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🚀灰度警告比特幣需求飆升超過可用供應!🔥💰 4月中旬比特幣減半將加劇供應短缺並大幅上漲價格!📈 這些數字不言而喻:在美國上市的比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)每天購買的 BTC 美元數量超過了網絡創造的數量。自 2 月份以來,這些 ETF 平均每天產生 3,500-4,300 個幣,大大超過了比特幣網絡產生的 900 個幣。 Grayscale Investments 研究負責人 Zach Pandl 解釋了這一現象,他表示:“根本沒有足夠的比特幣來滿足所有新的需求,因此自然的供需動態正在推高價格。” 由於BTC即將在4月份“減半”,上漲可能會持續。活動結束後,新幣每日供應量將從 900 個減少至 450 個👻,推高價格。🚀 BTC 最近觸及 64,000 美元,接近歷史高點。 2 月份上漲 42%,有望創下 2020 年 12 月以來的最佳月度表現。 我們目前處於有利地位,因爲沒有足夠的比特幣來滿足需求。現在許多人認爲,今年 160,000 美元至 180,000 美元的價格目標即將到來,2025 年每枚代幣的價格目標將達到令人瞠目結舌的 350,000 美元至 450,000 美元。😀💵 然而,供應緊縮還有其他原因。美國政府持有 215,000 BTC,而像 MicroStrategy 這樣的機構買家正在大量收購,進一步限制了供應。🍺 然而,政府持有的 BTC 的潛在出售或機構獲利回吐可能會改變這種平衡。 一些人認爲,當前的反彈不僅僅是由基本面推動的,因爲害怕錯過機會(FOMO)等心理因素也發揮着重要作用。 在這一浪潮中,ETF讓更廣泛的投資者羣體更容易接觸到比特幣。隨着加密貨幣市場的不斷髮展,供需之間的相互作用仍然是比特幣前所未有的價格上漲的關鍵驅動因素。 爲人類歷史上最大規模的財富轉移做好準備! 活着是多麼美好的時光呀!✨ #TrendingTopic #BTC #ETH #sol #Portal



這些數字不言而喻:在美國上市的比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)每天購買的 BTC 美元數量超過了網絡創造的數量。自 2 月份以來,這些 ETF 平均每天產生 3,500-4,300 個幣,大大超過了比特幣網絡產生的 900 個幣。

Grayscale Investments 研究負責人 Zach Pandl 解釋了這一現象,他表示:“根本沒有足夠的比特幣來滿足所有新的需求,因此自然的供需動態正在推高價格。”

由於BTC即將在4月份“減半”,上漲可能會持續。活動結束後,新幣每日供應量將從 900 個減少至 450 個👻,推高價格。🚀

BTC 最近觸及 64,000 美元,接近歷史高點。 2 月份上漲 42%,有望創下 2020 年 12 月以來的最佳月度表現。

我們目前處於有利地位,因爲沒有足夠的比特幣來滿足需求。現在許多人認爲,今年 160,000 美元至 180,000 美元的價格目標即將到來,2025 年每枚代幣的價格目標將達到令人瞠目結舌的 350,000 美元至 450,000 美元。😀💵

然而,供應緊縮還有其他原因。美國政府持有 215,000 BTC,而像 MicroStrategy 這樣的機構買家正在大量收購,進一步限制了供應。🍺 然而,政府持有的 BTC 的潛在出售或機構獲利回吐可能會改變這種平衡。



