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Investment is a long-term process, and it is normal to be accompanied by losses. If you lose confidence or hope because of a temporary loss, you will feel that the gain is not worth the loss. The temporary loss does not mean the failure of the investment, it can only indicate the period of time. If you don’t control your assets well or you haven’t really learned how to control your assets, and you lose confidence due to loss, you will undoubtedly give yourself a way out and find an excuse for your temporary failure. I think everyone doesn’t want that. In this way, everyone hopes to find the sense of accomplishment of successful investment and the joy of victory! Yi Wen thinks you should adjust your mood now, summarize the reasons for your past failures, and think about how you can do well before moving on. Leaving quietly will only cast a shadow on your psychology, which will remain permanently. Sorry! If this is the case, it is better to be bold and stay bravely. Believe in yourself and each other. The market is fair to everyone. If you believe that others can do it, you can do the same!

Investment is a long-term process, and it is normal to be accompanied by losses. If you lose confidence or hope because of a temporary loss, you will feel that the gain is not worth the loss. The temporary loss does not mean the failure of the investment, it can only indicate the period of time. If you don’t control your assets well or you haven’t really learned how to control your assets, and you lose confidence due to loss, you will undoubtedly give yourself a way out and find an excuse for your temporary failure. I think everyone doesn’t want that. In this way, everyone hopes to find the sense of accomplishment of successful investment and the joy of victory! Yi Wen thinks you should adjust your mood now, summarize the reasons for your past failures, and think about how you can do well before moving on. Leaving quietly will only cast a shadow on your psychology, which will remain permanently. Sorry! If this is the case, it is better to be bold and stay bravely. Believe in yourself and each other. The market is fair to everyone. If you believe that others can do it, you can do the same!

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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各位投资朋友大家下午好,经过早间走势我们可以很明显的看出下行力度太弱,一路都是呈现多头慢涨的雄姿,大饼在早间从37200一线走高之后,虽过程上上涨过程比较缓慢且力度也不算大,但很明显的就是当前这种走势有什么理由不去做多,遇到回调就是多,在本周至下周的时间内大饼大概率会破高,这不是危言耸听大家只要是能看懂基本面的,都可以看出来。 在日线级别上就可以很明显的看出,多头在蓄力势发等待一个突破点,在bian出现这轮变故之后大盘虽是先行再度走跌但也是一个探底的信号,同时在CEO换人后基本后面出现的都是一些利好的消息,这也是为什么笔者在35800大胆让大家做进行多丹布局看38000的原因之一,这一段观点也是很快就已经兑现,在那之后大饼一路攀升至37800一线再次回到38000附近,这走势还不够明显吗?虽上方存在一定压力,但这段时间的种种足以证明市场动向,所以想在市场长期的走下去不仅仅只用看技术结构,做短线的话你就按照大盘给的信号去跟进基本胜率都会很不错,近期我们短线方面基本都在八成以上,1000点2000点的也拿了不下五次。 说了这么多只是想告诉大家今日思路就以低多为主没什么太大问题,且在未来的一到二个星期大饼将会突破前高,让我们拭目以待。 周五午后思路: 大饼37000-37200做多,上看37800-38500,波段看4万。 以太2050-2040做多,上看2080-2110。 笔者每天都在跑短线,有把握不好的↑車#BTC #etf #ETH

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