Binance Square
It’s easy to make money without thinking. Bulls can take a look at the current short-selling situation. It’s already very uncomfortable. If $ETH$ can break 1694, there should be a very good bull market in October. I look forward to seeing a proper pattern. No problem. Doubled in 3 days, you can follow my real trading account. #crypto2023 #ETH #Layer2 #DeFiChallenge #cryptonews

It’s easy to make money without thinking. Bulls can take a look at the current short-selling situation. It’s already very uncomfortable. If $ETH$ can break 1694, there should be a very good bull market in October. I look forward to seeing a proper pattern. No problem.

Doubled in 3 days, you can follow my real trading account.

#crypto2023 #ETH #Layer2 #DeFiChallenge #cryptonews

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