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特朗普重罪指控成立,相关 Meme 币暴跌超 30%撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews 周四,加密市场整体小幅上涨,比特币在隔夜跌至 67,000 美元的支撑位后,午盘时段逆转跌势,一度触及 69,536 美元的日内高位。 山寨币表现参差不齐,市值排名前 200 位的代币涨跌互现。Notcoin (NOT) 表现最佳,飙升 39.1% 至 0.13 美元, JasmyCoin (JASMY) 上涨 24.2%,DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON (DOG) 上涨 23.3%。Meme tokens cat in a dogs world (MEW) 和 dogwifhat (WIF) 是跌幅最大,分别下跌 16.8% 和 9.1%, Chiliz (CHZ) 下跌 8.1%。 目前加密货币整体市值为 2.55 万亿美元,比特币的市场占有率为 53%。 特朗普概念币种普跌 meme 板块中,受特朗普重罪指控成立影响,与其相关的 meme 币种普跌。周四当地时间下午,纽约陪审团裁定特朗普 34 项罪名全部成立,他被指控伪造商业记录,成为第一位被判有罪的美国前总统。法官将特朗普的宣判日期定为美国东部时间 7 月 11 日上午 10 点,案件各方可以在 6 月 13 日之前提出动议。 该消息爆出后,市值较低的特朗普表情包代币大幅下跌,TRUMP 短线下跌 35%,MAGA Hat(MAGA)从宣读判决前的约 15 美元暴跌至判决后不久的 11.27 美元,在短短一个多小时内下跌了近 25%,截至撰写本文时,MAGA 小幅反弹至 12.37 美元。Super Trump(STRUMP)也下跌了 16%,MAGA VP(MVP)在一小时内下跌了 22%。 与此同时,受美国总统乔·拜登启发的模因代币 Jeo Boden 短线飙升 20%。 尽管如此,区块链预测市场 Polymarket 的交易员仍然预计特朗普将在 11 月的选举中击败拜登。截至发稿时,Polymarket 预测特朗普赢得大选的概率为 56%,而拜登为 38%。 此外,根据周四上午发布的 NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist 民意调查,近四分之三的注册独立人士表示,对特朗普的有罪判决不会对他们的投票产生影响。据 CNBC 报道,特朗普的法律纠纷不会阻止他竞选总统,因为美国宪法并不禁止重罪犯担任最高职务。 不过,目前尚不清楚特朗普的刑事定罪将对他与乔·拜登的总统竞选产生什么影响。 69,000 美元是 BTC 的关键位置 加密货币分析师表示,如果 BTC 能够有效守住 2021 年创纪录高位 69,000 美元的关键阻力位,那么它现在将进入价格发现阶段。 Secure Digital Markets 的分析师警告称,若该价格再次跌破这一水平,则可能导致其跌破 67,000 美元,并指出「跌破该门槛可能预示着其将进一步跌向 65,000 美元,与 50 天移动平均线保持一致。」 市场分析师 Bloodgood 认为,在两个半月的盘整过程中,比特币的价格一直在 69,000 美元的水平徘徊,他将等待周五的个人消费支出(PCE)报告和比特币的每周收盘价,然后再决定下一步行动。 CryptoQuant 分析师 Tarekonchain 强调了「MVRV(市场价值与实现价值)指标」,该指标据称「可以高度准确地预警比特币价格的顶部和底部」。 Tarekonchain 表示:「只要 MVRV 值低于 2,就表明处于持续累积区,这意味着价格仍低于其真实值。在之前的周期中,当该指标达到 3.5 或以上时,总是会出现峰值。在这些水平上,我们开始逐渐退出市场,因为这表明已经达到峰值或非常接近峰值。」 他们表示:「目前,MVRV 值为 2.3,这意味着价格仍有大幅上涨的空间,以达到比特币的公允价值。即使价格下跌,这也是一个新的加强机会。只有当指标接近 3 时,才应该开始退出。」 Tarekonchain 总结道:「这意味着我们距离峰值还有一段距离,BTC 价格将在本周期创下新高,可能超过 10 万美元。」

