If you want to be a master, I will bring you the most useful inspiration. If you don't care, please close it directly.

There are actually two reasons why I wrote this.

① I have seen some people who do have some ability, but they have not performed to their due level and obtained satisfactory results.

② I have strong dissatisfaction with myself and need to remind myself frequently

In short, it’s a pity, so I can’t help but express it!

In today's society, the easiest way to stand out is to create your own media on the Internet.

What is the easiest way to engage in self-media?

This is where everyone disagrees.

Bringing goods? It’s not that simple. You need considerable experience and preparation to sell things. It’s something that comes after attracting traffic.

Emotional stories? It seems to be a good way to attract traffic, but this content needs to be processed with the help of tools, which is actually quite professional.

Movie commentary? News report? It's similar to a love story.

Real-time opinions? This is quite a professional level.

I tell you clearly that the simplest way is to share knowledge content. In simple terms, it means to be a product experience officer who tells you what I used, how I used it and how I felt about it, and to be a knowledge sharing officer who tells you what knowledge I learned, what it is and what its use is.

These two types of content are easy to make, useful, and have good dissemination effects. They can effectively accumulate fans in the early stages, establish a teacher-type persona, and are easy to monetize through paid knowledge. There are so many benefits.

The cryptocurrency and AI circles we are currently in are in particular need of this kind of content and people who produce it. As long as we work hard enough, actively test and write guides, there is no reason why it won’t be popular.

Of course, I attach great importance to this aspect and specially organized two independent sharing groups, aiming to let them accumulate and create value. However, the effect is very average, some people fish for three days and dry the net for two days, and some people do things perfunctorily without striving for progress.

Leaving aside all objective factors, I only focus on subjective initiative, and reinforce a reliable ideology - systematic sharing consciousness, and convey it to my friends who I think are more than that, my readers who think they are more than that, and myself.


Clear away the thoughts that hold us back from sharing

"Others have already shared it, and their sharing is professional and comprehensive, and they are big Vs. What else can I share?"

“Does anyone really read the content I share? Do I feel embarrassed if no one reads it?”

"Everyone should know this easy thing. Is it necessary to share it?"

There are many similar thoughts that will persist throughout our actions, causing us to either never start, or give up briefly, or start over again and again.

It all depends on two points

① Status is more important than content

The Internet is so big, and the majority of people are those who just wait to be fed, do not seek to understand deeply, and choose what is nearby.

So, as long as you share, there will always be a few people who will read it. As long as you keep sharing, more and more people will read it.

Are you communicating specific content? No, you are communicating your identity as a creator, an expert.

If “as long as you do it, it will work”, then what is there to worry about?

② Your own is the best

There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Why?

Because when it comes to writing, good and bad are not absolute, and anyone can get involved

The key is whether the content comes from your hand

When something new comes out, you see how many self-media accounts are writing about that topic. Are they trying to take advantage of the popularity?

It is to leave a trace, to keep this topic in my pocket, to tell everyone that I have expressed my opinion, I have been here, and I am here.

Looking at content sharing from this perspective, you may not be very motivated, but at least the pressure on you to act will be minimized. I will give you full trust. I believe that what really hinders us is never weak motivation, but too many concerns.

It is not enough to just dispel the worries. When sharing, there are details and methods to pay attention to, and you need to act consciously, otherwise the effect will be too poor. Next, let's see what systematic sharing awareness is.

Systematic sharing of awareness

To make it easier to understand, let’s assume that I want to be an AI tool experience officer and share with everyone the usage guide and experience of various AI tools.

To achieve systematic sharing

①Share it easily

Sharing casually means that if you find something useful, you should always turn it into (your own) content

For example, if you hear a big news about AI, do you forward it immediately? No, you immediately repeat it in your own words before sending it out.

The new features of the testing tool are great. You can take screenshots and describe while testing, and you can accumulate materials at any time.

This sharing consciousness can effectively solve the problem of lack of sharing content, and completely change the question from "what to share" to "which to share"?

②Share in time

Timely sharing means not to procrastinate, and share things that interest you or hot information immediately.

Everyone is scrambling to be the newest, but you are leisurely watching the fun. Do you think your insights are superior to others, or are you waiting for a reversal?

When new things come out, test them, report them, and write guides as soon as possible. If you have the conditions, complete them as soon as possible.

③Wide-area sharing

Wherever you have content, post it as widely as possible, and dominate the entire network.

