$2,000,000 was stolen from a Bank of America account in a devastating scam that led to a lawsuit alleging negligence, breach of contract and federal law:
An elderly woman who lost millions of dollars to fraudsters is suing Bank of America (BofA) alleging negligence, breach of contract and violation of federal law.
Lynn Bucklin, a 67-year-old Florida resident, says BofA failed to adequately protect her from a scheme that siphoned $2 million from her accounts, according to cyber claims firm Vernon.
Lynn says the scam started when she received emails and phone calls from people posing as Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigators. The bad actors got Lynn's attention by telling her that her social security number had been leaked.
One of the scammers, posing as a Federal Trade Commission official named Bruce Williams, sent Lynne his supposed credentials, including a badge and badge number. He also sent her a copy of a letter from the FTC saying her accounts were being investigated for fraud.
Believing that the threat was real, Lynn succumbed to the thieves' instructions.
BofA officials are accused of greenlighting the transfers despite the fact that the transactions were unusual.
Lynn is now seeking legal recourse, accusing BofA of negligent hiring, breach of contract and violations of law, including the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and the Uniform Commercial Code
“Under the guise of protecting his assets, the fraudster convinced Bucklin to transfer money to cryptocurrency accounts using wire transfers at Bank of America branches in Naples, Florida.
Despite the irregularity of the transactions, Bucklin's bank representatives could not question their validity. Additionally, the fraudster gained remote access to her computer to manipulate accounts and steal her identity.”
Lynn trying to get her funds back, but the mega lender was only able to recover $500,000 before closing her case$BTC