特朗普重罪指控成立,相关 Meme 币暴跌超 30%

撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews

周四,加密市场整体小幅上涨,比特币在隔夜跌至 67,000 美元的支撑位后,午盘时段逆转跌势,一度触及 69,536 美元的日内高位。

山寨币表现参差不齐,市值排名前 200 位的代币涨跌互现。Notcoin (NOT) 表现最佳,飙升 39.1% 至 0.13 美元, JasmyCoin (JASMY) 上涨 24.2%,DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON (DOG) 上涨 23.3%。Meme tokens cat in a dogs world (MEW) 和 dogwifhat (WIF) 是跌幅最大,分别下跌 16.8% 和 9.1%, Chiliz (CHZ) 下跌 8.1%。

目前加密货币整体市值为 2.55 万亿美元,比特币的市场占有率为 53%。


meme 板块中,受特朗普重罪指控成立影响,与其相关的 meme 币种普跌。周四当地时间下午,纽约陪审团裁定特朗普 34 项罪名全部成立,他被指控伪造商业记录,成为第一位被判有罪的美国前总统。法官将特朗普的宣判日期定为美国东部时间 7 月 11 日上午 10 点,案件各方可以在 6 月 13 日之前提出动议。

该消息爆出后,市值较低的特朗普表情包代币大幅下跌,TRUMP 短线下跌 35%,MAGA Hat(MAGA)从宣读判决前的约 15 美元暴跌至判决后不久的 11.27 美元,在短短一个多小时内下跌了近 25%,截至撰写本文时,MAGA 小幅反弹至 12.37 美元。Super Trump(STRUMP)也下跌了 16%,MAGA VP(MVP)在一小时内下跌了 22%。

与此同时,受美国总统乔·拜登启发的模因代币 Jeo Boden 短线飙升 20%。

尽管如此,区块链预测市场 Polymarket 的交易员仍然预计特朗普将在 11 月的选举中击败拜登。截至发稿时,Polymarket 预测特朗普赢得大选的概率为 56%,而拜登为 38%。

此外,根据周四上午发布的 NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist 民意调查,近四分之三的注册独立人士表示,对特朗普的有罪判决不会对他们的投票产生影响。据 CNBC 报道,特朗普的法律纠纷不会阻止他竞选总统,因为美国宪法并不禁止重罪犯担任最高职务。


69,000 美元是 BTC 的关键位置

加密货币分析师表示,如果 BTC 能够有效守住 2021 年创纪录高位 69,000 美元的关键阻力位,那么它现在将进入价格发现阶段。

Secure Digital Markets 的分析师警告称,若该价格再次跌破这一水平,则可能导致其跌破 67,000 美元,并指出「跌破该门槛可能预示着其将进一步跌向 65,000 美元,与 50 天移动平均线保持一致。」

市场分析师 Bloodgood 认为,在两个半月的盘整过程中,比特币的价格一直在 69,000 美元的水平徘徊,他将等待周五的个人消费支出(PCE)报告和比特币的每周收盘价,然后再决定下一步行动。

CryptoQuant 分析师 Tarekonchain 强调了「MVRV(市场价值与实现价值)指标」,该指标据称「可以高度准确地预警比特币价格的顶部和底部」。

Tarekonchain 表示:「只要 MVRV 值低于 2,就表明处于持续累积区,这意味着价格仍低于其真实值。在之前的周期中,当该指标达到 3.5 或以上时,总是会出现峰值。在这些水平上,我们开始逐渐退出市场,因为这表明已经达到峰值或非常接近峰值。」

他们表示:「目前,MVRV 值为 2.3,这意味着价格仍有大幅上涨的空间,以达到比特币的公允价值。即使价格下跌,这也是一个新的加强机会。只有当指标接近 3 时,才应该开始退出。」

Tarekonchain 总结道:「这意味着我们距离峰值还有一段距离,BTC 价格将在本周期创下新高,可能超过 10 万美元。」
See original
ZCloak Network's full-chain zero-knowledge proof verification layer product Cloaking Layer received $100,000 in funding from the DFINITY FoundationzCloak Network is pleased to announce that its full-chain zero-knowledge proof (ZK) verification layer product Cloaking Layer has received a $100,000 developer grant from the DFINITY Foundation. This grant is part of the DFINITY Foundation's "Developer Grant Program" and is intended to help zCloak Network launch an advanced full-chain ZK verification infrastructure. The project is expected to reduce Ethereum's tens to hundreds of dollars in ZK verification fees to cents, and provide out-of-the-box full-chain ZK coverage capabilities for various ZK application development teams. As a team focused on Web3 technology, zCloak Network provides trust and privacy protection for the digital world through zero-knowledge proof (ZK) and decentralized identity (DID) technology. Its latest project "Cloaking Layer" is based on the advanced functions of the ICP public chain, aiming to popularize and promote zero-knowledge proof technology on a large scale so that more users can enjoy its advanced features. Cloaking Layer provides ultra-fast, low-cost and highly secure zero-knowledge proof verification services, and can be easily integrated into different blockchain networks, leveraging the unique features of ICP to achieve cross-chain interoperability.

