Binance Square
#BTCS# The inscription is very popular now, but the Nambovan in the future inscription definitely belongs to Sats, it has both meme attributes, BRC20 inscription faucet attributes, BTC smallest unit bit satoshi attributes and application attributes, BTC son attributes, it also has an invincible community of invincible followers and evangelists, just ask, who else??? #BONK #BinanceTournament #BTC #SATS #BinanceWish

#BTCS# The inscription is very popular now, but the Nambovan in the future inscription definitely belongs to Sats, it has both meme attributes, BRC20 inscription faucet attributes, BTC smallest unit bit satoshi attributes and application attributes, BTC son attributes, it also has an invincible community of invincible followers and evangelists, just ask, who else???

#BONK #BinanceTournament #BTC #SATS #BinanceWish

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