Binance Square
Crypto Ahmet
😱🦈🦈5 加密鯨魚正在積極積累 PEPE、LINK 等 一些加密貨幣“鯨魚”通過購買大量 #PEPE #LINK #UNI MKR 和 ENS 顯着增加了他們的頭寸。這一特點在大型機構在幣安運營期間的近期交易中非常明顯。市場分析師和參與者密切關注這些動向,因爲它們往往先於價格大幅波動,並可以發出整體市場情緒的信號。 一項值得注意的交易涉及一位僅通過錢包地址“0X1A2E”識別的匿名投資者。這位投資者從幣安轉移了 27.8 億 PEPE,價值約 3.2248 億美元。這一舉動表明 PEPE 採取了強勢和看漲立場,並將在未來獲得潛在價值。這筆交易的時間和規模可能是內部人士對該資產表現信心的指標。 此外,另一個使用化名“eth”的重要參與者“aavebank”也參與其中。這位投資者在短短六個小時內從幣安撤回了大筆資金。這些資產包括500,000 UNI(375萬美元)、183,799 LINK(262萬美元)、1 71 MKR(50萬美元)和31,139 ENS(483,000美元)。這種混合投資組合撤回意味着對不同加密資產的戰略投資。 市場鯨魚押注加密貨幣價值的估值 鯨魚撤出大量加密貨幣可能會造成重大流動性短缺並破壞價格穩定。如果需求保持穩定或隨着證券交易所供應減少而增加,這些投資者可以提高價格。事實上,鯨魚的行爲通常被這些大型鯨魚所有者視爲長期價值的信號。 從證券交易所撤出大量資產表明,這些鯨魚對其持有的資產抱有積極期望。他們似乎正試圖採取長期策略而不是短期利潤。這些提款象徵着他們對這些加密貨幣價值持續升值的信心。 #binance

😱🦈🦈5 加密鯨魚正在積極積累 PEPE、LINK 等

一些加密貨幣“鯨魚”通過購買大量 #PEPE #LINK #UNI MKR 和 ENS 顯着增加了他們的頭寸。這一特點在大型機構在幣安運營期間的近期交易中非常明顯。市場分析師和參與者密切關注這些動向,因爲它們往往先於價格大幅波動,並可以發出整體市場情緒的信號。

一項值得注意的交易涉及一位僅通過錢包地址“0X1A2E”識別的匿名投資者。這位投資者從幣安轉移了 27.8 億 PEPE,價值約 3.2248 億美元。這一舉動表明 PEPE 採取了強勢和看漲立場,並將在未來獲得潛在價值。這筆交易的時間和規模可能是內部人士對該資產表現信心的指標。

此外,另一個使用化名“eth”的重要參與者“aavebank”也參與其中。這位投資者在短短六個小時內從幣安撤回了大筆資金。這些資產包括500,000 UNI(375萬美元)、183,799 LINK(262萬美元)、1 71 MKR(50萬美元)和31,139 ENS(483,000美元)。這種混合投資組合撤回意味着對不同加密資產的戰略投資。





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🚨🚨Binance Co-Founder Yi He Issues Important Warning to Crypto Community🚨🚨 In a critical message to the crypto community, #Binance co-founder #YiHeBinance warned about a fake account impersonating him and leading to some users being scammed. The warning comes after a person was reported to have fallen victim to a malicious link posted by a fake account, resulting in the theft of 60 ETH. Yi He used the official X account @heyibinance to inform his followers and the broader crypto community about the impersonation. He emphasized that this account is his only legitimate social media presence and that Binance Coin (BNB) is the only token he has approved. This distinction is crucial as scammers take advantage of the credibility of well-known names in the industry to deceive the public. Therefore, the crypto community is strongly encouraged to be wary of the existence of such fake accounts. In this regard, the Binance co-founder calls on the crypto community to report suspicious activity and fake accounts to the relevant authorities to help prevent additional scams. This collective effort is vital to prevent others from being scammed. Warning from Binance China Echoing Yi He's warning, Binance Chinese also advised users to be careful when dealing with information online. They emphasize the importance of not clicking on unknown links or scanning unfamiliar QR codes. Users are advised to scrupulously protect their personal information and assets and always seek verification through official channels before engaging with any crypto-related content. This latest incident involving the co-founder of Binance underscores the increasing sophistication of online scams and the importance of remaining vigilant in the digital asset space. The crypto community is requested to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of the information before taking any action. #BNB #RichardTeng
🚀🚀😱Top 2 Altcoins that will surround the market with an upward wave in 2024😱🚀🚀 1. Solana ($SOL ) Solana (#SOL ), a pioneering open-source project, harnesses the power of blockchain for decentralized finance (DeFi) innovations. Its architecture is specifically tailored to support decentralized applications (DApps) creation. The platform ingeniously combines a proof-of-history (PoH) consensus with the established proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism to boost system throughput. On the last day, the value of Solana dipped by more than 3%, currently standing at $144. This downturn reflects recent market fluctuations. However, SOL has seen an impressive 855% increase over the last year. Data from defilLIema highlights the network’s resilience, as shown by the increasing Total Value Locked (TVL) and active DApp ecosystem. Since the start of the year, Solana’s TVL has grown substantially, positioning it as a leading alternative among first-layer cryptocurrencies. It remains a promising investment until Bitcoin reaches the $150,000 milestone. 2. Sui ($SUI ) Sui (#SUI ), a pioneering Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform, is revolutionizing the management of digital assets with its focus on speed, security, privacy, and user-friendliness. In its debut year, Sui has ascended to the top 10 in the DeFi network rankings, showcasing its importance in the bustling decentralized finance arena and signaling its potential as a valuable investment. The platform has garnered acclaim for its effective blockchain solutions, particularly in Total Value Locked (TVL). Recently, the price of Sui increased to $0.9705, despite a decline of more than 2% in the last 24 hours. This recent fluctuation suggests a strong market interest in purchasing Sui despite recent downturns. Such developments underscore the growing confidence in Sui as a leading alternative cryptocurrency, especially as one of the top five to watch before Bitcoin potentially soars to $150,000. #altcoins #BTC


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