ZCloak Network's full-chain zero-knowledge proof verification layer product Cloaking Layer received $100,000 in funding from the DFINITY Foundation

zCloak Network is pleased to announce that its full-chain zero-knowledge proof (ZK) verification layer product Cloaking Layer has received a $100,000 developer grant from the DFINITY Foundation. This grant is part of the DFINITY Foundation's "Developer Grant Program" and is intended to help zCloak Network launch an advanced full-chain ZK verification infrastructure. The project is expected to reduce Ethereum's tens to hundreds of dollars in ZK verification fees to cents, and provide out-of-the-box full-chain ZK coverage capabilities for various ZK application development teams.

As a team focused on Web3 technology, zCloak Network provides trust and privacy protection for the digital world through zero-knowledge proof (ZK) and decentralized identity (DID) technology. Its latest project "Cloaking Layer" is based on the advanced functions of the ICP public chain, aiming to popularize and promote zero-knowledge proof technology on a large scale so that more users can enjoy its advanced features. Cloaking Layer provides ultra-fast, low-cost and highly secure zero-knowledge proof verification services, and can be easily integrated into different blockchain networks, leveraging the unique features of ICP to achieve cross-chain interoperability.
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134th Ethereum ACDC meeting: Discussing experiences and unresolved issues after the release of Pectra Devnet 0PANews reported on May 31 that according to Christine Kim’s summary of the 134th Ethereum Consensus Core Developers Meeting (ACDC), the meeting mainly discussed the experience and unresolved issues after the release of Pectra Devnet 0. In addition, the expansion of the Pectra upgrade scope to include peerDAS and SSZ container code changes was discussed. According to Pectra’s release on Devnet 0, the client team has agreed to keep the attestation behavior affected by EIP 7549 unchanged during the hard fork activation. The developers then discussed the outstanding issue of validator deposit finalization under EIP 6110. Nimbus developer Etan Kissling suggested some minor changes to the implementation of EIP 7549. No one opposed the change. During this week’s call, the developers weighed the addition of EIP 7688 and PeerDAS to Pectra. Additionally, the developers agreed to discuss the inclusion of EIP 7688 in Pectra during the next ACDC call.

134th Ethereum ACDC meeting: Discussing experiences and unresolved issues after the release of Pectra Devnet 0

PANews reported on May 31 that according to Christine Kim’s summary of the 134th Ethereum Consensus Core Developers Meeting (ACDC), the meeting mainly discussed the experience and unresolved issues after the release of Pectra Devnet 0. In addition, the expansion of the Pectra upgrade scope to include peerDAS and SSZ container code changes was discussed.

According to Pectra’s release on Devnet 0, the client team has agreed to keep the attestation behavior affected by EIP 7549 unchanged during the hard fork activation. The developers then discussed the outstanding issue of validator deposit finalization under EIP 6110. Nimbus developer Etan Kissling suggested some minor changes to the implementation of EIP 7549. No one opposed the change. During this week’s call, the developers weighed the addition of EIP 7688 and PeerDAS to Pectra. Additionally, the developers agreed to discuss the inclusion of EIP 7688 in Pectra during the next ACDC call.
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This week’s featured interactive projects: Avalon, dappOS, Aligned LayerOriginal | Odaily Planet Daily Author | Asher This week, I believe that those who have participated in the interaction for a long time are waiting for LayerZero and zkSync, which are "about to come out of the woodwork", to release the final airdrop details and time. While waiting, Odaily Planet Daily sorted out three projects worth participating in the interaction this week based on the financing situation and project popularity. Avalon: A Metaverse Gaming Platform Reasons to participate Image source: Official Twitter Avalon is a metaverse gaming platform that will use blockchain technology and game engines to build a "digital universe" platform, aiming to build a true "metaverse". It also stated that although there are bad actors in cryptocurrencies and chain games, it still hopes to use the advantages of emerging technologies to provide services to users because blockchain is "a perfect choice to break the paradigm."

