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This is indeed the stage to pay attention to strong altcoins; First of all, for BTC, subjectively speaking, the last wave of BTC breaking $60,000 is the bottom of this wave of adjustment. Although there is no adjustment of a big bull market now, the expectation of ETF has given the market absolute confidence. The big holders holding BTC are obviously reluctant to sell, so as long as the ETF funds continue to flow in slowly, it is difficult for the BTC price to go down. High-level consolidation is expected, and a slow rise is an optimistic expectation; Secondly, for the altcoin market, ETH's ETF has given the market a boost. Although it is unlikely to bring about a full bull market in altcoins, some of the first round of coins that followed BTC out of the bear market and can maintain the right-side shape at the recent high in February, I think they will not perform too badly in the BTC weekly market; Finally, there is basically no need to pay attention to the altcoins that have been lying down or even breaking new lows. Although I think there is no downward space because of the low position, the future market is that BTC will rise, and the rebound is expected. It is difficult to form a right-side trend spiral upward market; #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
This is indeed the stage to pay attention to strong altcoins;
First of all, for BTC, subjectively speaking, the last wave of BTC breaking $60,000 is the bottom of this wave of adjustment. Although there is no adjustment of a big bull market now, the expectation of ETF has given the market absolute confidence. The big holders holding BTC are obviously reluctant to sell, so as long as the ETF funds continue to flow in slowly, it is difficult for the BTC price to go down. High-level consolidation is expected, and a slow rise is an optimistic expectation;
Secondly, for the altcoin market, ETH's ETF has given the market a boost. Although it is unlikely to bring about a full bull market in altcoins, some of the first round of coins that followed BTC out of the bear market and can maintain the right-side shape at the recent high in February, I think they will not perform too badly in the BTC weekly market;
Finally, there is basically no need to pay attention to the altcoins that have been lying down or even breaking new lows. Although I think there is no downward space because of the low position, the future market is that BTC will rise, and the rebound is expected. It is difficult to form a right-side trend spiral upward market;
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A concept to get rid of the fate of "leek", the self-cultivation of leekEveryone needs to give a clear explanation for what happened to them - not to others, but to themselves. This is why people often want to "ask for an explanation". If they cannot explain their experiences clearly, they will feel very uncomfortable. In the hospital, every terminally ill patient has to go through a painful period of "self-explanation". "Why did I get this disease?!" This is an extremely painful and difficult question to ask yourself. Although it may be a matter of probability, "Why did I get this disease?!" reflects the unwillingness of every unfortunate person.

A concept to get rid of the fate of "leek", the self-cultivation of leek

Everyone needs to give a clear explanation for what happened to them - not to others, but to themselves. This is why people often want to "ask for an explanation". If they cannot explain their experiences clearly, they will feel very uncomfortable.

In the hospital, every terminally ill patient has to go through a painful period of "self-explanation". "Why did I get this disease?!" This is an extremely painful and difficult question to ask yourself. Although it may be a matter of probability, "Why did I get this disease?!" reflects the unwillingness of every unfortunate person.
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There is a high possibility that Pepe's market value will exceed the peak shib market value The logic is also very simple 1. The overall market value of cryptocurrencies will be higher than the previous round 2. The narrative level of this round of memes is much higher than the previous round 3. Play with new things instead of old ones. The current meme leader consensus is on Pepe So the overall market value is higher, and the narrative proportion is more important. How can Pepe, which is also the meme leader, not exceed the peak shib? #山寨币热点 #以太坊ETF批准预期
There is a high possibility that Pepe's market value will exceed the peak shib market value

The logic is also very simple

1. The overall market value of cryptocurrencies will be higher than the previous round

2. The narrative level of this round of memes is much higher than the previous round

3. Play with new things instead of old ones. The current meme leader consensus is on Pepe

So the overall market value is higher, and the narrative proportion is more important. How can Pepe, which is also the meme leader, not exceed the peak shib?

