Binance Square
🎉🚀比特幣 (BTC) 繼續在加密貨幣世界中佔據主導地位,市值超過 1.2 萬億美元——超過了 Facebook 和伯克希爾哈撒韋公司!PayPal、星巴克和 AMC 影院等大公司已將 BTC 作爲支付方式,薩爾瓦多甚至在 2021 年宣佈其爲法定貨幣。🌎💰 然而,加密貨幣行業充斥着其他可能超越 BTC 的代幣。根據 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 的說法,以太坊 (ETH) 是頭號競爭者。隨着從工作量證明過渡到權益證明 (The Merge),ETH 提供了更好的可擴展性和更低的能耗,這可能導致其在去中心化應用程序中得到更廣泛的使用,並導致價格飆升。📈🔋 Solana (SOL) 是另一個潛在的翻轉者,以其高吞吐量和快速的交易速度而聞名。它吸引了大量去中心化應用,尤其是去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和非同質化代幣 (NFT),這可能會轉化爲大幅的價格波動。🚀🔥 其他可能挑戰 BTC 主導地位的加密貨幣包括幣安幣 (BNB)、卡爾達諾 (ADA)、波卡 (DOT)、雪崩 (AVAX) 等。Ripple 的原生代幣 XRP 也有機會在今年取得長足進步,這取決於其對美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的訴訟結果。🏛️⚖️ 然而,ChatGPT 警告稱,翻轉 BTC 仍然“高度投機”,並將取決於積極的市場情緒、採用率的提高和重要的合作伙伴關係等因素。因此,雖然加密市場充滿潛力,但比特幣仍然是王者……目前!👑💫

🎉🚀比特幣 (BTC) 繼續在加密貨幣世界中佔據主導地位,市值超過 1.2 萬億美元——超過了 Facebook 和伯克希爾哈撒韋公司!PayPal、星巴克和 AMC 影院等大公司已將 BTC 作爲支付方式,薩爾瓦多甚至在 2021 年宣佈其爲法定貨幣。🌎💰

然而,加密貨幣行業充斥着其他可能超越 BTC 的代幣。根據 AI 聊天機器人 ChatGPT 的說法,以太坊 (ETH) 是頭號競爭者。隨着從工作量證明過渡到權益證明 (The Merge),ETH 提供了更好的可擴展性和更低的能耗,這可能導致其在去中心化應用程序中得到更廣泛的使用,並導致價格飆升。📈🔋

Solana (SOL) 是另一個潛在的翻轉者,以其高吞吐量和快速的交易速度而聞名。它吸引了大量去中心化應用,尤其是去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和非同質化代幣 (NFT),這可能會轉化爲大幅的價格波動。🚀🔥

其他可能挑戰 BTC 主導地位的加密貨幣包括幣安幣 (BNB)、卡爾達諾 (ADA)、波卡 (DOT)、雪崩 (AVAX) 等。Ripple 的原生代幣 XRP 也有機會在今年取得長足進步,這取決於其對美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的訴訟結果。🏛️⚖️

然而,ChatGPT 警告稱,翻轉 BTC 仍然“高度投機”,並將取決於積極的市場情緒、採用率的提高和重要的合作伙伴關係等因素。因此,雖然加密市場充滿潛力,但比特幣仍然是王者……目前!👑💫

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🚀Uniswap Labs, the brains behind the decentralized exchange Uniswap, has fired back at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Wells Notice, calling the legal basis "weak".👎 Meanwhile, Uniswap's native token UNI is on a roll, surging 2.0% in the last 24 hours and 37% over the week to hit $9.48.💰 Uniswap argues that the SEC's assumption that all tokens are securities is flawed. Marvin Ammori, Uniswap Labs' Chief Legal Officer, insists that tokens are a file format for value, not securities. He criticized the SEC's attempts to redefine terms such as "exchange," "broker," and "investment contract" to include Uniswap's operations.👨‍⚖️ Uniswap is ready to fight back. Its lawyers, who have represented successful cases including Grayscale and Ripple, warn that a case against Uniswap could push American crypto investors to use foreign trading protocols and stifle innovation.🥊 Uniswap's response comes as the U.S. House of Representatives gears up to vote on the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act. This bill could reshape the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC) roles in crypto regulation. Uniswap believes that if this legislation is enacted, the SEC's case might become irrelevant, and the CFTC would gain enforcement authority in certain areas.🏛️ Uniswap received the Wells Notice in April, and Ammori expressed disappointment but not surprise. He criticized the SEC for lacking clarity and guidance on Uniswap's self-custodial, non-intermediated products.📜 Stay tuned for more updates!👀


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