My Crypto Journey: How Crypto Helped Raise Funds for a Small Business Owner


Main Takeaways

  • Hear stories about how crypto, blockchain, and Binance have helped individuals in this inspirational series called My Crypto Journey.

  • This is a story about how crypto helped raise capital for a Nigerian pencil artist’s small business. 

My Crypto Journey is a collection of inspirational stories from Binance users. Here’s how crypto helped raise funds for this Nigerian pencil artist’s small business.

Follow the lives of African individuals through My Crypto Journey and discover how they have been impacted by crypto, blockchain, and Binance. 

This is the story of Try Vique (pseudonym), who owes the start of his small business to crypto. 

How He Started Using Crypto

“I started trading on Binance in August 2020. Ever since then, I have been trading on the Binance app.” – Try Vique, 22

Try Vique is a 22-year-old Nigerian pencil artist. His journey started in April 2020 when a friend introduced him to a smart contract that operated on Ethereum. He invested in some ether and later sold them at a profit. 

Later that same year, he discovered Binance through another friend. He has been trading via the Binance app since then.

How Crypto Has Changed His Life 

“Earning contest rewards helped me raise capital for my business. For that, I’m really grateful to Binance.”

Cryptocurrency opened Try Vique’s eyes to the concept of being financially astute. Through crypto trading, he also became more disciplined and grew more eager to continually build his tech knowledge. 

Try Vique also learned how to make meaningful connections with people in the same space — he started trading knowledge and resources within a community that shared his goal of financial independence.

Through endless hours of blockchain and financial investment research, Try Vique eventually earned enough money to start his business.

In fact, he credits crypto as the income-earning avenue that helped him achieve his financial goals — something he would never have been able to do on the strength of his career and small business alone.

Try Vique’s Journey With Binance

“Binance Academy helped me understand core concepts about the crypto market — it's a goldmine of resources.” 

“My journey with Binance has been nothing short of awesome. Binance made it easy for me to understand trading; I’ve never had difficulties navigating their mobile app as it is user-friendly yet comprehensive,” said Try Vique. 

Coupled with Binance Academy’s free resources and NFT creator competitions, Try Vique became more involved in the blockchain and crypto industry and even submitted an original design for one of its contests. 

Attributing his growth in the blockchain space to Binance’s “goldmine” of articles, tutorials, and Ask Me Anything (AMA) content, Try Vique is now an avid blockchain enthusiast who uses crypto to earn an income. 

Try Vique’s Advice for Crypto Beginners

Always do your own research (DYOR) first before buying any coin or token.

Start Your Crypto Journey Today!

Inspired by Try Vique’s story? Write your own and sign up for a Binance account today.

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