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[Crypto Market News] Dear blockchain enthusiasts, I have good news for you! According to BlockBeats, crypto KOL and former FTX community partner Benson Sun posted on social media that Bitcoin has returned to above $66,000. Does this make everyone feel happy all of a sudden? 😊 However, there is more exciting news! Benson Sun pointed out that the total contract holdings of altcoins are lower than when Bitcoin was priced at $40,000, which means that after the sharp drop in the past few days, the altcoin leverage in this round of bull market may have been very thoroughly cleaned, and the altcoin season may be coming. Does this mean that there are more opportunities and possibilities for us observers and participants in the blockchain market? What do you think about this? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain market together!

[Crypto Market News] Dear blockchain enthusiasts, I have good news for you! According to BlockBeats, crypto KOL and former FTX community partner Benson Sun posted on social media that Bitcoin has returned to above $66,000. Does this make everyone feel happy all of a sudden? 😊

However, there is more exciting news! Benson Sun pointed out that the total contract holdings of altcoins are lower than when Bitcoin was priced at $40,000, which means that after the sharp drop in the past few days, the altcoin leverage in this round of bull market may have been very thoroughly cleaned, and the altcoin season may be coming.

Does this mean that there are more opportunities and possibilities for us observers and participants in the blockchain market? What do you think about this? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain market together!

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新手小白们,注意啦!你是否在使用WEB3钱包时,兴奋地打开比特币钱包,准备复制地址,却发现自己的钱包居然有多个不同的地址,就像走到一个陌生的十字路口,一头雾水?别担心,小编来帮你解答疑惑。 首先,这些不同的地址其实是比特币社区技术发展的产物。比如,2009年比特币刚推出时采用的Legacy地址(P2PKH),这种地址在交易中会占用更多空间,导致交易手续费更高,所以现在大家只有在使用一些与新地址不兼容的旧钱包时才会使用。 还有Nested SegWit地址(P2SH-P2WPKH),它采用的是赎回脚本的哈希,而不是公钥的哈希,这样就大大扩展了灵活性,可以自定义赎回脚本的执行逻辑。引入了隔离见证技术之后,可以减少交易的体积,从而减少交易的手续费用。 再来说说隔离见证地址(Native SegWit)和主根地址(Taproot)。隔离见证就是把见证数据隔离出来,单独处理,这样可以减少交易信息的大小,从而减少了交易的手续费。而主根地址的优势在于隐私性和在复杂交易场景下的效率。 那么,我们应该选用哪种地址格式呢?目前的主流钱包比如OKX、Unisat等都支持以上四种地址,因此为了减少交易费用,采用Native SegWit和Taproot格式的地址是比较合理的。只要认准「bc1」开头的钱包地址就行啦! 如果你对比特币的铭文等感兴趣,那么这两种地址是你的不二之选,大多数钱包都对这两种地址的铭文做了额外的处理,可以保护你特殊的UTXO不会在交易中错误地转移掉。 好啦,以上就是小编为大家解读的比特币地址的小知识。如果你还有什么疑问,或者想要了解更多关于比特币的知识,欢迎在评论区留言哦!😉
【区块链新闻快讯】Axelar与Celestia生态深度集成,互操作性解决方案Interchain Amplifier将与Celestia首个主权Rollup Rollkit进行集成,简化可互操作Rollup的创建过程,使新Rollup的创建像开发智能合约一样简单。同时,新创建的Rollup将可以轻松连接EVM、Cosmos、比特币、Polkadot等其他区块链网络。Axelar基金会联合创始人兼董事Georgios Vlachos表示,新生态系统中的机会正在迅速涌现,未来四分之一的交易将属于跨链范畴。 Rollkit集成Axelar,以解放流动性。尽管现在部署新链很容易,但要获取其他地方的用户和流动性,尤其是以太坊主网和其他主要EVM链,仍然存在交易摩擦和额外风险。但这种情况正在被解决。Rollkit将集成Axelar的Interchain Amplifier,该工具可以在Axelar连接的所有链之间自动路由各种代币,目前已覆盖超过60条链,未来也将支持更多链的接入。 Axelar的优势在于其去中心化的特性,底层架构更加安全。Vlachos表示,对Axelar来说,攻击者要真正盗取资金非常困难,因为他们需要盗取75个节点里多数节点的私钥。 对于新链来说,获取包括稳定币在内的其他链上的流动性至关重要,因为它们通常缺乏原生资产。Vlachos指出,新的Rollup需要在第一天就有稳定币。Axelar旗下Interchain Amplifier可借助Interchain Token Service(ITS)——一种构建在Amplifier层之上的跨链应用,允许任何人创建连接到Axelar的任何代币的跨链版本。 Vlachos的目光似乎看到了更远的未来:一个用户可以专注于应用程序和资产,而不是背后促成其所需操作的技术的未来。他表示,Axelar的终极愿景是,今天孤立分布在一条条区块链上的任何应用程序,无论是去中心化交易所、借贷市场还是NFT市场,开发者都应该能够在未来构建跨越不同区块链网络的一致用户体验。 大家对Axelar和Celestia的这次深度集成有何看法?欢迎在评论区畅谈你的观点!😊

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