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The#FIT21bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives with a ratio of 279 to 136, with 71 Democrats voting in favor. The biggest impact of this number on the Biden administration is that if it still insists on its past hostile attitude towards cryptocurrencies, even people from its own party will turn against it. We will see various situations that will accelerate the bull market of cryptocurrencies before November: 1. Biden and Trump camps compete to introduce various policies or promises to please the cryptocurrency circle 2. More policies supporting the development of cryptocurrencies are introduced to accelerate the innovation and development of the U.S. cryptocurrency industry and attract more cryptocurrency teams to return to the United States 3. European countries and even the mysterious Eastern powers follow suit to introduce cryptocurrency-friendly policies 4. After the Ethereum ETF is passed, other token ETFs begin to enter the topic 5. Traditional financial product funds (such as pension funds) accelerate the entry into Bitcoin Ethereum ETF #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案
The#FIT21bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives with a ratio of 279 to 136, with 71 Democrats voting in favor. The biggest impact of this number on the Biden administration is that if it still insists on its past hostile attitude towards cryptocurrencies, even people from its own party will turn against it. We will see various situations that will accelerate the bull market of cryptocurrencies before November:

1. Biden and Trump camps compete to introduce various policies or promises to please the cryptocurrency circle

2. More policies supporting the development of cryptocurrencies are introduced to accelerate the innovation and development of the U.S. cryptocurrency industry and attract more cryptocurrency teams to return to the United States

3. European countries and even the mysterious Eastern powers follow suit to introduce cryptocurrency-friendly policies

4. After the Ethereum ETF is passed, other token ETFs begin to enter the topic

5. Traditional financial product funds (such as pension funds) accelerate the entry into Bitcoin Ethereum ETF

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A big V in the currency circle in Hangzhou encountered a "fairy trap" and lost hundreds of bitcoins and a large amount of Ethereum. Recently, a suspected big V in the currency circle in Hangzhou encountered a "fairy trap" scam and suffered heavy losses. According to relevant departments, the victim lost a total of 100 bitcoins and several Ethereum virtual currencies, and the specific amount is still being verified. The incident It is reported that the victim is a well-known investor in the currency circle. He often shares virtual currency investment experience on social media and has many fans. The fraud began with a carefully designed "fairy trap" scam. The suspect contacted the victim through a false identity, pretending to have a strong interest in virtual currency investment, and gradually won the victim's trust. After several offline meetings, the suspect induced the victim to enter the private key of his cryptocurrency wallet in a set trap on the grounds of cooperative investment. Once these private keys were obtained, the suspect quickly transferred the bitcoin and Ethereum in the victim's wallet to his own account. The victim later discovered that the 100 bitcoins and several Ethereum in his account had disappeared, and immediately called the police. #以太坊ETF批准预期
A big V in the currency circle in Hangzhou encountered a "fairy trap" and lost hundreds of bitcoins and a large amount of Ethereum.

Recently, a suspected big V in the currency circle in Hangzhou encountered a "fairy trap" scam and suffered heavy losses. According to relevant departments, the victim lost a total of 100 bitcoins and several Ethereum virtual currencies, and the specific amount is still being verified.

The incident
It is reported that the victim is a well-known investor in the currency circle. He often shares virtual currency investment experience on social media and has many fans. The fraud began with a carefully designed "fairy trap" scam. The suspect contacted the victim through a false identity, pretending to have a strong interest in virtual currency investment, and gradually won the victim's trust.

After several offline meetings, the suspect induced the victim to enter the private key of his cryptocurrency wallet in a set trap on the grounds of cooperative investment. Once these private keys were obtained, the suspect quickly transferred the bitcoin and Ethereum in the victim's wallet to his own account. The victim later discovered that the 100 bitcoins and several Ethereum in his account had disappeared, and immediately called the police.