This week’s featured interactive projects: Avalon, dappOS, Aligned Layer

Original | Odaily Planet Daily

Author | Asher

This week, I believe that those who have participated in the interaction for a long time are waiting for LayerZero and zkSync, which are "about to come out of the woodwork", to release the final airdrop details and time. While waiting, Odaily Planet Daily sorted out three projects worth participating in the interaction this week based on the financing situation and project popularity.

Avalon: A Metaverse Gaming Platform

Reasons to participate

Image source: Official Twitter

Avalon is a metaverse gaming platform that will use blockchain technology and game engines to build a "digital universe" platform, aiming to build a true "metaverse". It also stated that although there are bad actors in cryptocurrencies and chain games, it still hopes to use the advantages of emerging technologies to provide services to users because blockchain is "a perfect choice to break the paradigm."
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Important information from last night and this morning (May 30-May 31)a16z donates another $25 million to US crypto PAC Fairshake Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) has donated $25 million to the crypto industry’s U.S. political action committee (PAC), according to an announcement Thursday, bringing the total fundraising by some of the cryptocurrency community’s best-known companies to about $136 million and potentially elevating the industry into the upper echelon of campaign donors. As a16z Crypto head Chris Dixon prepared to take the stage at CoinDesk’s Consensus 2024 conference, his firm announced its latest donation to the Fairshake PAC, according to a spokesperson. This puts a16z and Ripple on a par as major backers of Fairshake and its affiliates. The two firms have each invested nearly $50 million, followed by Coinbase Inc.

Important information from last night and this morning (May 30-May 31)

a16z donates another $25 million to US crypto PAC Fairshake

Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) has donated $25 million to the crypto industry’s U.S. political action committee (PAC), according to an announcement Thursday, bringing the total fundraising by some of the cryptocurrency community’s best-known companies to about $136 million and potentially elevating the industry into the upper echelon of campaign donors.

As a16z Crypto head Chris Dixon prepared to take the stage at CoinDesk’s Consensus 2024 conference, his firm announced its latest donation to the Fairshake PAC, according to a spokesperson. This puts a16z and Ripple on a par as major backers of Fairshake and its affiliates. The two firms have each invested nearly $50 million, followed by Coinbase Inc.
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Sei Foundation: Airdrop Checker now updated, number of eligible wallets increasedPANews reported on May 31 that the Sei Foundation announced on the X platform that the airdrop checker has now been updated and users will see accurate results. The airdrop criteria remain the same, but the number of eligible wallets has increased. The data has been updated in the original blog post. Earlier news, the Sei Foundation stated that the second airdrop will distribute more than 27.42 million SEI to 43,000 addresses

Sei Foundation: Airdrop Checker now updated, number of eligible wallets increased

PANews reported on May 31 that the Sei Foundation announced on the X platform that the airdrop checker has now been updated and users will see accurate results. The airdrop criteria remain the same, but the number of eligible wallets has increased. The data has been updated in the original blog post.

Earlier news, the Sei Foundation stated that the second airdrop will distribute more than 27.42 million SEI to 43,000 addresses
See original
Affected by Trump's felony charges, the price of Trump-themed Meme coins fluctuated sharplyPANews reported on May 31 that the prices of Trump-themed meme coins fluctuated sharply due to the conviction of former US President Trump on 34 felony charges in the "hush money" case. Among them, MAGA (code TRUMP) plummeted in the short term and then rebounded sharply. It is currently trading at $15.17, with a 24-hour increase of 8.7%. FreeTrump (code $TRUMP) soared 592.5% to $0.02352. Other related currencies such as MAGA Hat (code MAGA), Super Trump (code STRUMP) and MAGA VP (code MVP) fell by 10% to 25%. At the same time, the stock of Trump Media and Technology Group (DJT) fell 9% in after-hours trading on Nasdaq. On the other hand, the price of Jeo Boden (code BODEN), a meme coin related to current President Biden, plummeted after a short-term increase of more than 10%. It is currently trading at $0.2607, a 24-hour drop of 15.7%. According to previous news, a New York court jury member responsible for the "hush money" case of former US President Trump made a ruling on May 30 local time, pronouncing that all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records in this case were established. Trump also became the first former president of the United States to be convicted.

