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"New Generation Investment Trends: Gen Z prefers Crypto to traditional stocks" A new generation of investors, known as Gen Z, is more likely to choose cryptocurrencies over traditional stocks, creating a stark difference from their predecessors, according to a survey conducted by Policygenius. The survey shows that about 20% of Gen Z own cryptocurrencies, while only 18% hold stocks. In comparison, 33% of baby boomers own stocks, but only 5% are invested in cryptocurrencies. This trend reflects the different approaches to financial planning between younger generations and older generations. They are more willing to take risks and try new types of investments, and cryptocurrency is an area that is getting a lot of attention. However, this shift may also be affected by external factors, such as a growing housing shortage. The survey also found that younger generations are no less likely to own cryptocurrency than to own real estate. While 13% of Gen Z and 24% of Millennials still own real estate, 45% of Baby Boomers also own property. This reflects the reality that buying a home is becoming increasingly difficult, especially with high interest rates and low inventory. Another survey conducted by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Foundation and CFA Institute came to similar conclusions, with about 56% of Gen Z owning some investments, with about 55% choosing cryptocurrencies and 41% choosing individual stocks. . This shows that cryptocurrencies have become an important part of the new generation of investment portfolios. 💡Personal opinion: The preferences of the new generation of investors are changing, and they are more willing to accept emerging financial tools and technologies to cope with the changing economic environment. Cryptocurrency is an emerging asset class that has attracted the attention of young people. Such as NFT, DeFi ecosystem and Staking. These emerging financial instruments and technologies provide investors with more choices, but they also need to be treated with caution because market volatility and risks cannot be ignored. #BTC #web3

"New Generation Investment Trends: Gen Z prefers Crypto to traditional stocks"

A new generation of investors, known as Gen Z, is more likely to choose cryptocurrencies over traditional stocks, creating a stark difference from their predecessors, according to a survey conducted by Policygenius. The survey shows that about 20% of Gen Z own cryptocurrencies, while only 18% hold stocks. In comparison, 33% of baby boomers own stocks, but only 5% are invested in cryptocurrencies.

This trend reflects the different approaches to financial planning between younger generations and older generations. They are more willing to take risks and try new types of investments, and cryptocurrency is an area that is getting a lot of attention. However, this shift may also be affected by external factors, such as a growing housing shortage.

The survey also found that younger generations are no less likely to own cryptocurrency than to own real estate. While 13% of Gen Z and 24% of Millennials still own real estate, 45% of Baby Boomers also own property. This reflects the reality that buying a home is becoming increasingly difficult, especially with high interest rates and low inventory.

Another survey conducted by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Foundation and CFA Institute came to similar conclusions, with about 56% of Gen Z owning some investments, with about 55% choosing cryptocurrencies and 41% choosing individual stocks. . This shows that cryptocurrencies have become an important part of the new generation of investment portfolios.

💡Personal opinion: The preferences of the new generation of investors are changing, and they are more willing to accept emerging financial tools and technologies to cope with the changing economic environment. Cryptocurrency is an emerging asset class that has attracted the attention of young people. Such as NFT, DeFi ecosystem and Staking. These emerging financial instruments and technologies provide investors with more choices, but they also need to be treated with caution because market volatility and risks cannot be ignored.

#BTC #web3

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《比特幣仍有望在今年年底達到15萬美元⁉️》 數據顯示貝萊德現貨比特幣ETF已連續70天實現淨流入,達到1980萬美元,成為每日資金流入最長的ETF之一。Grayscale的現貨比特幣ETF GBTC一直是最大加密貨幣基金之一,儘管面臨持續的資金外流,但仍然保持領先地位。 分析師指出,比特幣礦工與BTC相比持續虧損,並且對股東具有高度稀釋性。 在2020年減半後的6個月內,礦工經歷了50%的下跌,隨後出現了爆炸性的150%超額收益,持續了3個月至2021年3月。 市值與等權重指數的比率圖顯示偏向大公司,上市礦商的哈希率超過30%,其中大型礦商MARA增長迅速。他認為,比特幣礦工是很好的交易工具,但價值存儲能力較差。 隨著大型礦商承擔更多的哈希值和行業整合,情況可能會發生變化。然而,從長遠來看,這是令人擔憂的。他希望更多的小規模和民族國家認可新興市場,以幫助抵消這種趨勢。 同时阿拉伯聯合酋長國在加密貨幣採用方面領先於中東地區,72%的當地用戶投資了比特幣。去年,該地區的加密貨幣日常交易量增長了166%,2024年,當地平均每天有50萬加密貨幣交易者。渣打銀行分析師表示比特幣仍有望在今年年底達到15萬美元。 💡個人觀點:我認為比特幣目前處於向上趨勢。通過採取底部定投策略,增加現貨持倉,並結合美國Q3-Q4可能降息等宏觀經濟因素,預計資金將繼續湧入加密市場,推動比特幣價格攀升至15萬美元,開啓一輪大牛市。 #BTC
《比特幣減半並不是一個利好事件⁉️》 許多人認為比特幣減半將是一個利好事件,因為在之前的減半週期中,比特幣價格通常會飆升至新的歷史高點。 🕵️‍♂️ 然而,10x研究分析師馬庫斯·蒂倫表示,之前的減半並沒有直接導致牛市週期,而是由宏觀環境所驅動。 他認為,目前市場缺乏推動價格上漲的催化劑。由於宏觀經濟的不確定性籠罩著加密貨幣市場,預計比特幣可能會在未來幾周下跌至50,000美元。此外,現貨比特幣ETF也未見新資金流入,因為投資者已經經歷了一月份的初始興奮期,導致失去了推動價格從40,000美元上漲至70,000美元的典型驅動因素。 “ETF流入並非突然停止,而是在3月12日左右停止的,當時公佈了消費者物價指數和生產者物價指數。” 📊 數據顯示,灰度現貨比特幣ETF GBTC昨日(4月18日)淨流出9000萬美元,相當於1,420個比特幣。自GBTC轉換為ETF以來,已流出314,225個比特幣。目前,GBTC持有的比特幣數量為304,970個,低於1月份基金轉換為ETF時的620,000個比特幣。在過去的3個月里,GBTC減持了51%的比特幣。 ⚠️ 去年年底到2024年初,交易者普遍預計美聯儲將在今年多次降息,同時預計通脹將持續下降。這一預期推動了風險資產,例如科技股和加密貨幣,大幅上漲。然而,最近的3月通脹報告顯示,通脹水平仍然高於美聯儲的2%目標,這導致美聯儲反復表達了對今年是否能夠降息的不確定性。 💡 個人認為,儘管比特幣減半是一個利好因素,但比特幣回升新的高位可能需要持續幾週時間的區間盤整,並且受到宏觀環境的影響。或許市場正在給投資者一個累積更多籌碼的機會。 #BTC #比特币减半

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