Binance Square
Bitcoin Gurukul
Summary Of Everything That Happened In The Past 12 Hours 😱📉 - Iran launches an attack on #Israel using dozens of drones. - #Bitcoin  and the crypto market reacted negatively and started crashing - $600M got liquidated in just 1 hour as BTC and alts crashed like there's no support - GCRClassic tweeted that it's the right time to buy high-conviction coins - Market immediately pumped after that - #Iran made the statement that the matter has been concluded now - BTC and alts rebounded strongly after this news This was one of the black swan-type events similar to 2020 (the magnitude was smaller this time) IMO, the local bottom has happened for alts until and unless someone tries again to play with our portfolio 😢

Summary Of Everything That Happened In The Past 12 Hours 😱📉

- Iran launches an attack on #Israel using dozens of drones.

- #Bitcoin  and the crypto market reacted negatively and started crashing

- $600M got liquidated in just 1 hour as BTC and alts crashed like there's no support

- GCRClassic tweeted that it's the right time to buy high-conviction coins

- Market immediately pumped after that

- #Iran made the statement that the matter has been concluded now

- BTC and alts rebounded strongly after this news

This was one of the black swan-type events similar to 2020 (the magnitude was smaller this time)

IMO, the local bottom has happened for alts until and unless someone tries again to play with our portfolio 😢

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Weekly Token + Narrative Watchlist🔎 • $ENA - "New shiny + Serious projects" = Ethena - Achieved the highest returns among major dApps over the last 7 days, with $8M in earnings. - Significantly increased TAM with BTC collateral acceptance. • $ORDI - Serves as the default memecoin proxy for the BTC Halving cycle. - On April 4, Franklin Templeton wrote a report on Bitcoin Ordinals. - Scheduled for a Coinbase Futures listing on April 11th, Stacks Nakamoto Upgrade beginning on April 16th. • $FTM - Andre Cronje said, "Sonic upgrade still spring and The Summer target is something bigger." - Recently, Solana experienced network congestion. Fantom could be an indirect beneficiary of this issue with its "horizontal scaling" narrative. • $ALT - Rumors suggest an Eigenlayer TGE happening in mid-April, hinted by Arthur Hayes. - Altlayer is a leading Eigen-beta with a "Restaked Rollup narrative". - $ALT stakers are highly likely to receive airdrops of $EIGEN and $XTER. • $DOGE - In recent years (2021, 2022, 2023), Doge has shown a tendency to maintain its upward momentum until the day before Doge Day (4/20). • $MANTLE - Mantle is guaranteeing high returns for $MNT stakers through Ethena/Pendle - An airdrop of $PUFF has been conducted for $MNT stakers, and the price of $PUFF has reached an ATH, attracting retail money. - As a result, Mantle's TVL and holders are reaching new ATHs daily, acting as a catalyst for upward momentum. • $ANKR - AI + dePIN + BTC LST + RaaS = Ankr - The utility of the $ANKR token is being reevaluated due to @Neura_io. - Important announcement expected at "Stability World AI" on April 15th. • $STG - The launch of Stargate V2 is imminent, as hinted by Layerzero Co-Founder. - Currently, it's the leading bridge in terms of volume and DAU. - The launch of Wormhole $W is causing a reevaluation of the value of interoperability projects. ———————————————— I hope you've found this helpful🫡 ➬ Follow me @Bitcoin Gurukul for more. 💕Like + Repost if you enjoy this watchlist series!


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