Affected by Trump's felony charges, the price of Trump-themed Meme coins fluctuated sharply

PANews reported on May 31 that the prices of Trump-themed meme coins fluctuated sharply due to the conviction of former US President Trump on 34 felony charges in the "hush money" case. Among them, MAGA (code TRUMP) plummeted in the short term and then rebounded sharply. It is currently trading at $15.17, with a 24-hour increase of 8.7%. FreeTrump (code $TRUMP) soared 592.5% to $0.02352. Other related currencies such as MAGA Hat (code MAGA), Super Trump (code STRUMP) and MAGA VP (code MVP) fell by 10% to 25%. At the same time, the stock of Trump Media and Technology Group (DJT) fell 9% in after-hours trading on Nasdaq. On the other hand, the price of Jeo Boden (code BODEN), a meme coin related to current President Biden, plummeted after a short-term increase of more than 10%. It is currently trading at $0.2607, a 24-hour drop of 15.7%. According to previous news, a New York court jury member responsible for the "hush money" case of former US President Trump made a ruling on May 30 local time, pronouncing that all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records in this case were established. Trump also became the first former president of the United States to be convicted.
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After Depin and Meme, is blockchain gaming the next hot topic in the Solana ecosystem?Author: Asher Zhang, Bitpush Since this round of bull market, in addition to Bitcoin and Ethereum, Solana is undoubtedly the most popular. Whether it is the DePIN track at the beginning of the year or the Meme track that is still hot recently, Solana has always had a myth of getting rich quickly and has always been a hot spot in the market. Recently, the chain game on Solana has once again attracted market attention, which may be expected to become the next explosion point on Solana. Breaking out of the circle, the new blockchain game incubated by Solana has become the new favorite in the Web2 game circle Nyan Heroes is a 3A shooting game based on the Solana ecosystem. Players play as a kitten driving a giant mecha, using unique abilities and advanced feline movements to track targets and defeat opponents in the game. On March 26, the blockchain game Nyan Heroes built on Solana was officially launched on the Epic Games Store. During the two-week pre-alpha event, Nyan Heroes achieved remarkable results. According to official data: the number of user registrations exceeded 1.3 million, the number of independent active wallets exceeded 700,000, and the number of daily active users exceeded 45,000. At the same time, Nyan Heroes has been downloaded more than 200,000 times in the Epic Games Store, and successfully entered the top five most popular games in the Epic Games Store and one of the 30 most popular games in the world. On May 8, Nyan Heroes once again launched a game experience event, which triggered heated discussions in the crypto market.

After Depin and Meme, is blockchain gaming the next hot topic in the Solana ecosystem?

Author: Asher Zhang, Bitpush

Since this round of bull market, in addition to Bitcoin and Ethereum, Solana is undoubtedly the most popular. Whether it is the DePIN track at the beginning of the year or the Meme track that is still hot recently, Solana has always had a myth of getting rich quickly and has always been a hot spot in the market. Recently, the chain game on Solana has once again attracted market attention, which may be expected to become the next explosion point on Solana.

Breaking out of the circle, the new blockchain game incubated by Solana has become the new favorite in the Web2 game circle

Nyan Heroes is a 3A shooting game based on the Solana ecosystem. Players play as a kitten driving a giant mecha, using unique abilities and advanced feline movements to track targets and defeat opponents in the game. On March 26, the blockchain game Nyan Heroes built on Solana was officially launched on the Epic Games Store. During the two-week pre-alpha event, Nyan Heroes achieved remarkable results. According to official data: the number of user registrations exceeded 1.3 million, the number of independent active wallets exceeded 700,000, and the number of daily active users exceeded 45,000. At the same time, Nyan Heroes has been downloaded more than 200,000 times in the Epic Games Store, and successfully entered the top five most popular games in the Epic Games Store and one of the 30 most popular games in the world. On May 8, Nyan Heroes once again launched a game experience event, which triggered heated discussions in the crypto market.
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Grayscale Files Amended Registration Statement for Ethereum Spot ETFPANews reported on May 31 that Grayscale submitted a revised S-3 registration statement on Thursday, according to The Block. The company stated in the updated document how much Ethereum is needed to create a basket of stocks. According to previous news, BlackRock had submitted a revised S-1 document a day ago, disclosing information related to the seed fund. A week ago, the US SEC approved the 19b-4 form for eight Ethereum ETFs. According to sources, the US SEC has asked issuers to submit the first round of draft S-1 forms by Friday.

