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In this bull market, wealth will be redistributed. A large number of billionaires will be born in the currency circle. Thank you Satoshi Nakamoto and those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Bitcoin. They may be Chinese, Americans, or Iranians; they may be industry elites, technology gurus, or currency pioneers. Just because of their efforts Let people all over the world compete fairly with the powerful and the top rich. In the competition for land, gold, and oil, these people have repeatedly won. However, this time, we will never admit defeat! So, cherish every U in your hands. Don’t give it away! come on! ​

In this bull market, wealth will be redistributed. A large number of billionaires will be born in the currency circle.

Thank you Satoshi Nakamoto and those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Bitcoin. They may be Chinese, Americans, or Iranians; they may be industry elites, technology gurus, or currency pioneers.

Just because of their efforts

Let people all over the world compete fairly with the powerful and the top rich. In the competition for land, gold, and oil, these people have repeatedly won.

However, this time, we will never admit defeat!

So, cherish every U in your hands. Don’t give it away! come on!

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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在币圈,理论上来讲,只要投资1u,人人都有成为亿万富翁的可能。 好多小伙伴刚入圈,不敢大投资。资金普遍比较小。有的几千u,几百u,甚至几十U都有的。 因此大多数人选择了去做合约。我可以肯定说,迎接你的就是爆仓,充钱。再爆仓,再充钱。如此反复。这部分人基本都成了牛市的炮灰。一个大牛市下来,别人都赚到了钱,自己却白白浪费时间,最后亏完钱。 做合约可以,如果你有一个亿的资金,125倍做多比特币,最多只能用50万的仓位,才是相对比较保险的。否则就是赌博。不接受反驳!做合约资金的利用率不高,资金费率却很高。如果长期持有,一个牛市下来,光资金费率和手续费都是惊人的数字。最后还不一定能赚到钱。 那么小资金就不能玩了吗?不是的,只要你采取好的方法,不做合约,一样可以以小博大。那就是现货滚仓战法: 现货买入一个币,资金可大可小。等币价涨到最少翻倍,或者阶段高点就卖掉。然后等币价回调到日线级别MA均线附近再买回来。如此重复操作。这样重复操作5次,你的资金会翻几倍?重复操作10次呢?是一个很可怕的数字!就看市场给不给你这个机会啦!对不对?前提是牛市,牛市就是涨,涨,涨。跌下来也会涨上去的。日线级别的ma均线是一个非常好的参考指标,它贯穿整个牛市。就算跌破日线级别,也没事啊,你是现货,又不是合约,迟早会涨上去的! 希望这个方法能帮助更多的人实现自己的梦想!

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