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很多人问我山寨币,其实这个阶段从内心比较抵触目前的山寨币项目,币圈就只有比特币而已,讲山寨币项目,币圈落地应用永远讲不过股市。美股有成熟的公司估值体系,有成熟的监管。创造出真正改变世界应用的公司在纳斯达克这几年都翻了几十倍了。如果币圈的赋能是和美股讲一样的,重叠的落地,那币圈完蛋了 忘了最早为啥玩币的? 散户来币圈就就是来寻找不对称,以小博大高倍收益的机会,只有这一个核心入场原因。如果币圈不再能够提供这样不对称收益的机会,那三不管的币圈剩下的只有风险。币圈所剩的机会远远弥补不了在美股赚稳定钱的红利。这个圈子衰败的风水岭便是当下开始讲应用落地,所以建议拉黑哪些各种讲项目应用分析的博主#ZKsync空投争议 $BTC #币安用户数突破2亿


散户来币圈就就是来寻找不对称,以小博大高倍收益的机会,只有这一个核心入场原因。如果币圈不再能够提供这样不对称收益的机会,那三不管的币圈剩下的只有风险。币圈所剩的机会远远弥补不了在美股赚稳定钱的红利。这个圈子衰败的风水岭便是当下开始讲应用落地,所以建议拉黑哪些各种讲项目应用分析的博主#ZKsync空投争议 $BTC #币安用户数突破2亿
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The founders will use arbitrage, mortgage lending, market crash and liquidation, buy back the same coin, and get a part of U. The routine of A-shares: get money from listing, transfer financing, fraud, delisting, get the money, and the company is still theirs. CRV short orders have already taken part of the positions, and continue to hold the profits in the hope of giving a surprise. This is a means of cashing out, selling misery while not bearing moral risks. A-share listed companies are all managed and operated, and I didn’t expect crypto to have it too. The big cuts have deeply grasped the essence of the stock market. The old man is too bad $CRV
The founders will use arbitrage, mortgage lending, market crash and liquidation, buy back the same coin, and get a part of U. The routine of A-shares: get money from listing, transfer financing, fraud, delisting, get the money, and the company is still theirs. CRV short orders have already taken part of the positions, and continue to hold the profits in the hope of giving a surprise. This is a means of cashing out, selling misery while not bearing moral risks. A-share listed companies are all managed and operated, and I didn’t expect crypto to have it too. The big cuts have deeply grasped the essence of the stock market. The old man is too bad $CRV
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$CRV The founder is about to be liquidated again. Will anyone come out to help him this time? Last time, he was saved by the delayed quotation of the oracle and the discount of the big guys in the cryptocurrency circle to buy CRV, but now the liquidation price is about to come again. The founder is a big gambler who has five agreements for mortgage loans. The project income is also constantly decreasing. Can he repay such high interest? Will the death spiral occur again when the liquidation price is reached? #crv又要面临清算
$CRV The founder is about to be liquidated again. Will anyone come out to help him this time? Last time, he was saved by the delayed quotation of the oracle and the discount of the big guys in the cryptocurrency circle to buy CRV, but now the liquidation price is about to come again. The founder is a big gambler who has five agreements for mortgage loans. The project income is also constantly decreasing. Can he repay such high interest? Will the death spiral occur again when the liquidation price is reached? #crv又要面临清算
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$ETH 『Record the most real feeling at this moment』 ​ It has been 3 months since the callback on March 13. The big plunge on April 13 was very decisive, and even a little excited. I chose to buy the bottom without hesitation! As a result, the next day on April 14 continued to be cut in half, so the so-called bottom-fishing became a mountaintop trap. This wash has continued to this day. It has been two months since the bottom-fishing, and the prices of many coins have even created a historical low! ​ I have been buying the bottom comprehensively since October last year and have been holding it until now. I have several coins in my hands. Not only did I not make money, but I also lost a lot. On the contrary, the coins bought by others have skyrocketed all the way, ten times, twenty times, thirty times, and a hundred times. This sense of gap is deeply painful in my heart, and it is endless! ​ How ridiculous the so-called value investment is at this moment, because buying junk coins and air coins has become financially free, making tens of millions today and millions tomorrow. What is heartbreaking is that the newbies who come in and know nothing make a lot of money, while the value investors are trapped. It is difficult for people to remain unshakable when this kind of script is played out again and again. They begin to question their choices, their positions, and even whether they should continue to persist? ​ Many friends around me have completely given up. The friends who resolutely implemented the strategy at the beginning began to do swing trading, chasing hot spots, and doing contracts... because these are the real ways to make money now! ​ I heard a sentence today that answered all the doubts in my heart in the past few months. It was like an electric current that directly hit my heart and awakened my original intention: If you want to make money in the currency circle, you must learn to give up! Give up those opportunities that don’t belong to you! Stick to your own choice, stick to spot and value investment. ​ I suddenly felt relieved. No matter where the market goes next, I choose to give up, give up those temptations, and only firmly follow the path I have planned, and hold the spot until I achieve my goal! I firmly believe in my vision and my judgment. Although I have experienced hardships along the way, I will definitely achieve my goal in the torrent of trends! ​ No matter how painful your current experience is, your wealth will be returned dozens or hundreds of times in the future!!!#第55期新币挖矿IO $BTC $IO
$ETH 『Record the most real feeling at this moment』
​ It has been 3 months since the callback on March 13. The big plunge on April 13 was very decisive, and even a little excited. I chose to buy the bottom without hesitation! As a result, the next day on April 14 continued to be cut in half, so the so-called bottom-fishing became a mountaintop trap. This wash has continued to this day. It has been two months since the bottom-fishing, and the prices of many coins have even created a historical low!