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Let's talk about the macro aspect. Yesterday, Iranian President Raisi died in a plane crash. Many friends asked about the impact on the currency circle. I personally think that the impact will not be too great. Iran's supreme leader has always been Khamenei, so the impact of Raisi's death on Iran's political system is not fatal. The worst impact of this incident is that after investigating the cause of the accident, Iran confirmed that the air crash was an action planned by other countries (such as Israel), which triggered a geopolitical crisis and caused the price of commodities led by crude oil to rise. Inflation in Europe and the United States rebounded again, and the US monetary policy continued to tighten. At present, the Federal Reserve considers the impact of inflation in formulating monetary policy as only part of it. What is more important is the potential reason. The general tone is certain, and the "holding urine" competition is coming to an end. If there is no particularly major international event (black swan), the direction of monetary policy will basically not change. The current market situation is also what the Americans want to see. The US stock market has reached a new high, the US dollar is high, the economy of the Eastern power continues to be under pressure, and the US debt holdings continue to decrease. In a sense, the Americans are already harvesting. If they are greedy, there will be a risk of "holding themselves to burst", so choosing "enough" in the third and fourth quarters is a result that everyone can accept. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC突破7万大关
Let's talk about the macro aspect. Yesterday, Iranian President Raisi died in a plane crash. Many friends asked about the impact on the currency circle. I personally think that the impact will not be too great. Iran's supreme leader has always been Khamenei, so the impact of Raisi's death on Iran's political system is not fatal. The worst impact of this incident is that after investigating the cause of the accident, Iran confirmed that the air crash was an action planned by other countries (such as Israel), which triggered a geopolitical crisis and caused the price of commodities led by crude oil to rise. Inflation in Europe and the United States rebounded again, and the US monetary policy continued to tighten.

At present, the Federal Reserve considers the impact of inflation in formulating monetary policy as only part of it. What is more important is the potential reason. The general tone is certain, and the "holding urine" competition is coming to an end. If there is no particularly major international event (black swan), the direction of monetary policy will basically not change. The current market situation is also what the Americans want to see. The US stock market has reached a new high, the US dollar is high, the economy of the Eastern power continues to be under pressure, and the US debt holdings continue to decrease. In a sense, the Americans are already harvesting. If they are greedy, there will be a risk of "holding themselves to burst", so choosing "enough" in the third and fourth quarters is a result that everyone can accept.

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Share 20 tips for making money 1. Batch withdrawals can bypass verification through the OKX whitelist mechanism, which is more efficient; 2. In most cases, the gas fee for withdrawing money from OKX is lower than that of Binance; 3. There are not only small flying saucers, but also Bungee and Jumper, etc. for cross-chain bridges; 4. You must calculate the expected rate of return for any staking agreement. Even if you calculate it wrong, you must develop a habit; 5. Study how to exit before entering the market. Some staking agreements require 21 days to unlock, and some official bridges require 7 days to withdraw money. These are all hidden costs; 6. If you encounter a problem, go directly to the official DC Chinese area to find similar situations, which is the most efficient; 7. Look at the information you receive rationally. Most free money bloggers have a lot of advertisements in their tweets. Look at them rationally. If you are interested, get on board, don't get too excited. No Fud, there is no free lunch in the world. 8. The role of fingerprint browser is limited to social media tasks such as Twitter. If you don’t have the energy to do such tasks, don’t buy fingerprint browser; 9. The role of fingerprint browser has been exaggerated. As for myself, I have used fingerprint browser for more than a year and have not made any big money. 99% of the big money comes from the chain; 10. Those who ask you to buy three sets + fingerprint browser right away are merchants. Others are specialized in selling this. Among them, Bit and morelogin have the most advertisements; 11. Wallet security comes first, followed by ease of use. Metamask is recommended first, followed by OKX. Be cautious when using certain domestic wallets, including imtoken, tokenpocket, and BG wallet promoted by many big Vs recently. 12. Stay away from Brother Sun. The industry is under the lamp, no need to say more. 13. Carefully identify articles such as big money and self-defense. Some are really big money, and some are just gimmicks. 14. The market is not good. Look at Fud rationally and don’t be led by big Vs. A few days ago, someone pledged Fud and got a profit. In fact, if you have studied it carefully in the past six months, even if Renzo performed so poorly, it still had an annualized return of 25%, and Mode's annualized return was also 35%. If you kill two birds with one stone, you can get at least 60% annualized return. Is this called a profit? If you add the next Eigenlayer, the return will be even higher. 15. When using any so-called "golden shovel" to mine, first consider how to hedge the risk of the "golden shovel" falling. Calculate the profit and loss ratio before deciding whether to get on board. 16. The yield of a project with 60% profit margin is average, 20% may be a dark horse, and 20% may be a reverse profit margin 17. The big profit margin comes from a new track and a new story 18. Position management is very important. It is very dangerous to go all-in on a project with more than 30% of the position. 19. Find ways to improve your soft power. In addition to money, you also need to learn a lot of basic knowledge, which is necessary to open your personal ceiling. 20. Information asymmetry always exists in the currency circle. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC突破7万大关 #ETH
Share 20 tips for making money

