Binance Square
🚀Uniswap Labs 是去中心化交易所 Uniswap 的幕後策劃者,它對美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的威爾斯通知進行了反擊,稱其法律基礎“薄弱”。👎 與此同時,Uniswap 的原生代幣 UNI 勢頭強勁,過去 24 小時內飆升 2.0%,一週內飆升 37%,達到 9.48 美元。💰 Uniswap 辯稱,SEC 認爲所有代幣都是證券的假設是有缺陷的。Uniswap Labs 的首席法律官 Marvin Ammori 堅持認爲代幣是一種價值文件格式,而不是證券。他批評了 SEC 試圖重新定義“交易所”、“經紀商”和“投資合同”等術語以包括 Uniswap 的運營。👨‍⚖️ Uniswap 已準備好反擊。其律師曾代表 Grayscale 和 Ripple 等成功案例,他們警告稱,針對 Uniswap 的案件可能會迫使美國加密貨幣投資者使用外國交易協議並扼殺創新。🥊 Uniswap 的迴應正值美國衆議院準備就《21 世紀金融創新和技術法案》進行投票之際。該法案可能會重塑 SEC 和商品期貨交易委員會 (CFTC) 在加密貨幣監管中的角色。Uniswap 認爲,如果這項立法得以頒佈,SEC 的案件可能會變得無關緊要,CFTC 將在某些領域獲得執法權。🏛️ Uniswap 在 4 月收到了威爾斯通知,Ammori 表示失望但並不意外。他批評 SEC 對 Uniswap 的自我託管、非中介產品缺乏清晰度和指導。📜 請繼續關注更多更新!👀

🚀Uniswap Labs 是去中心化交易所 Uniswap 的幕後策劃者,它對美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的威爾斯通知進行了反擊,稱其法律基礎“薄弱”。👎 與此同時,Uniswap 的原生代幣 UNI 勢頭強勁,過去 24 小時內飆升 2.0%,一週內飆升 37%,達到 9.48 美元。💰

Uniswap 辯稱,SEC 認爲所有代幣都是證券的假設是有缺陷的。Uniswap Labs 的首席法律官 Marvin Ammori 堅持認爲代幣是一種價值文件格式,而不是證券。他批評了 SEC 試圖重新定義“交易所”、“經紀商”和“投資合同”等術語以包括 Uniswap 的運營。👨‍⚖️

Uniswap 已準備好反擊。其律師曾代表 Grayscale 和 Ripple 等成功案例,他們警告稱,針對 Uniswap 的案件可能會迫使美國加密貨幣投資者使用外國交易協議並扼殺創新。🥊

Uniswap 的迴應正值美國衆議院準備就《21 世紀金融創新和技術法案》進行投票之際。該法案可能會重塑 SEC 和商品期貨交易委員會 (CFTC) 在加密貨幣監管中的角色。Uniswap 認爲,如果這項立法得以頒佈,SEC 的案件可能會變得無關緊要,CFTC 將在某些領域獲得執法權。🏛️

Uniswap 在 4 月收到了威爾斯通知,Ammori 表示失望但並不意外。他批評 SEC 對 Uniswap 的自我託管、非中介產品缺乏清晰度和指導。📜 請繼續關注更多更新!👀

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🎉Whoa! Hold onto your hats, BTC enthusiasts! 🎩 Michael Saylor's brainchild, MicroStrategy, has just upped the ante! 💰 Just a day after announcing a $500 million convertible senior note offering to buy more BTC, they've boosted their target to a whopping $700 million! 💸 This NASDAQ-listed business intelligence software firm has been on a BTC buying spree since August 2020, using various types of funding to accumulate more of the cryptocurrency. 📈 Their latest move? Offering convertible notes to fund their BTC purchases. 📝 This week, the company announced plans to offer $500 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due 2032. But wait, there's more! The very next day, they increased their target by 40% to $700 million! 🚀 The terms remain the same, with a 2.25% percentage and a due year of 2032. 📅 The company plans to use the net proceeds to "acquire additional bitcoin and for general corporate purposes." 🏦 According to SaylorTracker, MicroStrategy now owns 214,400 BTC (over 1% of bitcoin's total supply). Despite a slight dip from its all-time high in March, the company is sitting pretty on a massive unrealized profit of $6.6 billion. 💵 MicroStrategy's share prices, being heavily influenced by bitcoin's movements, have been on a rollercoaster ride. 🎢 They started 2024 just under $700, dipped to below $500, then soared to over $1,900 as BTC skyrocketed in March. 🚀 Although they've retraced a bit since their peak, they're still up 120% YTD, closing Friday at $1,495. 📊 So, keep your eyes on MicroStrategy, folks! They're making big moves in the BTC world, and it's a wild ride you won't want to miss! 🌍🚀🌕
🚀Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! TRM Labs, a blockchain intelligence firm, has reported a whopping increase in cryptocurrency deposits to Chinese drug precursor manufacturers. In the first four months of 2024, crypto deposits more than doubled compared to the same period in 2023! 💰 In 2023, these Chinese networks received over $26 million in cryptocurrency, with a staggering 97% of the 120 manufacturers studied offering payment options in digital currencies. The overall amount of cryptocurrency deposited into wallets linked to these manufacturers skyrocketed by more than 600% from 2022 to 2023. 📈 And guess what? Bitcoin is the star of the show! 🌟 It remains the dominant cryptocurrency used for these transactions, accounting for approximately 60% of the total payment volume. TRON blockchain followed with about 30% of transactions, while Ethereum was used for roughly 6%. 🎖️ Interestingly, 11 manufacturers were responsible for over 70% of all crypto-denominated sales of drug precursors. These manufacturers receive funds from unhosted wallets, cryptocurrency exchanges, and payment services, with their wallets most commonly hosted at exchanges. 💼 Despite the crypto preference, Chinese manufacturers also accept fiat currencies through platforms like PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, and traditional bank transfers. 🏦 The report also revealed that these manufacturers mainly target countries including Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, and the United States. Advertisements have also been directed towards Russia and neighboring countries, particularly for mephedrone precursors. 🌍 In a related note, a U.S. congressional committee recently reported that the root cause of the U.S. fentanyl crisis lies in China, which manufactures over 97% of the precursors used in the global illicit fentanyl trade. 🚨 So, while the world grapples with the implications of this, one thing's for sure - Bitcoin's popularity is soaring, and it's not slowing down anytime soon! 🚀


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