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Heroes Of Mavia Announces Launch Of Second Phase, Next Frontier

According to Odaily, the blockchain-based game, Heroes of Mavia, has announced the launch of its second phase, Next Frontier. The new phase is set to go live on June 14th. Heroes of Mavia is a popular game on the X platform, and this new development is expected to bring in more players and enhance the gaming experience. Further details about the Next Frontier phase are yet to be released. The gaming community is eagerly awaiting the launch, anticipating new features and improvements in the game. The launch of the second phase signifies the game's continuous growth and commitment to providing an engaging and immersive gaming experience for its users.

Significant Rise in Blockchain Gaming Sector

According to BlockBeats, the blockchain gaming sector experienced a general increase on June 3rd. The most notable increases were seen in ALICE, PORTAL, SLP, PDA, BIGTIME, and XAI. ALICE saw the most significant increase, with a 24-hour rise of 56.99%, bringing its value to 2.584 dollars. PORTAL also experienced a substantial increase, with a 24-hour rise of 25.19%, bringing its value to 1.183 dollars. SLP and PDA followed closely, with 24-hour increases of 18.66% and 17.77% respectively. This brought SLP's value to 0.00463 dollars and PDA's value to 0.101 dollars. Lastly, BIGTIME and XAI saw 24-hour increases of 11.12% and 10.70% respectively. This brought BIGTIME's value to 0.2463 dollars and XAI's value to 0.896 dollars. These increases reflect a positive trend in the blockchain gaming sector, indicating potential growth and investment opportunities.

Polygon's Gaming Addresses Surge by 1,615% Amid Growing Interest in Gaming Sector

According to U.Today, Polygon, an Ethereum scaling solution, has seen a significant increase in gaming addresses, with a rise of 1,615%. This surge underscores the growing interest and optimism in Polygon's role within the gaming industry. The 'State of Polygon Q1 2024' report by on-chain analytics firm Messari revealed that Polygon's gaming activity saw a substantial increase in the first quarter of 2024. Daily gaming addresses rose by 1,615% quarterly to 207,000, and daily gaming transactions increased by 469% to 734,000 in the same period. The increase in activity was primarily driven by the MATR1X FIRE game by MATR1X. Several developments have also contributed to the growth of Polygon's gaming ecosystem. Immutable, in collaboration with King River Capital and Polygon Labs, launched the $100 million Inevitable Games Fund, focusing on the Web3 gaming ecosystem. Additionally, Square Enix partnered with Animoca Brands to expand its NFT game, Symbiogenesis, on a global scale. Other key metrics also indicate the growth of Polygon POS. The stablecoin market value of Polygon rose to $1.5 billion, marking a 19% increase quarter over quarter, with USDT leading the stablecoin market cap at $792 million. Outside of gaming, DeFi daily active addresses rose by 67% quarter over quarter to 50,000. NFTs and Social also saw increased activity, although not as much as gaming and DeFi. Polygon is currently undergoing significant changes, adding to the optimism surrounding the blockchain. Polygon Labs, a software company focused on zero-knowledge (ZK), is developing a network of aggregated blockchains called the AggLayer, secured by Ethereum. The AggLayer will serve as public infrastructure, uniting user bases and liquidity for any connected chain while also leveraging Ethereum as a settlement layer. As part of the Polygon 2.0 upgrade, MATIC will be replaced with POL. POL will enable holders to contribute to network security on multiple protocols in the Polygon ecosystem using a native restaking protocol, earning incentives for a range of services. These services vary from simple transaction validations to more complex activities like creating ZK-validity proofs. At the time of the report, MATIC, the native cryptocurrency asset of the Polygon blockchain, was trading at $0.696.

Metaverse Game Genso Meta Launches Its Own Blockchain MV CHAIN

According to Odaily, the metaverse game Genso Meta has announced the launch of its own blockchain, MV CHAIN, based on Arbitrum Orbit. This development aims to provide a superior gaming experience for its players. The company plans to attract users to MV CHAIN from its existing base of 300,000 players, who will become early users of the new blockchain and enjoy exclusive benefits. Previously, Genso Meta had achieved the second-highest Total Value Locked (TVL) in the gaming track on the Polygon chain. The company has assured that all assets and game progress of players on the Polygon chain will be fully migrated to MV CHAIN. The introduction of MV CHAIN is expected to bring three major upgrades to Genso Meta. Firstly, it will offer a more user-friendly experience. Players can use MV as a Gas Token, enjoying lower and predictable gas fees and a safer transaction environment. Secondly, it aims to blur the lines between the virtual and real worlds. Achievements made by players in the game will be reflected in real life, offering them special treatment and benefits. This will also position MV CHAIN as a bridge for retailers, brands, and institutions to seamlessly connect with the metaverse. Lastly, MV CHAIN will enhance the diversity of the metaverse by introducing more entertainment forms such as metaverse concerts and online movie premieres. It will also collaborate with the DePIN project to bring real-world resources into the metaverse.
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