Holograph Task Tutorial on Binance Web3 Wallet

Holograph App provides interfaces to create, deploy, mint, and bridge omnichain NFTs, powered by Holograph Protocol.

Task Descriptions

Task 1: Mint a multichain open edition NFT on BNB Chain or Polygon.

Task 2: Bridge a multichain open edition NFT between BNB Chain and Polygon.

Getting Started

To complete these tasks, make sure to have Binance Web3 Wallet set up and funded with gas tokens to pay fees. You will need between $3 to $5 worth of gas tokens to complete both tasks. Note that gas fees can vary based on a number of factors like network congestion, supply of validators, and demand for transaction verification.

Guideline to Task 1: Mint Open Edition NFT

Mint a multichain open edition NFT on BNB Chain or Polygon.

  1. Search for “Holograph App” in Binance Web3 Wallet and click “Open dApp.”

  2. Click “Connect Wallet” to connect to Binance Web3 Wallet.

  3. Click “Sign” in Binance Web3 Wallet.

  4. Click “Free” to confirm the mint.

  5. Click “Mint” and wait for the NFT to mint.

  6. Once minted, click “View NFT” and the task is complete!

    Guideline to Task 2: Bridge Open Edition NFT

    Bridge a multichain open edition NFT between BNB Chain and Polygon.

  1. Click the icon in the upper-right corner to open the menu.

  2. Click “Bridge”.

  3. Click “NFT Bridge” to open the Bridge page. If you don’t have an NFT to bridge, complete Task 1.

  1. Select a source network. If you minted your NFT on BNB Chain, select BNB Chain from the dropdown. If you minted your NFT on Polygon, select Polygon from the dropdown.

  1. Select a destination network. If you minted your NFT on BNB Chain, select Polygon from the dropdown. If you minted your NFT on Polygon, select BNB Chain from the dropdown.

  2. Click “Plus” to select an NFT.

  3. Click “Choose a collection”.

  4. Select a collection with an available NFT.

  5. Select an NFT from the list of available NFTs in the collection.

  6. Click “Continue”.

  7. Click “Bridge” and wait for the transaction to initialize.

  8. Once initialized, click “View Bridge Explorer” to view the cross-chain transaction and the task is complete!