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Advice to all investors: You can make millions, it is recommended that all investors spend a few minutes to read it! ! ! #大盘走势 Eight pieces of advice for friends who trade in cryptocurrencies 1. Keep confidentiality first, don't brag Don't tell everyone that you trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid trouble. Don't show off your money, otherwise you may get into trouble. 2. Keep a low profile when you make money If you have a lot of money, don't get too close to old friends, protect yourself. 3. Stay away from bad habits, health is the most important Don't touch gambling and drugs, these things are tireless. 4. Don't get angry, harmony brings wealth Be in a good mood, don't get angry all the time, so that you can make money more smoothly and make more wise decisions. 5. Time is precious, improve yourself more Don't waste time, learn more, and make more progress. 6. Don't invest blindly, you have to understand it Don't invest blindly in areas you don't understand, only invest in projects you understand, so the risk is small 7. Don’t follow the crowd, make your own judgment You should buy what others buy, do your own research and invest rationally. 8. Improve yourself and invest smarter Learn more, understand more, so that investment is more reliable The bull market is surging. If you don’t know how to get started, follow me Communicate together and roll funds together The chief of staff will have real-time strategy layout every day. Friends who want to follow the chief of staff and share a piece of the currency circle can follow the "Official Account: Chief of Staff in the Currency Circle" and dance with the dealer together! $BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETH #BTC

Advice to all investors: You can make millions, it is recommended that all investors spend a few minutes to read it! ! ! #大盘走势

Eight pieces of advice for friends who trade in cryptocurrencies

1. Keep confidentiality first, don't brag

Don't tell everyone that you trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid trouble. Don't show off your money, otherwise you may get into trouble.

2. Keep a low profile when you make money

If you have a lot of money, don't get too close to old friends, protect yourself.

3. Stay away from bad habits, health is the most important

Don't touch gambling and drugs, these things are tireless.

4. Don't get angry, harmony brings wealth

Be in a good mood, don't get angry all the time, so that you can make money more smoothly and make more wise decisions.

5. Time is precious, improve yourself more

Don't waste time, learn more, and make more progress.

6. Don't invest blindly, you have to understand it

Don't invest blindly in areas you don't understand, only invest in projects you understand, so the risk is small

7. Don’t follow the crowd, make your own judgment

You should buy what others buy, do your own research and invest rationally.

8. Improve yourself and invest smarter

Learn more, understand more, so that investment is more reliable

The bull market is surging. If you don’t know how to get started, follow me

Communicate together and roll funds together

The chief of staff will have real-time strategy layout every day. Friends who want to follow the chief of staff and share a piece of the currency circle can follow the "Official Account: Chief of Staff in the Currency Circle" and dance with the dealer together! $BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETH #BTC

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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相信大家都很关注今晚ETF结果会如何影响行情?请看参谋长解析!💰💰 1. 不通过 利空。 以太系全线暴跌,甚至会带动大盘下探。 2. 所有ETF一次性全部通过 利空。 就像BTC的ETF一样在同一天全部通过,那么意味着灰度的ETH的ETF也会通过。灰度持有300万枚ETH,市值110亿美金,管理费2.5%。因为早期用户被困2,3年了,终于可以卖出,加上管理费高昂,那么短期内卖盘巨大。很可能重演BTC的ETF通过后两周的行情,那时BTC从48000跌到40000左右。 3. 按照申请时间只通过vanEck的ETF申请 利多。 按照申请时间,灰度的ETF将在6月18日审核。在此之前,有vanEck,ARK&21shares,hashdex三家的ETF需要审批。那么意味着在6月18日之前,ETF将几乎都是买盘,而没有卖盘。对市场将是重大利好,以太将冲击新高。 4. 半通过 利空利多同时存在。 即只通过19b-4文件,s1文件之后再批准,可能需要几周或者几个月。 这种情况最复杂,因为利好落地会有资金砸盘,但后续完全通过的预期又是利好。两者交织,资金博弈,多空大战。 不过无论是以上哪种结果,对于长线持币者来说,都可以忽略,毕竟ETF长期是增量资金,大饼终究会涨到10万,以太也会涨到1万的! 想了解更多币圈的相关知识,一手的前沿资讯和实时策略布局,可以关注查看主页!我会根据实时趋势给你最精准的策略,让你赚到想要的收益!#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #ETH #BTC

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