Mastering the #cryptocurrency market to win BIG like a pro🤑
1. In crypto, everything rises and falls together. During a bull market, you don't need a reason for an uptrend; you just need one.
2. Don't talk about faith with altcoins. If it's time to cut losses, do it.
3. Time is #BTC ‘s friend but an enemy to altcoins.
4. Altcoins thrive on innovation. If they stop innovating, their value crumbles. Bitcoin's value lies in its stability; if you're stuck with Bitcoin, there will be a day you can break free, but it's not certain for altcoins.
5. Only #bitcoin and #Ethereum are suitable for long-term trading on the left side of the chart. The biggest risk for altcoins is going to zero.
6. In the early stages of a bull market, only Bitcoin should dominate. So start accumulating Bitcoin and Ethereum first. Don't sell when it rises, and don't fear getting stuck if it drops.
7. Altcoins have no defense.
8. Don't overleverage during an uptrend. Proper position management is critical. Start with a small position, increase it after confirmation, and this approach helps prevent losses.
9. Your holdings in Bitcoin and Ethereum should be at least half of your portfolio.
10. Active profit-taking is the key to playing with altcoins.
11. If you fall down in one place, get up in another. If you lose money here, earn it back somewhere else.
12. The greatest cost after getting stuck is the opportunity cost.
13. The core of playing with altcoins is knowing when to sell.
14. Don't be too greedy; fish heads and tails aren't as tasty. Leave those for the whales. Wait for the market leaders to show themselves, then go for the high-probability gains.
15. When dabbling in altcoins, go light on your positions. Heavy positions mess up your mindset, a disturbed mindset leads to poor trading, and poor trading leads to losses.