​ I have been buying the bottom comprehensively since October last year and have been holding it until now. I have several coins in my hands. Not only did I not make money, but I also lost a lot. On the contrary, the coins bought by others have skyrocketed all the way, ten times, twenty times, thirty times, and a hundred times. This sense of gap is deeply painful in my heart, and it is endless!
​ How ridiculous the so-called value investment is at this moment, because buying junk coins and air coins has become financially free, making tens of millions today and millions tomorrow. What is heartbreaking is that the newbies who come in and know nothing make a lot of money, while the value investors are trapped. It is difficult for people to remain unshakable when this kind of script is played out again and again. They begin to question their choices, their positions, and even whether they should continue to persist?
​ Many friends around me have completely given up. The friends who resolutely implemented the strategy at the beginning began to do swing trading, chasing hot spots, and doing contracts... because these are the real ways to make money now!
​ I heard a sentence today that answered all the doubts in my heart in the past few months. It was like an electric current that directly hit my heart and awakened my original intention: If you want to make money in the currency circle, you must learn to give up! Give up those opportunities that don’t belong to you! Stick to your own choice, stick to spot and value investment.
​ I suddenly felt relieved. No matter where the market goes next, I choose to give up, give up those temptations, and only firmly follow the path I have planned, and hold the spot until I achieve my goal! I firmly believe in my vision and my judgment. Although I have experienced hardships along the way, I will definitely achieve my goal in the torrent of trends!
​ No matter how painful your current experience is, your wealth will be returned dozens or hundreds of times in the future!!!#第55期新币挖矿IO $BTC $IO
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Four years ago, if someone told you that in this round of US presidential election, candidates from both parties would actively promote their recognition and support for the crypto industry, even to the point of "comparing", would you believe it? You would definitely think that person is crazy. But the reality is so dramatic. For the crypto industry, the 2024 US presidential election has become a political show that is completely different from the 2020 and 2016 elections. Whether it is the topic setting throughout the election cycle or the public statements of the presidential candidates of both parties, they have unprecedentedly begun to involve cryptocurrencies, and the candidates of both parties are even "comparing" their open attitudes. #美联储利率决策即将公布 #美联储何时降息? $BTC
Four years ago, if someone told you that in this round of US presidential election, candidates from both parties would actively promote their recognition and support for the crypto industry, even to the point of "comparing", would you believe it? You would definitely think that person is crazy. But the reality is so dramatic. For the crypto industry, the 2024 US presidential election has become a political show that is completely different from the 2020 and 2016 elections. Whether it is the topic setting throughout the election cycle or the public statements of the presidential candidates of both parties, they have unprecedentedly begun to involve cryptocurrencies, and the candidates of both parties are even "comparing" their open attitudes. #美联储利率决策即将公布 #美联储何时降息? $BTC
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Last night, the central bank announced that it would suspend its gold holdings, and the sharp drop in gold led to a fall in Bitcoin, and altcoins plummeted. Here is the basic situation of central bank gold. According to statistics from the World Gold Council, the net gold purchases of global central banks in 2022 and 2023 were 1,082 and 1,037 tons, respectively, the first and second highest on record. As of the end of the first quarter of this year, China's central bank gold reserves ranked sixth in the world (excluding IMF), with a scale comparable to Italy, France, and Russia, about 1,000 tons less than Germany, and about 5,900 tons less than the United States, which ranked first. On an annual basis, the number of gold reserves held by the People's Bank of China last year led the world, exceeding 220 tons. To support the local currency credit of the RMB, it is necessary to continue to increase holdings. The long-term trend of gold reserves must be increasing. According to the World Gold Council, global public institutions set a new record for gold purchases in the first quarter, with China being the largest buyer. The increase in holdings by global central banks also pushed gold prices to a record high of more than $2,450 per ounce in May. There is another saying that the exchange is carrying high gas and collecting Bitcoin wallets to crash the market. Which information do you think should be blamed for the decline? Leave your answer in the comment area #山寨季何时到来? #黄金 $BTC $ETH
Last night, the central bank announced that it would suspend its gold holdings, and the sharp drop in gold led to a fall in Bitcoin, and altcoins plummeted. Here is the basic situation of central bank gold. According to statistics from the World Gold Council, the net gold purchases of global central banks in 2022 and 2023 were 1,082 and 1,037 tons, respectively, the first and second highest on record. As of the end of the first quarter of this year, China's central bank gold reserves ranked sixth in the world (excluding IMF), with a scale comparable to Italy, France, and Russia, about 1,000 tons less than Germany, and about 5,900 tons less than the United States, which ranked first. On an annual basis, the number of gold reserves held by the People's Bank of China last year led the world, exceeding 220 tons.

