According to BlockBeats, GambleFi platform Monkey Tilt has announced the completion of a $21 million financing round. The funding round was led by Polychain Capital and included participation from Hack VC, Poker Go, Accomplice, Paper Ventures, and Folius Ventures.

This significant investment will likely be used to further develop and expand the Monkey Tilt platform, which is part of the growing GambleFi ecosystem. The platform aims to provide users with a decentralized and secure gaming experience, leveraging blockchain technology to ensure fairness and transparency.

The involvement of prominent investors such as Polychain Capital, Hack VC, and others highlights the growing interest in the GambleFi sector and the potential for platforms like Monkey Tilt to disrupt traditional gaming and gambling industries. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Monkey Tilt and other GambleFi platforms capitalize on this momentum and shape the future of gaming.