1. Batch withdrawals can bypass verification through the OKX whitelist mechanism, which is more efficient;

2. In most cases, the gas fee for withdrawing money from OKX is lower than that of Binance;

3. There are not only small flying saucers, but also Bungee and Jumper, etc. for cross-chain bridges;

4. You must calculate the expected rate of return for any staking agreement. Even if you calculate it wrong, you must develop a habit;

5. Study how to exit before entering the market. Some staking agreements require 21 days to unlock, and some official bridges require 7 days to withdraw money. These are all hidden costs;

6. If you encounter a problem, go directly to the official DC Chinese area to find similar situations, which is the most efficient;

7. Look at the information you receive rationally. Most free money bloggers have a lot of advertisements in their tweets. Look at them rationally. If you are interested, get on board, don't get too excited. No Fud, there is no free lunch in the world.
8. The role of fingerprint browser is limited to social media tasks such as Twitter. If you don’t have the energy to do such tasks, don’t buy fingerprint browser;
9. The role of fingerprint browser has been exaggerated. As for myself, I have used fingerprint browser for more than a year and have not made any big money. 99% of the big money comes from the chain;
10. Those who ask you to buy three sets + fingerprint browser right away are merchants. Others are specialized in selling this. Among them, Bit and morelogin have the most advertisements;
11. Wallet security comes first, followed by ease of use. Metamask is recommended first, followed by OKX. Be cautious when using certain domestic wallets, including imtoken, tokenpocket, and BG wallet promoted by many big Vs recently.
12. Stay away from Brother Sun. The industry is under the lamp, no need to say more.
13. Carefully identify articles such as big money and self-defense. Some are really big money, and some are just gimmicks.
14. The market is not good. Look at Fud rationally and don’t be led by big Vs. A few days ago, someone pledged Fud and got a profit. In fact, if you have studied it carefully in the past six months, even if Renzo performed so poorly, it still had an annualized return of 25%, and Mode's annualized return was also 35%. If you kill two birds with one stone, you can get at least 60% annualized return. Is this called a profit? If you add the next Eigenlayer, the return will be even higher.
15. When using any so-called "golden shovel" to mine, first consider how to hedge the risk of the "golden shovel" falling. Calculate the profit and loss ratio before deciding whether to get on board.
16. The yield of a project with 60% profit margin is average, 20% may be a dark horse, and 20% may be a reverse profit margin
17. The big profit margin comes from a new track and a new story
18. Position management is very important. It is very dangerous to go all-in on a project with more than 30% of the position.
19. Find ways to improve your soft power. In addition to money, you also need to learn a lot of basic knowledge, which is necessary to open your personal ceiling.
20. Information asymmetry always exists in the currency circle.
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ETH surged 20% today, and the reason is still related to the ETF approaching May 23. The SEC may first approve a 19b-4, and then slow down the approval of S-1, which means that it will not be able to really approve the listing and trading on May 23, but just complete the previous preparation process first, and then slowly approve the listing and trading process later, because the real big boss BlackRock's application deadline is in August, so in theory he can drag it. But the reason why it has risen so much is that the expectation of passing has accelerated, and it is very likely that it will be truly market-oriented in the third quarter of this year. The inflow of Bitcoin ETF on May 20 was okay, with a single-day inflow of 235 million US dollars and 3,518 coins, all of which were inflows. Grayscale has turned to net inflows for the third consecutive day. Although this wave of rise was driven by ETH, with the support of ETF, Bitcoin is still