Grayscale Files Amended Registration Statement for Ethereum Spot ETF

PANews reported on May 31 that Grayscale submitted a revised S-3 registration statement on Thursday, according to The Block. The company stated in the updated document how much Ethereum is needed to create a basket of stocks. According to previous news, BlackRock had submitted a revised S-1 document a day ago, disclosing information related to the seed fund. A week ago, the US SEC approved the 19b-4 form for eight Ethereum ETFs. According to sources, the US SEC has asked issuers to submit the first round of draft S-1 forms by Friday.
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Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges, becoming the first former president in U.S. history to be convictedPANews reported on May 31 that according to, a jury member of a New York court responsible for the "hush money" case of former US President Trump made a ruling on May 30 local time, and sentenced Trump to all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records in this case. Trump also became the first former president of the United States to be convicted. New York State prosecutors accused Trump of commissioning Cohen to pay $130,000 in "hush money" to porn star Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) during his 2016 campaign for the US presidency to prevent the latter from claiming that she had an affair with Trump in 2006. The scandal affected the election. Trump subsequently falsified business records and returned the money Cohen advanced in installments in the name of "lawyer fees" to cover up his violations of New York State and federal election regulations. It is reported that Trump's 34 felony charges can be sentenced to up to 4 years in prison if each charge is established. The judge will sentence him on July 11. The Republican Party will hold a national convention on July 15 to formally nominate Trump as a presidential candidate.

Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges, becoming the first former president in U.S. history to be convicted

PANews reported on May 31 that according to, a jury member of a New York court responsible for the "hush money" case of former US President Trump made a ruling on May 30 local time, and sentenced Trump to all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records in this case. Trump also became the first former president of the United States to be convicted. New York State prosecutors accused Trump of commissioning Cohen to pay $130,000 in "hush money" to porn star Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) during his 2016 campaign for the US presidency to prevent the latter from claiming that she had an affair with Trump in 2006. The scandal affected the election. Trump subsequently falsified business records and returned the money Cohen advanced in installments in the name of "lawyer fees" to cover up his violations of New York State and federal election regulations. It is reported that Trump's 34 felony charges can be sentenced to up to 4 years in prison if each charge is established. The judge will sentence him on July 11. The Republican Party will hold a national convention on July 15 to formally nominate Trump as a presidential candidate.
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Comparative analysis of airdropped tokens in 2024: Not all will break even, FDV and real demand are more importantOriginal source: stacy_muur X account By Stacy Muur Compiled by: TechFlow $W - @wormhole Initial airdrop: 617 million $W (6% of total supply) Initial airdrop value: $1 billion Current value: $345 million Initial price vs. current price: -64% $ALT - @alt_layer Initial airdrop: 300 million $ALT (3% of total supply) Initial airdrop value: $90 million Current value: $110 million Initial price to current price: +28% $ETHFI - @ether_fi Initial airdrop: 60 million $ETHFI (6% of total supply) Initial airdrop value: $202 million

Comparative analysis of airdropped tokens in 2024: Not all will break even, FDV and real demand are more important

Original source: stacy_muur X account

By Stacy Muur

Compiled by: TechFlow

$W - @wormhole

Initial airdrop: 617 million $W (6% of total supply)

Initial airdrop value: $1 billion

Current value: $345 million

Initial price vs. current price: -64%

$ALT - @alt_layer

Initial airdrop: 300 million $ALT (3% of total supply)

Initial airdrop value: $90 million

Current value: $110 million

Initial price to current price: +28%

$ETHFI - @ether_fi

Initial airdrop: 60 million $ETHFI (6% of total supply)

Initial airdrop value: $202 million
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Source: US SEC requires Ethereum spot ETF issuers to submit first round of S-1 draft forms by FridayPANews reported on May 31 that The Block cited sources as saying that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires potential Ethereum spot ETF issuers to submit a revised S-1 form by Friday. After that, the SEC will provide the first round of comments, and the issuer will then make further modifications. People familiar with the matter expect that the S-1 form will take at least two more rounds of draft submissions before it is ready. Analysts expect that the S-1 approval will take several weeks.