爲人類歷史上最大規模的財富轉移做好準備! 活着是多麼美好的時光呀!✨






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🔥Hold Your Crypto! Bank of America Says Don't Sell Just Yet🖖 Bank of America (BoA) is urging investors not to sell their crypto despite the upcoming Consumer Price Index (CPI) report. With inflation numbers for April 2024 set to be released soon, the bank's message is clear: HODL and keep an eye on the market. What to Expect from the Upcoming CPI Report The US Bureau of Labor Statistics is releasing the latest inflation data on May 15, and it's likely to shake things up. Analysts predict that headline inflation will increase by 0.4% and core inflation by 0.3%, keeping prices high above the Federal Reserve's 2% target. What This Means for Crypto Historically, summer has been a strong season for stocks, especially during presidential election years. BoA notes that the S&P 500 tends to rally between June and August, with average gains of 3.2%. In election years, this jumps to 7.3%, with the S&P 500 gaining 75% of the time. Bitcoin also shines in these years, boasting an average return of 23.68%. Don't Sell! BoA advises against selling right now, pointing out that the market has a tendency to heat up during summer, particularly in election years. This historical trend might mean a boost not just for stocks but for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as well. Crypto is not just for retail investors anymore. Major institutions like Susquehanna International (holding $1.2 billion in Bitcoin across ten ETFs) and Hightower (with $68 million in Bitcoin through six ETFs) are showing their faith in Bitcoin. This kind of institutional backing could mean that BTC & other cryptos are seen as a hedge against inflation. Bottom Line: Keep Calm and HODL While the upcoming CPI report could bring market volatility, BoA advises caution and patience. Don't rush to sell your crypto; historical data suggests that the market could be set for a summer rally, especially with election year trends in the mix. Stay tuned for the latest inflation data, but remember, the long-term prospects for crypto could be very promising. #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #altcoins #ETHETFS #buythedip $BTC
Vitalik Buterin's New Plan for Ethereum Transaction Fees Is a Mixed Bag🤷 Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has unveiled a groundbreaking plan that could change how transaction fees work on the Ethereum network. Known as multidimensional gas pricing, this new approach aims to address the inefficiencies in Ethereum's current fee structure. Gas fees are like a toll system for the Ethereum network; they measure the computational effort needed for transactions and block processing. Traditionally, Ethereum used a single metric to represent various resource demands, like calculations and storage operations. However, Buterin points out that this one-size-fits-all model has its problems, treating different resource needs as if they were the same. The new multidimensional gas pricing concept could lead to a more efficient fee structure. Essentially, it breaks down the transaction cost into different components, aligning them with the actual resource demands. This change is part of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 4844, which focuses on more accurate resource allocation. The recent Dencun upgrade incorporated “blobs” to reduce the cost of rollups—layer-2 solutions that boost Ethereum's scalability. This upgrade has already made rollups 100x cheaper, resulting in a tripling of transaction volume on these platforms. The potential downside is that with the new upgrade, Ethereum's median transaction fee dropped by over 90%, leading to a significant reduction in the total fees burned. Since Ethereum burns a portion of its fees, this reduction could mean a shift from deflationary to inflationary currency. Ethereum's fee structure changes come at a crucial time as other blockchain networks like Solana offer lower-cost transactions. Vitalik Buterin's multidimensional gas pricing plan is set to reshape Ethereum's fee structure, making it more efficient and scalable. However, these changes could also impact Ethereum's deflationary nature, leading to broader implications for the network's economic model. #ETHETFS #altcoins #BTC #buythedip #BinanceLaunchpool $BTC $ETH $SOL
💥Fortune Favours the Hodler! $121 Billion Worth of BTC Stays Dormant for Over a Decade💵🤑 Bitcoin's long-term holders, who literally invested close to nothing about 15 years ago, have a shocking secret—1.75 million Bitcoin wallets have been inactive for over 10 years, holding nearly 1.8 million BTC. At today's prices, that's a whopping $121 billion just sitting there, untouched. Most of these wallets likely bought Bitcoin when it was dirt cheap, back when you could snag a coin for double-digit prices. Now, those coins are worth millions, but their owners haven't made a move in ages. So, what's happening with all this dormant Bitcoin? Recently, some of these ancient wallets have been waking up, hinting at big shifts in the Bitcoin landscape. Just this year, a wallet that hadn't seen action for 11 years suddenly transferred $30 million in Bitcoin. Another trio of wallets, silent for six years, moved a mind-boggling $230 million in November 2023. What's interesting is where these coins are heading. Many of these recently activated wallets have transferred their Bitcoin to new addresses or even to cryptocurrency exchanges, which suggests that some owners might be ready to cash out after years of holding on. The three wallets that moved $230 million in BTC in November seem to be linked to the same person or group—they all made their last transactions on the same day, back in 2017. Is this a coordinated plan, or just a coincidence? Either way, it's clear that Bitcoin's early adopters are stirring. With so much Bitcoin on the move, the crypto world is buzzing with speculation. Will these newly active wallets trigger a sell-off, or are they just reshuffling their holdings? As Bitcoin's history continues to unfold, all eyes are on these mysterious wallet owners. #ETHETFS #BTC #bitcoin #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip $BTC




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