only 4% away from setting a new record high, while ETH still has 25%. Yesterday, many people drew a big question mark about the unlocking of PYTH. Why did such a large amount of unlocking still rise? The most fundamental problem is that the project party secretly modified the unlocking date. The tokens that were originally announced to be unlocked on May 20 were brought forward to May 19. In other words, the 20% drop on May 19 was caused by the early cliff unlocking. In summary, this project party is very cutting. With such a large amount of unlocking, the project party actually used such a despicable means to do something in the market. Those who shorted at the timing should all lose money. Then let’s talk about what will happen if ETH’s ETF is passed. It should be the same as the result of Bitcoin ETF. First of all, it is to buy expectations and sell reality. As long as it has not been listed, it can still speculate on expectations, but if it is really listed, it means that the good news has landed. In addition, after passing, Grayscale will also pass it together. Grayscale’s ETHE currently holds 2.93 million ETH, and there are still many funds that need to be cleared first, so there is also a huge redemption demand. If it follows the same rhythm as Bitcoin, Grayscale will sell about 20% of ETH in the first three weeks, about 500,000. Doesn’t it sound scary? However, all of this is speculation, and the real result will have to wait until the day after tomorrow. The best case scenario is that the approval is passed, but the subsequent listing time will be delayed. It actually went up last night. People who sleep late may be able to get 3,000 points by chasing highs. Although the big cake has risen less, it will still soon see a new historical high, and it should come soon. Now almost all technical forms and long and short forces are looking at the bulls. Talking about the second cake, there is no need to chase the rise and fall because of temporary weakness, but for those who have not made a choice, I always think that the one with stronger certainty is the more correct choice. Don’t look at it. It rose by 20% today. If the good news is really exhausted, Grayscale will start redemption, and it will also experience the market of Bitcoin in late January. For the copycat, the Ethereum system (E prefix) must have risen the most today, especially ENS, which is blessed by Vitalik. But this thing is over after the last shout. I think RWA+E prefix seems to be a better choice, although slow, but stable. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH
ETH surged 20% today, and the reason is still related to the ETF approaching May 23. The SEC may first approve a 19b-4, and then slow down the approval of S-1, which means that it will not be able to really approve the listing and trading on May 23, but just complete the previous preparation process first, and then slowly approve the listing and trading process later, because the real big boss BlackRock's application deadline is in August, so in theory he can drag it. But the reason why it has risen so much is that the expectation of passing has accelerated, and it is very likely that it will be truly market-oriented in the third quarter of this year.

The inflow of Bitcoin ETF on May 20 was okay, with a single-day inflow of 235 million US dollars and 3,518 coins, all of which were inflows. Grayscale has turned to net inflows for the third consecutive day. Although this wave of rise was driven by ETH, with the support of ETF, Bitcoin is still only 4% away from setting a new record high, while ETH still has 25%.
Yesterday, many people drew a big question mark about the unlocking of PYTH. Why did such a large amount of unlocking still rise? The most fundamental problem is that the project party secretly modified the unlocking date. The tokens that were originally announced to be unlocked on May 20 were brought forward to May 19. In other words, the 20% drop on May 19 was caused by the early cliff unlocking. In summary, this project party is very cutting. With such a large amount of unlocking, the project party actually used such a despicable means to do something in the market. Those who shorted at the timing should all lose money.