To support the local currency credit of the RMB, it is necessary to continue to increase holdings. The long-term trend of gold reserves must be increasing.

According to the World Gold Council, global public institutions set a new record for gold purchases in the first quarter, with China being the largest buyer. The increase in holdings by global central banks also pushed gold prices to a record high of more than $2,450 per ounce in May.

There is another saying that the exchange is carrying high gas and collecting Bitcoin wallets to crash the market. Which information do you think should be blamed for the decline? Leave your answer in the comment area
#山寨季何时到来? #黄金 $BTC $ETH
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I was shocked to see this article today, but cryptocurrency does create anxiety very seriously, always delivering illusory information and blind worship! How to tell whether the kol in the currency circle you follow is really good? ? There are two softwares in the currency circle, one is called Coin and the other is called Contract Emperor. Both softwares have been in operation for 5 years. In the past 5 years, so far, there are about 500 people who have made more than 1 million yuan in public trading. The number of people who make more than 20 million yuan in public trading fluctuates between 10 and 20 people. Those who make more than 100 million yuan generally do not open real trading, and such people generally will not take you to play, after all, they can't take you as much as they do mining. Is it quite different from what you think? ? The gap is big, it's right, it's really not easy to make money in the currency circle. So, when a kol says how awesome he is, let him release a real trading of more than 1 million yuan first. 99% of people who don't even have the income of the top 500 in Coin/Contract Emperor are scammers. There are too many old gamblers in the cryptocurrency industry and they are very resentful. There are even fewer people who really settle down to make quantitative software. Which quantitative robot has been in the market for a long time? #bnb历史新高 #第55期新币挖矿IO #比特币符文总市值创新高 $BTC $ETH
I was shocked to see this article today, but cryptocurrency does create anxiety very seriously, always delivering illusory information and blind worship!
How to tell whether the kol in the currency circle you follow is really good? ?
There are two softwares in the currency circle, one is called Coin and the other is called Contract Emperor. Both softwares have been in operation for 5 years.
In the past 5 years, so far, there are about 500 people who have made more than 1 million yuan in public trading.
The number of people who make more than 20 million yuan in public trading fluctuates between 10 and 20 people.
Those who make more than 100 million yuan generally do not open real trading, and such people generally will not take you to play, after all, they can't take you as much as they do mining.
Is it quite different from what you think? ?
The gap is big, it's right, it's really not easy to make money in the currency circle.
So, when a kol says how awesome he is, let him release a real trading of more than 1 million yuan first.
99% of people who don't even have the income of the top 500 in Coin/Contract Emperor are scammers.
There are too many old gamblers in the cryptocurrency industry and they are very resentful. There are even fewer people who really settle down to make quantitative software. Which quantitative robot has been in the market for a long time? #bnb历史新高 #第55期新币挖矿IO #比特币符文总市值创新高 $BTC $ETH
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Cryptocurrency is gradually becoming known to the public, and high-quality core assets are constantly appreciating. Bitcoin has reached 500,000 yuan per piece. I think back to the time when I held a basket of Bitcoins and dared to chat and laugh with big guys like Xu Mingxing. Now, you need to sell everything to buy a Bitcoin. Are there opportunities here? Dear friends, please understand that there are actually many intrigues and plunders here. If you can't embrace and understand the importance of value investment, then you will pay a painful price. Staying up late for two months basically declared zero. The total investment of 100Sol is currently 0.35Sol left. After all, 400 yuan of crayfish is not enough for one person to eat [frown] In this era, cryptocurrency will definitely bloom with bright sparks, and all you have to do is own Bitcoin! Tietou sponsors have cryptocurrency exchanges. Can you guess which exchange this picture is? Please comment if anyone has lost money on gambling, please tell us so we can be happy together#土狗 #meme板块关注热点 #链游板块普涨 $SOL
Cryptocurrency is gradually becoming known to the public, and high-quality core assets are constantly appreciating. Bitcoin has reached 500,000 yuan per piece. I think back to the time when I held a basket of Bitcoins and dared to chat and laugh with big guys like Xu Mingxing. Now, you need to sell everything to buy a Bitcoin. Are there opportunities here? Dear friends, please understand that there are actually many intrigues and plunders here. If you can't embrace and understand the importance of value investment, then you will pay a painful price. Staying up late for two months basically declared zero. The total investment of 100Sol is currently 0.35Sol left. After all, 400 yuan of crayfish is not enough for one person to eat [frown] In this era, cryptocurrency will definitely bloom with bright sparks, and all you have to do is own Bitcoin! Tietou sponsors have cryptocurrency exchanges. Can you guess which exchange this picture is? Please comment if anyone has lost money on gambling, please tell us so we can be happy together#土狗 #meme板块关注热点 #链游板块普涨 $SOL
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Will Trump go to jail if found guilty? What impact will it have on cryptocurrencies?On May 30th, US time, after a nine-hour court debate, a jury in a New York court voted to find Trump guilty of 34 charges, making him the first US president in history to be found guilty. Among Trump's 34 charges, the biggest one is "falsifying business records," which could lead to a four-year prison sentence. Here's the thing. In 2006, Trump had an affair with porn star Daniels. At that time, Trump was married. Morally speaking, this is cheating. If Trump had not entered politics, his cheating would have been a moral issue at best, and he would not have gone to court, let alone jail. But in 2015, Trump officially participated in the presidential election and won the following year. Seeing Trump's momentum, Hillary got a little anxious and started digging up dirt on Trump everywhere.

Will Trump go to jail if found guilty? What impact will it have on cryptocurrencies?