I have discovered a particularly bad thing about many of my friends in the circle. They only like to post content in small groups. They don’t show the content they have worked so hard to produce to the whole world, but only to a few people, or even just for their own benefit.

If you want to have influence, your first target should be the public traffic pool, Weibo, Toutiao, Xiaohongshu, Twitter, etc., followed by public accounts that can be forwarded, and various related groups that give you the authority to publish, first big and then small. As long as you don’t have this awareness, you will never get ahead.

Professionals dominate all media platforms. If your content is high-quality, you have to dominate the entire network, otherwise the person who plagiarizes you will be more famous than you.

④ Comprehensive sharing

The ideal situation is to publish an article to fully describe the content you are sharing. If you are sharing instantly, please explain things clearly instead of speaking one sentence at a time, which makes you look very amateurish.

In this regard, I suggest you learn from Chatgpt, which is very comprehensive. (You can even learn from AI)

In fact, comprehensive sharing is a test of the questioner's level. As an answerer, you should think about all the questions that the questioner may ask before answering, otherwise it will be a waste of both parties' time.

The milestones of comprehensive sharing are the articles you have written yourself.

⑤Format sharing

As long as the shared content can be formatted, efficiency can be instantly improved, individuals can be liberated, and output can be greatly increased.

AI experience already has a very standard template format on Twitter

XX tool can greatly improve xxx efficiency

Few people know about it, still in xxxx

Here is my experience, you must get it right away






It's all the same, but don't say that this type of template has a high reading volume

You can also research a format yourself and then just use it. This is very useful, so useful that it takes off!

⑥Systematic sharing

Systematic sharing actually means to summarize frequently, organize and classify the shared content, and then re-share the content in the form of a directory, or simply create a database.

Some people make a web page, some people make a Feishu. There is no limit to the form. It is better to have it than not to have it. It is convenient for readers and for yourself.

Don't underestimate this. Not many people can do it well. Those who do it well are already awesome.

⑦Social sharing

You have to be willing to communicate with people in the organization, at least be able to seriously respond to other people's requests, or be good at sharing topics in the group. If you have an attitude and have useful information, everyone will appreciate you very much.

Isn't the purpose of sharing to create influence? If you can't even run a small organization, how can you talk about conquering the world?

Active interaction is not about giving to others, but about building your own reputation. Too many people don't understand this.

In short, the content that everyone outputs is essentially sharing. Why do some people have such good results, while others are always hesitant? If the awareness is not in place, the action is not in place, and the result is definitely not in place.

I simply can’t imagine how a person can study every day, record a lot, share on as many platforms as possible, actively solve other people’s problems in various groups, regularly organize his own content, build his own content library, and still have no influence.

So what you need to do is to realize whether you can do it better every time you share.

How to share systematically?

In addition to the above actions corresponding to the consciousness being online, there are some things worth knowing:

First, professional and amateur

Amateurs must lack subjective initiative. Sharing is not their job, so they can do it or not. It is too easy to find excuses.

In fact, do you really have the choice to do it or not? So many people are clamoring to open up a second battlefield every day, but they can't even do simple sharing. What's the point of opening up? Besides, if you want to become a master at work, don't you have to share your success experience? Which is inseparable from the consciousness we mentioned above?

I only believe that we are not working hard enough. I don’t believe anything else.

Professionals rely on this to make a living, so they must do it. If it is still lacking, it will become a fatal flaw. You must immediately pay full attention to implement it one by one.

Same, not working hard enough, that's all, find a way to solve it

Steps to implement systematic sharing

Long story short

Raise the flag

Give yourself an identity that clearly identifies what you are going to do and allows others to easily identify you.

Find a platform

Register on a public traffic platform and start exporting traffic. At the same time, prepare a private traffic pool, pull in people who are interested in you, and continue sharing.

Find an organization

Join organizations in related fields and stay active in them. Being active means sharing. If you are doing well, continue to expand your private domain traffic and build good relationships with experts in various organizations.


Become a paid member, teach courses, and make services paid. I won't teach you the rest. Those are my skills for a living. If you are interested, be my guest first.

Let's talk about this. This article has grown from a small idea to about 3,000 words. It is purely a reflection of my strong unwillingness to give up. Let's be more proactive and live a more exciting life.

Awareness is the basis of action!

The system is the guarantee of action!

Finally, please don’t forget that only by actively embracing institutional constraints can you increase output, and using your love to generate electricity is just a catalyst.

Human nature can be used and guarded against, but if you want to count on it, remember that you can never count on it.


I am Jiujiu Shenye, welcome to follow and like