現潛在假跌破行情。最近的調整使得比特幣的相對強度降至40%,與此前自2023年初以來的三次調整相似。重新確定牛熊市分界價格線可能會改變之前的市場觀點,之前被看作看跌信號的分界線是68,300美元。 個人認為,如果比特幣能夠回升至60,000美元以上並保持穩定,可能會迎來一波不錯的反彈行情。另一種情況是價格跌破58,000美元至56,000美元之間並持續整理修復,這將為投資者提供充足的時間進行定投抄底。 【BitMEX聯合創始人Arthur Hayes在題為《五月險情》的最新博客文章中表示看好比特幣走勢。】 他分析了近期美國貨幣政策變化對加密市場的潛在影響。他指出,美聯儲決定將每月縮表速度從950億美元下調至600億美元,相當於每月新增350億美元流動性。 同時,美國財政部在最新的季度借新還舊報告中透露,為滿足5月底前的資金需求,近期將增發4周、6周和8週期限的短期國債,這有望為市場帶來額外的美元流動性。 他提到美國小型銀行Republic First Bank破產後,FDIC為避免存款擠兌,動用保險基金確保了所有存款人利益。這意味著美國當局實質上為全境銀行系統新增了6.7萬億美元的或有負債。 他認為,這些因素將持續為市場注入美元,減輕加密貨幣下行壓力,推動比特幣在未來數月企穩反彈。他預測,比特幣可能已在58,600美元附近觸底,接下來將重返60,000美元上方,並在60,000-70,000美元區間盤整至北半球夏季結束。他還透露,看好反彈行情,目前正在逢低吸納SOL等代幣。 #BTC

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