Then let’s talk about what will happen if ETH’s ETF is passed. It should be the same as the result of Bitcoin ETF. First of all, it is to buy expectations and sell reality. As long as it has not been listed, it can still speculate on expectations, but if it is really listed, it means that the good news has landed. In addition, after passing, Grayscale will also pass it together. Grayscale’s ETHE currently holds 2.93 million ETH, and there are still many funds that need to be cleared first, so there is also a huge redemption demand. If it follows the same rhythm as Bitcoin, Grayscale will sell about 20% of ETH in the first three weeks, about 500,000. Doesn’t it sound scary? However, all of this is speculation, and the real result will have to wait until the day after tomorrow. The best case scenario is that the approval is passed, but the subsequent listing time will be delayed.

It actually went up last night. People who sleep late may be able to get 3,000 points by chasing highs. Although the big cake has risen less, it will still soon see a new historical high, and it should come soon. Now almost all technical forms and long and short forces are looking at the bulls. Talking about the second cake, there is no need to chase the rise and fall because of temporary weakness, but for those who have not made a choice, I always think that the one with stronger certainty is the more correct choice. Don’t look at it. It rose by 20% today. If the good news is really exhausted, Grayscale will start redemption, and it will also experience the market of Bitcoin in late January.

For the copycat, the Ethereum system (E prefix) must have risen the most today, especially ENS, which is blessed by Vitalik. But this thing is over after the last shout. I think RWA+E prefix seems to be a better choice, although slow, but stable.

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Actually, the most difficult thing to do this time was $eth. It didn’t fall to the 500 that my family members thought it was. At that time, my family members even said that 200 was not a dream, and then I missed the 1000. Most of my family members bought it at 2500~3000, so I can only complain about this and that. There are too many l2s and VC coins are not good. If it was 1000~1200, it would be good, but at that time, everyone was waiting for 500 or even 200. It was at 2wei of gas, and I thought it was zero. Then eth pulled up. #以太坊ETF批准预期
Actually, the most difficult thing to do this time was $eth.
It didn’t fall to the 500 that my family members thought it was. At that time, my family members even said that 200 was not a dream, and then I missed the 1000.
Most of my family members bought it at 2500~3000, so I can only complain about this and that. There are too many l2s and VC coins are not good.
If it was 1000~1200, it would be good, but at that time, everyone was waiting for 500 or even 200.
It was at 2wei of gas, and I thought it was zero.
Then eth pulled up.

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Why don't they take over each other? It is very important to know the reason. At the current stage of crypto, the vision and technology of the public chain are not the most important, but are determined by the market. Technology will become obsolete, but population will not. Everyone is trapped in the entire currency circle ups and downs cycle affected by the "halving" cycle, and is forced to be short-sighted. Institutions and investors have requirements for the time of return. It is not conducive to the faster and wider growth of the number of currency users. Different public chain users are like the population of a country The speed of the public chain is like the speed of resource transportation, and the public chain ecology is like the national resource reserves Public chain publicity is like the national media, and the difference of public chains is like the national industrial structure Public chain stability is like the military power brought by the country's scientific and technological level Public chain operation and development reference is like the national historical and cultural orientation, the contract restrictions of the founding team, the nature of the route tending to public welfare, and the openness of the contract, just like attracting foreign investment and then bringing in users The problems of the public chain are like the problems and stability that may arise in the country. Technical reserves and underlying contracts are the country's scientific and technological level and R&D capabilities. The daily activity of the public chain is related to the ecology, production, user interests, and company interests. The war between public chains is a war of project operation. Therefore, the development of public chains will also be restricted by the direction of market capital flow and sentiment, and some public chains with underlying rigid demand capabilities will become the key in this cycle and through future cycles. The target user portrait and clear positioning of public chains can better obtain population. However, the biggest difference between public chains and countries is that user mobility is very strong, and there will be different living cost gaps, income gaps, and cognitive threshold gaps between countries. Wallets are our means of transportation. Therefore, if the impossible triangle is possible, it will be more in a relatively closed environment. And the population is very important. Closure can stably stick to users. There needs to be a balance between decentralization and closure. The market does not need too many new public chains, but needs to stabilize public chains with different positioning, responsible for different underlying demand industries, and form a healthy structure of the entire digital activity flow closed loop. The public chains that have seized some major underlying rigid demand services and products may become large chains with relatively large user clusters and daily active users, just like a powerful country, but also allow small chains with different characteristics and different resource services to exist. From this, we can infer that our observation and investment ambush targets are public chains that have mastered some core technologies and service resources that are still active in the downturn cycle, rather than just "new". The ability to cross different cycles is the key to survival. Only by surviving can there be growth. #BTC #山寨币热点
Why don't they take over each other?