On May 30th, US time, after a nine-hour court debate, a jury in a New York court voted to find Trump guilty of 34 charges, making him the first US president in history to be found guilty.
Among Trump's 34 charges, the biggest one is "falsifying business records," which could lead to a four-year prison sentence.
Here's the thing. In 2006, Trump had an affair with porn star Daniels. At that time, Trump was married.
Morally speaking, this is cheating.
If Trump had not entered politics, his cheating would have been a moral issue at best, and he would not have gone to court, let alone jail. But in 2015, Trump officially participated in the presidential election and won the following year. Seeing Trump's momentum, Hillary got a little anxious and started digging up dirt on Trump everywhere.
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Quantitative robot trading strategy, choice is more important than effort! Let's talk about why we run BNB spot quantitative To make a rough calculation For example, if we buy BNB with 1000U, the market price is 600, assuming the price remains unchanged, all the BNB of 1000U is used as handling fees. According to the rules of BN, we deduct 10%, 1000-100=900, and the Binance spot rebate is 900*0.35=315. After 1000U is used as handling fees, we have 100+315=415 left in our account, and we actually only used 585U. If BNB falls to 300, 500U worth of BNB is used as handling fee, 10% is deducted, 500-50=450, and the commission is 450*0.35=157.5. 500U is used as handling fee, and our account has 50+157.5=207.5. In the case of a loss of 500, we still have 200 rebates, and the actual loss is 300U. If BNB rises to 1200, 2000U worth of BNB is used as handling fee, 10% is deducted, 2000-200=1800, and the commission is 1800*0.35=630. 2000U is used as handling fee, and our account has 200+630=830, and only 170U is actually used. So when you have the basic calculation, the rest is to be firm! #BTC走势分析 #量化机器人 #meme板块关注热点 $BTC $BNB $SOL
Quantitative robot trading strategy, choice is more important than effort!

Let's talk about why we run BNB spot quantitative
To make a rough calculation
For example, if we buy BNB with 1000U, the market price is 600, assuming the price remains unchanged, all the BNB of 1000U is used as handling fees. According to the rules of BN, we deduct 10%, 1000-100=900, and the Binance spot rebate is 900*0.35=315. After 1000U is used as handling fees, we have 100+315=415 left in our account, and we actually only used 585U.
If BNB falls to 300, 500U worth of BNB is used as handling fee, 10% is deducted, 500-50=450, and the commission is 450*0.35=157.5. 500U is used as handling fee, and our account has 50+157.5=207.5. In the case of a loss of 500, we still have 200 rebates, and the actual loss is 300U.
If BNB rises to 1200, 2000U worth of BNB is used as handling fee, 10% is deducted, 2000-200=1800, and the commission is 1800*0.35=630. 2000U is used as handling fee, and our account has 200+630=830, and only 170U is actually used. So when you have the basic calculation, the rest is to be firm! #BTC走势分析 #量化机器人 #meme板块关注热点 $BTC $BNB $SOL
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Trump is not a good person, but if we compare crypto to religion, just as the expansion of religion depends on the integration with the royal power, crypto needs more preaching to the superiors, just like preaching to Musk, preaching to Larry_Fink (founder of BlackRock), preaching to Ibrahimovic (President of El Salvador)... Don't let Crypto become an island. Former US President Donald Trump spoke at the Libertarian Party National Convention in Washington, DC, promising to ensure that the future of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is in the United States, rather than being expelled overseas. #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 $BTC
Trump is not a good person, but if we compare crypto to religion, just as the expansion of religion depends on the integration with the royal power, crypto needs more preaching to the superiors, just like preaching to Musk, preaching to Larry_Fink (founder of BlackRock), preaching to Ibrahimovic (President of El Salvador)... Don't let Crypto become an island. Former US President Donald Trump spoke at the Libertarian Party National Convention in Washington, DC, promising to ensure that the future of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is in the United States, rather than being expelled overseas. #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 $BTC
