Binance Square
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Conditions: 1) Bitcoin reached its peak after its first halving, with an increase of 262 times after 11 months. 2) Bitcoin reached its peak after its second halving, with an increase of 53 times after 16 months. 3) Bitcoin reached its peak after its third halving, with an increase of 18 times after 17 months. Question: Bitcoin will reach its peak after its fourth halving on April 20, 2024, with an increase of ( ) times after ( ) months. Find the pattern to fill in the blanks, insert an eye, and wait for the next cycle. #BTC走势分析


1) Bitcoin reached its peak after its first halving, with an increase of 262 times after 11 months.

2) Bitcoin reached its peak after its second halving, with an increase of 53 times after 16 months.

3) Bitcoin reached its peak after its third halving, with an increase of 18 times after 17 months.


Bitcoin will reach its peak after its fourth halving on April 20, 2024, with an increase of ( ) times after ( ) months.

Find the pattern to fill in the blanks, insert an eye, and wait for the next cycle.


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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六月份啦,行情还是波澜不惊的,比特币一直在67K-70K来回折腾。 也没啥好说的,就是最近被问行情看法的人有点多,甚至现实中也有。 挺能理解的,目前价格虽不是新高,但这价位也在高点,并且最近这段时间行情走势给人的感觉就是上不去,还不如落袋为安。 其实我是遇到过很多次这样的经历,俗称垃圾时间。 我记得我第一次遇到这样的垃圾时间,那时候价格也在高位(相对于之前新高),给人一种上不去的感觉。 那时候几个朋友都清仓了,有人选择了开店,有人选择了买房,还有一哥们买了辆车,给我们几个人馋的。 那段时间压力也挺大的,投资中,相对于亏钱,浮盈时候的状态,是最折磨人的。 亏损嘛,你总会安慰自己,仓位还在,不卖就不算亏。 但浮盈就不一样了,你总是很担心价格会掉下去,毕竟自己才刚刚走完那个绝望熊市,才开始盈利,才刚刚尝一了一口胜利的甜味。 你会很担心,担心自己再次陷入亏损状态。 过往云烟不提也罢,总之,最后自己还是扛过来了。 记得当初有个朋友开店,宾馆,位置非常好,极力邀我入股,那天喝得有点多了,朋友拉着我的手说:“虚拟的东西,赚一波就行了,最后还是要靠实体,这个机会真的难得(因为店铺是拖关系拿下的)” 那晚我也想了很久,一直有抛售一部分入股的冲动。 但最终还是拒绝。 也是那时候开始,我发现一个事情,学会拒绝别人,才是真正的成长。 “收到,好的”这种词汇谁都说的顺嘴,你开心我开心,但“不行”却不是每个人都能顺利说出来的。 再后来的时间里,也遇到过很多次垃圾时间,玩玩游戏,上上班,骑骑车,钓钓鱼,跑跑步,就过去了。可能现在在我眼里,没有什么能比这个更容易的事了吧。甚至我觉得,为了不抛售比特币,拒绝任何投资的建议,都是明智的。$BTC

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