Binance Square
Today is expected to be no big market, there is a wave of a few hundred points estimated to end, the United States over Thanksgiving suspension, the beginning of the cake all the way up after breaking through 38000, the market has been in a wide range of shocks, the current daily line is still in shock, the general direction I am still optimistic about the performance of the bulls. Now many people are beginning to look at what the middle line is empty, outrageous points to see 20000-15000 are coming, the first wave of rise I am more optimistic and have said that 38000 is a top in the near future, so also rely on 38000 empty a few times, but when most people think so, I have a different idea, similar to last year's has been buying the bottom has been falling, what escape from the top of these are meaningful to us to do short-term but not big, do a good job of risk control and let it go, even if you really let you catch a top, you first think more about whether you can take it or not, the direction will always come out, the follow-up idea is still to maintain the retracement bullish, optimistic about the bulls sprint to 40,000 #MtGox #WLD #RichardTeng #KyberSwap #etf

Today is expected to be no big market, there is a wave of a few hundred points estimated to end, the United States over Thanksgiving suspension, the beginning of the cake all the way up after breaking through 38000, the market has been in a wide range of shocks, the current daily line is still in shock, the general direction I am still optimistic about the performance of the bulls.

Now many people are beginning to look at what the middle line is empty, outrageous points to see 20000-15000 are coming, the first wave of rise I am more optimistic and have said that 38000 is a top in the near future, so also rely on 38000 empty a few times, but when most people think so, I have a different idea, similar to last year's has been buying the bottom has been falling, what escape from the top of these are meaningful to us to do short-term but not big, do a good job of risk control and let it go, even if you really let you catch a top, you first think more about whether you can take it or not, the direction will always come out, the follow-up idea is still to maintain the retracement bullish, optimistic about the bulls sprint to 40,000

#MtGox #WLD #RichardTeng #KyberSwap #etf

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