Source: US SEC requires Ethereum spot ETF issuers to submit first round of S-1 draft forms by Friday

PANews reported on May 31 that The Block cited sources as saying that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires potential Ethereum spot ETF issuers to submit a revised S-1 form by Friday. After that, the SEC will provide the first round of comments, and the issuer will then make further modifications. People familiar with the matter expect that the S-1 form will take at least two more rounds of draft submissions before it is ready. Analysts expect that the S-1 approval will take several weeks.
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Musk: Never discussed cryptocurrency with TrumpPANews reported on May 31 that Musk clarified on Twitter that although he generally supports transferring power from the government to the people, and cryptocurrency can do this, he has never discussed cryptocurrency with Trump. According to previous news, Musk has made suggestions to Trump on cryptocurrency, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Musk: Never discussed cryptocurrency with Trump

PANews reported on May 31 that Musk clarified on Twitter that although he generally supports transferring power from the government to the people, and cryptocurrency can do this, he has never discussed cryptocurrency with Trump. According to previous news, Musk has made suggestions to Trump on cryptocurrency, according to a person familiar with the matter.
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A16z Donates $25 Million to US Crypto PAC FairshakePANews reported on May 30 that according to CoinDesk, Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) donated $25 million to the US political action committee (PAC) of the crypto industry, according to an announcement released on Thursday, bringing the total fundraising of some of the most well-known companies in the cryptocurrency industry to approximately $136 million, and potentially elevating the industry to the upper echelons of campaign donors. As a16z Crypto head Chris Dixon prepared to take the stage at CoinDesk’s Consensus 2024 conference, his firm announced its latest donation to the Fairshake PAC, according to a spokesperson. This puts a16z and Ripple on a par as major backers of Fairshake and its affiliates. The two firms have each invested nearly $50 million, followed by Coinbase Inc.

A16z Donates $25 Million to US Crypto PAC Fairshake

PANews reported on May 30 that according to CoinDesk, Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) donated $25 million to the US political action committee (PAC) of the crypto industry, according to an announcement released on Thursday, bringing the total fundraising of some of the most well-known companies in the cryptocurrency industry to approximately $136 million, and potentially elevating the industry to the upper echelons of campaign donors.

As a16z Crypto head Chris Dixon prepared to take the stage at CoinDesk’s Consensus 2024 conference, his firm announced its latest donation to the Fairshake PAC, according to a spokesperson. This puts a16z and Ripple on a par as major backers of Fairshake and its affiliates. The two firms have each invested nearly $50 million, followed by Coinbase Inc.
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Terraform Labs and its founder Do Kwon have reached a preliminary settlement with the US SEC over fraudPANews reported on May 30 that according to Reuters, court documents showed that Terraform Labs and its founder Do Kwon have reached a preliminary "in principle" settlement with the US SEC on the fraud case.

Terraform Labs and its founder Do Kwon have reached a preliminary settlement with the US SEC over fraud

PANews reported on May 30 that according to Reuters, court documents showed that Terraform Labs and its founder Do Kwon have reached a preliminary "in principle" settlement with the US SEC on the fraud case.
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Insider: Musk gave Trump advice on cryptocurrencyPANews reported on May 30 that according to FSMN, according to a person familiar with the matter, the conversation between Trump and Musk has heated up. Musk provided advice to Trump on cryptocurrency issues, showing the influence of the billionaire. The Trump campaign team discussed inviting Musk to the Republican Convention.

Insider: Musk gave Trump advice on cryptocurrency

PANews reported on May 30 that according to FSMN, according to a person familiar with the matter, the conversation between Trump and Musk has heated up. Musk provided advice to Trump on cryptocurrency issues, showing the influence of the billionaire. The Trump campaign team discussed inviting Musk to the Republican Convention.
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Neynar, a decentralized social networking tool provider, completes $11 million Series A financing, led by Haun VenturesPANews reported on May 30 that according to Fortune magazine, decentralized social networking tool provider Neynar completed US$11 million in Series A financing, led by Haun Ventures, with participation from a16z, CSX, Coinbase Ventures and Union Square Ventures. It is reported that Neynar is a company that provides developers with tools to build decentralized social networks. Currently, most developers using Neynar’s services build social applications on Farcaster, although the company aspires to become the preferred platform for developing any social protocols.

Neynar, a decentralized social networking tool provider, completes $11 million Series A financing, led by Haun Ventures

PANews reported on May 30 that according to Fortune magazine, decentralized social networking tool provider Neynar completed US$11 million in Series A financing, led by Haun Ventures, with participation from a16z, CSX, Coinbase Ventures and Union Square Ventures.

