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💥財富眷顧持有者!價值 1210 億美元的 BTC 沉寂十多年💵🤑 比特幣的長期持有者在 15 年前幾乎沒有投資,但他們有一個令人震驚的祕密——175 萬個比特幣錢包已經閒置了 10 多年,持有近 180 萬個 BTC。按今天的價格計算,這相當於 1210 億美元,原封不動地閒置在那裏。 這些錢包中的大多數可能是在比特幣非常便宜的時候購買的,當時你可以以兩位數的價格買到一枚硬幣。現在,這些硬幣價值數百萬,但它們的主人已經很久沒有動過了。那麼,這些沉寂的比特幣發生了什麼? 最近,一些古老的錢包開始甦醒,暗示着比特幣格局將發生重大變化。就在今年,一個 11 年沒有動過的錢包突然轉移了 3000 萬美元的比特幣。另外三個沉寂了六年的錢包在 2023 年 11 月轉移了令人難以置信的 2.3 億美元。 有趣的是這些代幣的去向。許多最近激活的錢包已將他們的比特幣轉移到新地址甚至加密貨幣交易所,這表明一些持有者可能已準備好在持有多年後套現。 11 月轉移了 2.3 億美元 BTC 的三個錢包似乎與同一個人或團體有關——他們都在 2017 年的同一天進行了最後一次交易。這是一個協調的計劃,還是隻是巧合?無論如何,很明顯比特幣的早期採用者正在活躍起來。 隨着如此多的比特幣流動,加密貨幣世界充滿了猜測。這些新激活的錢包會引發拋售嗎,還是他們只是在重新洗牌他們的持股?隨着比特幣歷史的不斷展開,所有人的目光都集中在這些神祕的錢包所有者身上。 #ETHETFS #BTC #bitcoin #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip $BTC

💥財富眷顧持有者!價值 1210 億美元的 BTC 沉寂十多年💵🤑

比特幣的長期持有者在 15 年前幾乎沒有投資,但他們有一個令人震驚的祕密——175 萬個比特幣錢包已經閒置了 10 多年,持有近 180 萬個 BTC。按今天的價格計算,這相當於 1210 億美元,原封不動地閒置在那裏。


最近,一些古老的錢包開始甦醒,暗示着比特幣格局將發生重大變化。就在今年,一個 11 年沒有動過的錢包突然轉移了 3000 萬美元的比特幣。另外三個沉寂了六年的錢包在 2023 年 11 月轉移了令人難以置信的 2.3 億美元。


11 月轉移了 2.3 億美元 BTC 的三個錢包似乎與同一個人或團體有關——他們都在 2017 年的同一天進行了最後一次交易。這是一個協調的計劃,還是隻是巧合?無論如何,很明顯比特幣的早期採用者正在活躍起來。


#ETHETFS #BTC #bitcoin #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip $BTC