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The biggest feeling is: value investment is nothing, all in one, garbage lives in the palace. This seemingly joking sentence speaks for itself. The so-called long-term value investment, advance layout, and patient holding, the result is that after a year of holding the value coin, you still lose money. Others now enter the market and buy a garbage coin at random, and they make a lot of money by several times or dozens of times! People who invest in the long term and the so-called "value" investment can't help but question their choices. ​ If you have this idea at this moment, or you have also experienced this pain, I can tell you with certainty that you should stick to your choice, because every value coin has its own cycle. The main rising wave of the bull market has not yet come, and the coins that are performing very well now may not have a sense of participation in the future. The coins that seem to be in a slump now and make countless people desperate may also make a big splash in the future, with dozens or hundreds of times of crazy growth. ​ Never be blinded by the means of dog dealers washing the market. Adhering to long-term value investment is the only way to defeat capital, because in order to cut more people, they can only bite the bullet and bring you to eat meat together. This is the sunk cost of dog dealers! If you want to defeat others, you must first defeat your own heart. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 $BTC $ETH
The biggest feeling is: value investment is nothing, all in one, garbage lives in the palace. This seemingly joking sentence speaks for itself. The so-called long-term value investment, advance layout, and patient holding, the result is that after a year of holding the value coin, you still lose money. Others now enter the market and buy a garbage coin at random, and they make a lot of money by several times or dozens of times! People who invest in the long term and the so-called "value" investment can't help but question their choices.
​ If you have this idea at this moment, or you have also experienced this pain, I can tell you with certainty that you should stick to your choice, because every value coin has its own cycle. The main rising wave of the bull market has not yet come, and the coins that are performing very well now may not have a sense of participation in the future. The coins that seem to be in a slump now and make countless people desperate may also make a big splash in the future, with dozens or hundreds of times of crazy growth.
​ Never be blinded by the means of dog dealers washing the market. Adhering to long-term value investment is the only way to defeat capital, because in order to cut more people, they can only bite the bullet and bring you to eat meat together. This is the sunk cost of dog dealers! If you want to defeat others, you must first defeat your own heart. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 $BTC $ETH
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Three major events in the past two days: ETH ETF approved, FITS21 passed by the House of Representatives, Congress banned the Fed from issuing central bank digital currency (CBDC) The significance is extremely far-reaching It can even be said that the significance of the latter two bills is more far-reaching than the simple approval of ETH ETF After all, ETH ETF is just a matter of time FITS21 regulates the coin issuance process and requirements of all projects. With the process, there are ways to comply with or circumvent the process. The season for altcoin issuance is coming. The season for altcoin innovation is coming. The season for web3 innovation is coming. Congress banned the Fed from issuing CBDC. The original intention of Congress was undoubtedly out of concern about the Fed's excessive issuance, but the role it played was to force the US dollar to embrace web3 with the existing more decentralized channels and existing issuance mechanisms. This will enhance the ability of web3 issuance channels, empower web3 in disguise, balance decentralized and centralized finance, and also make the US dollar more decentralized. Only a more decentralized US dollar is a stronger US dollar. Finally, I would like to say that the government is limiting its own capabilities, and limiting its most important capabilities. This can only happen in a country with a power constraint mechanism. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析
Three major events in the past two days:

ETH ETF approved, FITS21 passed by the House of Representatives, Congress banned the Fed from issuing central bank digital currency (CBDC)

The significance is extremely far-reaching

It can even be said that the significance of the latter two bills is more far-reaching than the simple approval of ETH ETF

After all, ETH ETF is just a matter of time

FITS21 regulates the coin issuance process and requirements of all projects. With the process, there are ways to comply with or circumvent the process. The season for altcoin issuance is coming. The season for altcoin innovation is coming. The season for web3 innovation is coming.

Congress banned the Fed from issuing CBDC. The original intention of Congress was undoubtedly out of concern about the Fed's excessive issuance, but the role it played was to force the US dollar to embrace web3 with the existing more decentralized channels and existing issuance mechanisms.

This will enhance the ability of web3 issuance channels, empower web3 in disguise, balance decentralized and centralized finance, and also make the US dollar more decentralized.

Only a more decentralized US dollar is a stronger US dollar.

Finally, I would like to say that the government is limiting its own capabilities, and limiting its most important capabilities. This can only happen in a country with a power constraint mechanism. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析
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Half an hour ago, $ETH briefly fell below $3,800. This spike may have been driven by MEV trading company Symbolic Capital Partners. The agency sold 6,968 ETH in one minute at 20:56, worth $27.38 million, with an average selling price of $3,930; one transaction sold 3,497 ETH on the chain at one time, and the bribe cost was as high as 90 ETH. Why is it so urgent? $ETH
Half an hour ago, $ETH briefly fell below $3,800. This spike may have been driven by MEV trading company Symbolic Capital Partners. The agency sold 6,968 ETH in one minute at 20:56, worth $27.38 million, with an average selling price of $3,930; one transaction sold 3,497 ETH on the chain at one time, and the bribe cost was as high as 90 ETH. Why is it so urgent? $ETH
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The characteristic of a bull market is that the market is rising inexplicably, and you don't have any stocks, and you even want to short sell. This kind of market has not been found. There is no big positive line of ten points in an hour, only negative rises, and small steps of rise. This is the real bull market, incremental funds are bullish, remember that negative rises = bull market. Only by holding long orders can you make the most profit in small steps of rise, and large and short-term orders cannot eat all the small positives. (Experience gained by Fatty in the last five-year bull market)#比特币超话 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势分析 $ETH $ETH
The characteristic of a bull market is that the market is rising inexplicably, and you don't have any stocks, and you even want to short sell.
This kind of market has not been found. There is no big positive line of ten points in an hour, only negative rises, and small steps of rise. This is the real bull market, incremental funds are bullish, remember that negative rises = bull market. Only by holding long orders can you make the most profit in small steps of rise, and large and short-term orders cannot eat all the small positives. (Experience gained by Fatty in the last five-year bull market)#比特币超话 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势分析 $ETH $ETH
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After all, local dogs are a high-risk market. So the remarks of some 10u war gods actually reveal the essence, and those whales often grow into the final big hands because they buy enough. Buying too much will not make up for the loss. My suggestion is that local dogs are all pvp and cannot be independent, so don’t participate. Just think of buying lottery tickets as the zero-play consumption investment I said two years ago. Ask yourself, if you trade in cottages every day, have you made money this month? Reject temptation and anxiety, and choose the right way to participate in it to really make a profit. This is why I chose to be a quantitative robot. After all, web3 is a place where you can make more money than going to work. Although it is full of lies and temptations, I believe you understand if you have been to work. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #山寨币热点 $ETH