It is reported that Neynar is a company that provides developers with tools to build decentralized social networks. Currently, most developers using Neynar’s services build social applications on Farcaster, although the company aspires to become the preferred platform for developing any social protocols.
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New York State Financial Regulator: Crypto Companies in the Jurisdiction Must Comply with New Customer Service ObligationsPANews reported on May 30 that according to The Block, New York State's top financial regulator said that companies designated as "virtual currency entities" (VCE) in New York need to develop policies and procedures to "handle customer service requests and complaints in a timely manner." Adrienne Harris, director of the New York State Department of Financial Services, issued the guidance on Thursday, calling on virtual currency custodians to inform customers of their unresolved requests and complaints. New York State's definition of virtual currency custodians includes companies with New York BitLicensees and limited purpose trust companies licensed to engage in virtual currency business activities under the New York Banking Act. In other words, this basically means cryptocurrency businesses that have obtained a license to operate in New York.

New York State Financial Regulator: Crypto Companies in the Jurisdiction Must Comply with New Customer Service Obligations

PANews reported on May 30 that according to The Block, New York State's top financial regulator said that companies designated as "virtual currency entities" (VCE) in New York need to develop policies and procedures to "handle customer service requests and complaints in a timely manner." Adrienne Harris, director of the New York State Department of Financial Services, issued the guidance on Thursday, calling on virtual currency custodians to inform customers of their unresolved requests and complaints. New York State's definition of virtual currency custodians includes companies with New York BitLicensees and limited purpose trust companies licensed to engage in virtual currency business activities under the New York Banking Act. In other words, this basically means cryptocurrency businesses that have obtained a license to operate in New York.
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Worldcoin announces one-year extension of loan agreement for 10 million WLD from five entitiesPANews reported on May 30 that according to the official blog of Worldcoin, on December 16, 2023, World Assets Ltd. (a subsidiary of the Worldcoin Foundation) signed a loan agreement with five trading companies operating outside the United States. The five entities received a total of 10 million WLD loans. These loans will expire around June 14, 2024. World Assets Ltd. has chosen to extend the term of the loan agreement by one year, to June 14, 2025, while keeping the other terms of the agreement unchanged. Therefore, the 10 million WLD loaned by these trading companies will remain part of the circulating supply for the foreseeable future. After the expiration of the extended period, each trading company must repay its loan in full.

Worldcoin announces one-year extension of loan agreement for 10 million WLD from five entities

PANews reported on May 30 that according to the official blog of Worldcoin, on December 16, 2023, World Assets Ltd. (a subsidiary of the Worldcoin Foundation) signed a loan agreement with five trading companies operating outside the United States. The five entities received a total of 10 million WLD loans. These loans will expire around June 14, 2024. World Assets Ltd. has chosen to extend the term of the loan agreement by one year, to June 14, 2025, while keeping the other terms of the agreement unchanged. Therefore, the 10 million WLD loaned by these trading companies will remain part of the circulating supply for the foreseeable future. After the expiration of the extended period, each trading company must repay its loan in full.
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Arweave AO plans to issue its AO token, token economics will be released on June 13PANews reported on May 30 that Arweave AO, the Arweave public testnet, said on the X platform that AO will issue its own tokens and adopt 100% fair issuance. Each token will be minted by cross-chain to AO, holding AR or construction. There are 21 million AO tokens in total, with a 4-year halving cycle. The token economics and creation event are scheduled for 23:00 on June 13, Beijing time, and a new non-profit organization will launch AO according to this mechanism. NOTE: Users in the US and sanctioned jurisdictions will not be able to mint AO tokens via the bridge network.

Arweave AO plans to issue its AO token, token economics will be released on June 13

PANews reported on May 30 that Arweave AO, the Arweave public testnet, said on the X platform that AO will issue its own tokens and adopt 100% fair issuance. Each token will be minted by cross-chain to AO, holding AR or construction. There are 21 million AO tokens in total, with a 4-year halving cycle. The token economics and creation event are scheduled for 23:00 on June 13, Beijing time, and a new non-profit organization will launch AO according to this mechanism.

NOTE: Users in the US and sanctioned jurisdictions will not be able to mint AO tokens via the bridge network.
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