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🚀🤣 THORSwap announced that it will go into "maintenance" mode due to illegally linked funds passing through the platform in recent days. But don't worry, the crypto world is still strong and bright! 💪😂 🔧 "The decision has been made to quickly stop further potential illegal activities by temporarily placing the THORSwap interface in maintenance mode," the developers said. 🚧 🕵️‍♂️ However, a still-unidentified hacker moved over 15,000 ether using various platforms, including THORSwap. 🕵️‍♀️ 📣 Share your comments and thoughts with us! How do you think THORSwap will handle this situation? 🤔🎉

🚀🤣 THORSwap announced that it will go into "maintenance" mode due to illegally linked funds passing through the platform in recent days. But don't worry, the crypto world is still strong and bright! 💪😂

🔧 "The decision has been made to quickly stop further potential illegal activities by temporarily placing the THORSwap interface in maintenance mode," the developers said. 🚧

🕵️‍♂️ However, a still-unidentified hacker moved over 15,000 ether using various platforms, including THORSwap. 🕵️‍♀️

📣 Share your comments and thoughts with us! How do you think THORSwap will handle this situation? 🤔🎉

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