After all, local dogs are a high-risk market. So the remarks of some 10u war gods actually reveal the essence, and those whales often grow into the final big hands because they buy enough. Buying too much will not make up for the loss. My suggestion is that local dogs are all pvp and cannot be independent, so don’t participate. Just think of buying lottery tickets as the zero-play consumption investment I said two years ago. Ask yourself, if you trade in cottages every day, have you made money this month? Reject temptation and anxiety, and choose the right way to participate in it to really make a profit. This is why I chose to be a quantitative robot. After all, web3 is a place where you can make more money than going to work. Although it is full of lies and temptations, I believe you understand if you have been to work. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #山寨币热点 $ETH
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The core of trading lies in trading or in manipulation. No matter how advanced the theory is, the execution of trading is often greatly discounted. This is not a problem of a certain person, but an inherent problem of human beings. It is a bit like talking about war on paper. The theory is good and it is indeed good, but when it is really applied to actual combat, it is very likely that you will become stupid before the battle. Theory, experience, understanding, cognition and nature can easily affect the execution of transactions. The use of quantitative robots can make up for the lack of manpower. On the one hand, it strictly implements the established strategy, and on the other hand, it does not rest for 24 hours, reduces the cost of holding positions as much as possible, and ensures that you are in the most favorable price position, which is lower than 60% of the cost of holding users. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
The core of trading lies in trading or in manipulation. No matter how advanced the theory is, the execution of trading is often greatly discounted. This is not a problem of a certain person, but an inherent problem of human beings. It is a bit like talking about war on paper. The theory is good and it is indeed good, but when it is really applied to actual combat, it is very likely that you will become stupid before the battle. Theory, experience, understanding, cognition and nature can easily affect the execution of transactions. The use of quantitative robots can make up for the lack of manpower. On the one hand, it strictly implements the established strategy, and on the other hand, it does not rest for 24 hours, reduces the cost of holding positions as much as possible, and ensures that you are in the most favorable price position, which is lower than 60% of the cost of holding users. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
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I rarely think about whether there is a bullish return from the perspective of data and narrative. I only look at emotions, which are invisible but always reflected in data and narratives, driving the ups and downs of the market. In human terms, money is just a little money. It is very simple for me to invest in this circle. Give me a reason, thousands of reasons, it is better to "a cloud-piercing arrow and thousands of troops to meet". At that time, riding a donkey to watch the opera, many people will tell you various narratives. At that time, it is time for them to escape. The above is just my insignificant and even wrong point of view, one person's opinion, for reference only. What I want to say is that things like ETF false news can explode 10 points, which shows that the market sentiment is slowly accumulating and is almost in place. Because of the long-term low liquidity and lack of money-making effect, countless people are gearing up to make a big move. Do they need to wait for the narrative? No, they just need to wait for who will fire the first shot. #以太坊ETF批准预期 $ETH
I rarely think about whether there is a bullish return from the perspective of data and narrative. I only look at emotions, which are invisible but always reflected in data and narratives, driving the ups and downs of the market. In human terms, money is just a little money. It is very simple for me to invest in this circle. Give me a reason, thousands of reasons, it is better to "a cloud-piercing arrow and thousands of troops to meet". At that time, riding a donkey to watch the opera, many people will tell you various narratives. At that time, it is time for them to escape.

