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AltLayer ($ALT ) is a platform that can be used to launch native and re-collateralized Rollups, supporting both Optimistic and ZK Rollup stacks. AltLayer is an open and decentralized protocol designed for rollups°. AltLayer brings a novel idea - re-collateralized Rollups, which takes rollups from any rollup stack° (such as OPStack, Arbitrum Orbit, Polygon CDK, ZK Stack, etc.) and provides them with enhanced security, decentralization, interoperability, and fast finality of the crypto economy by leveraging the re-collateralization mechanism. $ALT is the native utility token of AltLayer, used for the following functions: Economic Bond: ALT tokens° will be used to provide economic collateral along with re-collateralized assets. This collateral can be slashed if malicious behavior is detected. Governance: ALT token holders can vote on governance issues. Protocol Incentives: Operators in the AltLayer ecosystem can earn ALT tokens as a reward for their services. Protocol Fees: Network participants need to pay for services within the network with ALT tokens. AltLayer's core product, re-collateralized rollups, consists of three key products. #ALT再质押生态 #ALT

AltLayer ($ALT ) is a platform that can be used to launch native and re-collateralized Rollups, supporting both Optimistic and ZK Rollup stacks.

AltLayer is an open and decentralized protocol designed for rollups°. AltLayer brings a novel idea - re-collateralized Rollups, which takes rollups from any rollup stack° (such as OPStack, Arbitrum

Orbit, Polygon CDK, ZK Stack, etc.) and provides them with enhanced security, decentralization, interoperability, and fast finality of the crypto economy by leveraging the re-collateralization mechanism.

$ALT is the native utility token of AltLayer, used for the following functions:

Economic Bond: ALT tokens° will be used to provide economic collateral along with re-collateralized assets. This collateral can be slashed if malicious behavior is detected.

Governance: ALT token holders can vote on governance issues.

Protocol Incentives: Operators in the AltLayer ecosystem can earn ALT tokens as a reward for their services.

Protocol Fees: Network participants need to pay for services within the network with ALT tokens.

AltLayer's core product, re-collateralized rollups, consists of three key products.

#ALT再质押生态 #ALT

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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偷偷告诉你:千万防止别人“借运” 在你不知道的情况,你可能就被“借运” 了。 你的朋友,找你聊天,喋喋不休地一晚上,不断你向你抱怨,不断地向你吐槽,一肚子的苦水都向你倒了出来。 第二天,你会精神不振,哈欠连天,你的状态直线下降。 这就是“借运”的威力。不要老是去做别人的精神垃圾桶,她是痛快了,而你却要去承担这样的因果。 在无意中,你的正能量磁场被破坏掉,直接会影响到你的情绪和精气神。 远离那些给你负能理的人,特别防止被他们“借运”。 古人说:“借运”就是借钱,讲得很有道理。 我们一定要稳住自己的能量场,保护好自己的钱袋子。 下面这几件事,一定要记得去做。 1、远离那些负能量的人。他们身上所带的是负能量,会吸走你有正能量,让你的磁场混乱。人在不自觉间就接受了心理暗示,潜移默化中改变了自己的人生。 2、不去承担别人的因果。每个人都会有自己的命运,成年人只筛选,不改变。过度地与别人共情,你也将会被他的因果所累。 3、与正能量的人同行。与凤凰同飞,必是俊鸟;与虎狼同行,必是猛兽。在与他们一起的时候,能获得更多的能量共振,从而更好地提升自己的能量场。 4、不过度在乎别人的看法。每个人看世界的角度不同,人都是有认知偏差的。守住自己的本心,坚持做自己认为对的事。 #BTC #ETH #热门话题

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