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💥Trump and Musk Team Up on Crypto Policy, Reports Bloomberg: Potential White House Role for Musk Big news in the crypto world! Donald Trump and Elon Musk are in talks about collaborating on cryptocurrency policy if Trump wins the 2024 election. This could mean big changes for Bitcoin, XRP, and the broader crypto market. Trump's campaign now accepts cryptocurrency donations, signaling a major shift towards blockchain technology. This move shows a strong endorsement of digital currencies, a significant change from Trump's previous stance. According to Bloomberg, Trump and Musk have discussed a potential advisory role for Musk if Trump is re-elected. This role could give Musk influence over policies related to the economy and border security. While nothing is finalized, the discussions indicate a warmer relationship between the two. Elon Musk has denied having specific talks with Trump about crypto policy. On X (formerly Twitter), Musk said he's "pretty sure" he hasn’t discussed cryptocurrencies with Trump. However, he reaffirmed his support for digital assets, highlighting their potential to empower people over governments. This came after a Bloomberg report suggested the two were discussing crypto policies. Trump’s campaign is pushing to build a “crypto army” by accepting cryptocurrency donations. This strategy underscores Trump's evolving view on digital currencies. He recently posted on Truth Social that he is “very positive and open-minded to cryptocurrency companies.” In response to these developments, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at $68,451.37, up 1.02% in the past day and 1.04% over the past week. #Megadrop #ETHETFsApproved #BTC #bitcoin #btc70k $BTC
News of Do Kwon's SEC Settlement lead to Surge in Terra Coins LUNA and LUNC! Big news for the Terra community! Terra's cryptocurrencies, LUNA and LUNC, are on the rise after founder Do Kwon and Terraform Labs reached a tentative settlement with the SEC in their civil fraud case. What's Happening? - LUNA: Up 16.3% in the last 24 hours, now trading at $0.69. - LUNC: Up 9.5% in the past day, trading at $0.0001215. The spike comes after news broke that Terraform Labs and Do Kwon reached a tentative settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This settlement was noted in court documents, with a June 12 deadline for finalizing the details. In April, a New York jury found Kwon and Terraform Labs liable for civil fraud, agreeing with the SEC's claims that investors were misled about TerraUSD (UST), Terra’s stablecoin. The SEC aimed to impose financial penalties and bar Kwon and Terraform Labs from the securities industry. The charges stem from the May 2022 collapse of TerraUSD and the LUNA governance token, which led to over $40 billion in losses and triggered a prolonged "crypto winter." While this settlement is a step forward, Kwon's legal troubles are far from over: - He still faces criminal fraud charges from the U.S. Department of Justice. - In South Korea, he's charged with fraud, bribery, and market manipulation. - After his December 2023 arrest in Montenegro for using a false passport, both the U.S. and South Korea are vying for his extradition. Currently, Kwon is in Montenegro, where he served a four-month sentence and is awaiting further legal proceedings. #ETHETFsApproved #Megadrop #LUNA #LUNC✅ $LUNA $LUNC
👑 Shiba Inu on the Verge of Surpassing Cardano in Market Cap Shiba Inu is making headlines as it nears overtaking Cardano in market capitalization. The gap is shrinking, with Shiba Inu valued at $16 billion and Cardano at $16.22 billion. The surge in meme coin investments and futures trading indicates that these once-niche digital currencies are becoming significant financial assets. Earlier today, Shiba Inu briefly overtook Cardano, highlighting the volatile nature of meme coins. While it couldn’t hold the position, this shows their potential for rapid growth. Cardano, once a top contender in the crypto market, is now ranked tenth, facing competition from rising stars like Shiba Inu. One Shiba Inu investor turned a modest 2 Ethereum investment—worth $2,625—into a staggering $1.1 million by selling 48.09 billion SHIB tokens. This 419x gain showcases the high-risk, high-reward nature of meme coins. If sold at the peak in October 2021, the earnings would have surpassed $4.1 million, a return of 156,190%. As of May 29, meme coins are performing robustly. Their market capitalization increased by 2.74% in 24 hours, reaching $66 billion. This growth reflects a strong market interest in meme coins beyond individual success stories. Another meme coin, Pepe, is closing in on Polygon’s market cap, with PEPE at $6.29 billion and MATIC at $6.75 billion. This trend underscores the growing acceptance and interest in meme coins as legitimate trading opportunities. #ADA #SHIB #altcoins #Megadrop #btc70k $ADA $SHIB
MAGA Lord Donald Trump Eyes Bitcoin to Tackle $35 Trillion US Debt: Consults Bitcoin Expert David Bailey🚀 Donald Trump is turning to cryptocurrency as a potential fix for the $35 trillion US national debt. In a recent discussion, Trump asked David Bailey, CEO of Bitcoin Magazine, if Bitcoin could help manage the massive debt. Bailey revealed this conversation during an X space session, mentioning that although he had ideas, he wasn’t ready to dive deep into them at the time. Since then, Bailey and his team have been working closely with Trump’s campaign to shape pro-Bitcoin policies. “We proposed a comprehensive executive order for President Trump to sign on day one. I will be sharing those details soon,” Bailey announced. Bailey also urged crypto enthusiasts to contribute to Trump’s campaign, with plans to raise a $100 million war chest. This pro-crypto stance marks a dramatic shift for Trump, who previously criticized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He recently lambasted President Biden’s administration for misunderstanding crypto and pledged to foster a more supportive regulatory environment. At the Libertarian Party’s National Convention, Trump vowed to protect the right to self-custody crypto assets and oppose the creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Trump’s new position has garnered backing from notable crypto figures. Justin Sun, founder of TRON, and Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Cardano, have voiced support for pro-crypto candidates, while Mark Cuban has criticized the current administration's crypto policies. Institutional support is also growing, with Coinbase creating a political action committee to back pro-crypto candidates. According to Polymarket, a crypto-based prediction platform, Trump has a 56% chance of winning the election, compared to Biden’s 37%. With strong support from key crypto players and a promise to create a favorable regulatory environment, Trump’s potential return to office could significantly impact the crypto industry. #MtGox #Megadrop #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k #BTC $BTC


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