Binance Square
In terms of the liquidation map, due to the large number of short positions in Bitcoin, which was liquidated in large numbers after the Argentine election stimulated the price increase, the short peak on the right has become very short, and if the Bitcoin price tests $38,000 again, the bears will suffer even greater losses. On the liquidation heat map, a lot of power has been gathered around the $35,600 area, the yellow line is bright, and there will be a huge liquidation strength here, and it seems that Bitcoin will be difficult to test this price level in the short term. Like 👍 it, the latest news 📈📉 is non-stop #MtGox #WLD #RichardTeng #KyberSwap #etf

In terms of the liquidation map, due to the large number of short positions in Bitcoin, which was liquidated in large numbers after the Argentine election stimulated the price increase, the short peak on the right has become very short, and if the Bitcoin price tests $38,000 again, the bears will suffer even greater losses. On the liquidation heat map, a lot of power has been gathered around the $35,600 area, the yellow line is bright, and there will be a huge liquidation strength here, and it seems that Bitcoin will be difficult to test this price level in the short term.

Like 👍 it, the latest news 📈📉 is non-stop

#MtGox #WLD #RichardTeng #KyberSwap #etf

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