Bob Sadino's story
Having a simple, even eccentric appearance, is the identity of Bob Sadino, who is known as one of the successful entrepreneurs who built his business from scratch.
Even though he died in 2015, the story of the business journey of Bob Sadino, who was born in Lampung on March 9 1933, is always inspiring.
Bob Sadino started his business as a car rental service. However, his efforts failed when he had an accident that left one of his legs unable to function properly.
Not giving up, the owner's full name, Bambang Mustari Sadino, then started a business selling domestic chicken eggs door to door.
From the egg selling business, Bob Sadino then developed a purebred chicken farm, with 50 chickens. Who would have thought, from this business, Bob Sadino then developed a plantation and livestock business.
Thanks to his hard work, Bob Sadino's plantation and livestock business was able to build a number of companies, including PT Boga Catur Rata, PT Kem Foods, and PT Kem Farm. He is also known to be the owner of The Mansion at Kemang.