until today:

DASH production reduction countdown: 46 days Estimated production reduction time: 2023-06-22

LTC halving countdown: 88 days Estimated halving time: 2023-08-03

BCH halving countdown: 337 days Estimated halving time: 2024-04-07

BSV halving countdown: 342 days Estimated halving time: 2024-04-13

BTC halving countdown: 357 days Estimated halving time: 2024-04-28

ETC production reduction countdown: 439 days Estimated production reduction time: 2024-07-24

ZEC halving countdown: 564 days Estimated halving time: 2024-11-20

ZEN halving countdown: 582 days Estimated halving time: 2024-12-08

There are only 357 days left before the BTC halving. The Federal Reserve will cut interest rates again at the end of 2023. If you missed 2021, don’t miss 2024!

#BTC #crypto2023 #ETH #Binance #Web3