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Tonight, there was a callback of #BTC . The circle of friends was unusually calm. Except for media friends who forwarded news updates, no other friends responded. Maybe it was because I was a little unprepared for the sudden waterfall; maybe because I have been in the industry for many years and have experienced many ups and downs, so I am not surprised. Don't waste every plunge, because every plunge is the best time to observe whether the currency is strong. Mature investors do not have time to invest their emotions in the market situation of panic selling, not to mention that this panic comes from an opinion report rather than actual facts. Think about it, the worst outcome is that the Bitcoin spot ETF in January is not approved, and BTC will have a major correction to the next support level near $38,000. How? This does not prevent a violent bull market in the coming year. In the final analysis, the macro conditions of the bull market are the Fed's interest rate cut, and Crypto and US stocks have risen together; the medium conditions are the improvement of industry infrastructure and the emergence of paradigm innovation applications; the micro conditions are the benefits of various projects. After ruling out LUNA and FTX in the past two years, the biggest risk now hanging over the industry lies in the decision-making of the US government. Crypto is an industry driven by technology, and short-term violent fluctuations in currency prices do not affect the overall upward trend. Combining macro, meso and micro conditions, I feel that we are getting closer to the point where the bull market will explode. I don’t want to always mention the “bull market”. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s a bull market or a bear market. In a bull market, some people lose all their money, and in a bear market, some people make millions. The most important thing is DYOR, which requires hard work to judge the market environment, perceive market sentiment, control risks, and study the fundamentals and technical aspects of the project. The more panic spreads, the more we need to emphasize the above common sense. I always believe that if you make money, you realize your knowledge, and if you lose money, you are willing to admit defeat. Everyone must be responsible for their own judgment.

Tonight, there was a callback of #BTC . The circle of friends was unusually calm. Except for media friends who forwarded news updates, no other friends responded. Maybe it was because I was a little unprepared for the sudden waterfall; maybe because I have been in the industry for many years and have experienced many ups and downs, so I am not surprised.

Don't waste every plunge, because every plunge is the best time to observe whether the currency is strong. Mature investors do not have time to invest their emotions in the market situation of panic selling, not to mention that this panic comes from an opinion report rather than actual facts.

Think about it, the worst outcome is that the Bitcoin spot ETF in January is not approved, and BTC will have a major correction to the next support level near $38,000. How? This does not prevent a violent bull market in the coming year.

In the final analysis, the macro conditions of the bull market are the Fed's interest rate cut, and Crypto and US stocks have risen together; the medium conditions are the improvement of industry infrastructure and the emergence of paradigm innovation applications; the micro conditions are the benefits of various projects. After ruling out LUNA and FTX in the past two years, the biggest risk now hanging over the industry lies in the decision-making of the US government.

Crypto is an industry driven by technology, and short-term violent fluctuations in currency prices do not affect the overall upward trend. Combining macro, meso and micro conditions, I feel that we are getting closer to the point where the bull market will explode.

I don’t want to always mention the “bull market”. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s a bull market or a bear market. In a bull market, some people lose all their money, and in a bear market, some people make millions. The most important thing is DYOR, which requires hard work to judge the market environment, perceive market sentiment, control risks, and study the fundamentals and technical aspects of the project.

The more panic spreads, the more we need to emphasize the above common sense. I always believe that if you make money, you realize your knowledge, and if you lose money, you are willing to admit defeat. Everyone must be responsible for their own judgment.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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时隔一年半,ICP 再次来到 10 美元,没看到相关新闻。我认为这轮上涨,不是东方小孙口中的“昙花一现”,而是基本面的扭转。我们需要放下偏见,重新认识 ICP 及其生态。   逛了逛基于 ICP 的社交项目 OpenChat,类似于 telegram,不同的是 OpenChat 能发送加密货币红包。分享四点观察:   1.真的有人质押 8 年,你没看错,8 年!昨天浏览 YouTube,博主吐槽有人 ICP 质押 8 年,当时我不信。今天看到 OpenChat 群友的发言,我相信了,例如:“去年 6.8 买的押了 8 年”,“我质押了 5000 个 8 年,上周脑抽又特么冲了 500 ic,300 投 elna 了,100 gold dao”,“我也是几千个质押了八年,但是今年又买了几千个”,“我好几千个质押了八年。我都不着急”。   2.有观点认为,ICP 本次上涨的原因,包括 (1) MORA 功不可没,铭文引爆市场;(2) CKETH 的推出吸引了人们进入;(3) CKBTC 的存在使最大的 BTC 市场。   3.群友继续奶,梭哈 ICP 的八大理由,(1) 与 BTC 集成,ckBTC;(2) 与 ETH 集成,ckETH、ckUSDT、ckERC20;(3) NNS & SNS;(4) Canister 智能合约;(5) HTTP OUTCALL;(6) 反向 GAS 模型;(7) INTERNET IDENTITY;(8) 种子轮即将释放完毕。   4.本周五,ICP 传道者 Robert 的群聊传出,“先从 ICP 币价说起,首先在 21 年 5 月份主网上线时候,他的合理估值就没有那么高,当时的合理价格区间应该在 80-200U 之间,但是因为其他公链资本打压(主要是 SBF 和 FTX 交易所)上市之前 CP 就被针对性做空,所以主网上线之前市场还没流通 token 的时候就一直被卖空期货,造成拉高价格,三四百 u 买是牛市最 fomo 时候买的,是不太合理的,当时就是主网上线,所有路线图开发刚刚开始”   “然后说 ICP 是做什么的,ICP 主要是全栈,算力、存储全栈按区块链的标准去设计,当前币圈根本没有任何全栈的公链,ETH 不是,其他 DOT / NEAR / BNB / ATOM 就更加不是了,都是在 ETH 的基础上一点点改进,然后资本拉盘营销”   “全栈的意思可以理解为机房链,ICP 的节点商硬件要求极高,需要电信那种 IDC 机房,单台节点基本要 2 万美元的成本。所以 ICP 的设计方向一直就是做去中心化云的,云就是这些机房链,通讯链接起来要符合区块链的去中心化不作恶治理方向”   “near 走夜影协议和无限分片的时候,运营的是轻节点,没有内存存储和算力,所以 near 可以速度和共识极快,但是没法完成 ICP 全栈的 DAPP 建设要求”   综上所述, 价格代表价值,币价说明一切。在众多项目齐喑的情况下,ICP 霸占涨幅榜,这是信号,提醒我们:是不是应该重视一下 ICP?   另外,在牛市初期,基本面好的项目,追高即抄底,尤其在技术面上,突破底部的箱体震荡区。

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