The above is just my insignificant and even wrong point of view, one person's opinion, for reference only. What I want to say is that things like ETF false news can explode 10 points, which shows that the market sentiment is slowly accumulating and is almost in place. Because of the long-term low liquidity and lack of money-making effect, countless people are gearing up to make a big move. Do they need to wait for the narrative? No, they just need to wait for who will fire the first shot.
#以太坊ETF批准预期 $ETH
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Short sellers in the market should take care of themselves. This is a huge trend of the world level. Now holding long orders of Bitcoin can participate in the wealth transfer event that will go down in the history of human civilization! ! ! This trend will not change due to the personal will of several big dealers in the market. As Fatty said before, when technical analysis and value trends are in conflict, it can only slow down the arrival of the real trend. When the sorting is completed, the technical side will resonate with the real trend again. It will be a great bull market, allowing you and me to embrace the spring of cryptocurrency! ! ! $BTC $ETH
Short sellers in the market should take care of themselves. This is a huge trend of the world level. Now holding long orders of Bitcoin can participate in the wealth transfer event that will go down in the history of human civilization! ! !

This trend will not change due to the personal will of several big dealers in the market. As Fatty said before, when technical analysis and value trends are in conflict, it can only slow down the arrival of the real trend.

When the sorting is completed, the technical side will resonate with the real trend again. It will be a great bull market, allowing you and me to embrace the spring of cryptocurrency! ! ! $BTC $ETH
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$PYTH Regarding this coin, as a suggestion from a veteran, the project members are arrogant and unwilling to share profits with coin holders. Before the establishment of DAO, there was a proposal to airdrop the income or tokens of the cooperative use agreement project to the coin holders according to a certain proportion, but it was rejected by one vote. At the time of staking, the staking rate was already 80% (staking accounts for liquidity). The project staff released information intensively and worked very actively, but the price has not performed well. Does this mean that the so-called market maker did not make a market at all? Refer to $TIA for comparison. Although the price has risen, it is still more of an increase achieved by SOL. After the coin price rose, it was obvious that the enthusiasm of the project staff decreased, and they were basically lying flat. Before unlocking, there were two airdrops, one to the community and one to the cooperative project party, but the specific data flow was not made public, and it was questioned by the community. The project party DAO existed in name only and was useless. This time, the large-scale unlocking was very early, and there was no explanation to the community. No matter what the reason, it exposed the dishonesty of the project party. Although the price has been pulled up, is this a deliberate smokescreen to let everyone digest the negative information of the huge unlocking and maintain a gambling mentality? I think the next step is the beginning of a negative decline! So I have already shorted it! $PYTH #山寨币热点
$PYTH Regarding this coin, as a suggestion from a veteran, the project members are arrogant and unwilling to share profits with coin holders. Before the establishment of DAO, there was a proposal to airdrop the income or tokens of the cooperative use agreement project to the coin holders according to a certain proportion, but it was rejected by one vote. At the time of staking, the staking rate was already 80% (staking accounts for liquidity). The project staff released information intensively and worked very actively, but the price has not performed well. Does this mean that the so-called market maker did not make a market at all? Refer to $TIA for comparison. Although the price has risen, it is still more of an increase achieved by SOL. After the coin price rose, it was obvious that the enthusiasm of the project staff decreased, and they were basically lying flat. Before unlocking, there were two airdrops, one to the community and one to the cooperative project party, but the specific data flow was not made public, and it was questioned by the community. The project party DAO existed in name only and was useless. This time, the large-scale unlocking was very early, and there was no explanation to the community. No matter what the reason, it exposed the dishonesty of the project party. Although the price has been pulled up, is this a deliberate smokescreen to let everyone digest the negative information of the huge unlocking and maintain a gambling mentality? I think the next step is the beginning of a negative decline! So I have already shorted it! $PYTH #山寨币热点
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