It is very important to know the reason. At the current stage of crypto, the vision and technology of the public chain are not the most important, but are determined by the market. Technology will become obsolete, but population will not. Everyone is trapped in the entire currency circle ups and downs cycle affected by the "halving" cycle, and is forced to be short-sighted. Institutions and investors have requirements for the time of return. It is not conducive to the faster and wider growth of the number of currency users.
Different public chain users are like the population of a country
The speed of the public chain is like the speed of resource transportation, and the public chain ecology is like the national resource reserves
Public chain publicity is like the national media, and the difference of public chains is like the national industrial structure
Public chain stability is like the military power brought by the country's scientific and technological level
Public chain operation and development reference is like the national historical and cultural orientation, the contract restrictions of the founding team, the nature of the route tending to public welfare, and the openness of the contract, just like attracting foreign investment and then bringing in users
The problems of the public chain are like the problems and stability that may arise in the country.
Technical reserves and underlying contracts are the country's scientific and technological level and R&D capabilities.
The daily activity of the public chain is related to the ecology, production, user interests, and company interests.
The war between public chains is a war of project operation.
Therefore, the development of public chains will also be restricted by the direction of market capital flow and sentiment, and some public chains with underlying rigid demand capabilities will become the key in this cycle and through future cycles. The target user portrait and clear positioning of public chains can better obtain population. However, the biggest difference between public chains and countries is that user mobility is very strong, and there will be different living cost gaps, income gaps, and cognitive threshold gaps between countries. Wallets are our means of transportation. Therefore, if the impossible triangle is possible, it will be more in a relatively closed environment. And the population is very important. Closure can stably stick to users. There needs to be a balance between decentralization and closure. The market does not need too many new public chains, but needs to stabilize public chains with different positioning, responsible for different underlying demand industries, and form a healthy structure of the entire digital activity flow closed loop. The public chains that have seized some major underlying rigid demand services and products may become large chains with relatively large user clusters and daily active users, just like a powerful country, but also allow small chains with different characteristics and different resource services to exist.
From this, we can infer that our observation and investment ambush targets are public chains that have mastered some core technologies and service resources that are still active in the downturn cycle, rather than just "new". The ability to cross different cycles is the key to survival. Only by surviving can there be growth.

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Is Eth no longer viable? No. Whether a project is viable or not is not determined in a bull market, but in a bear market. In a bull market, any garbage has the opportunity to be hyped, not to mention ETH. The real reason why it is no longer viable is that it is not resistant to falling when it falls, and the ecosystem itself does not store value. But for now, ETH is still the place with the largest storage value, so at least in this round of bull market, there is no way to judge that ETH is no longer viable. #ETH
Is Eth no longer viable?

No. Whether a project is viable or not is not determined in a bull market, but in a bear market. In a bull market, any garbage has the opportunity to be hyped, not to mention ETH.

The real reason why it is no longer viable is that it is not resistant to falling when it falls, and the ecosystem itself does not store value. But for now, ETH is still the place with the largest storage value, so at least in this round of bull market, there is no way to judge that ETH is no longer viable.

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The market is stable, but many friends are cursing. Everyone knows the reason. Although BTC and Ethereum continue to fluctuate at high levels, many small coins have reached new lows. This is very frightening. If BTC and ETH continue to plummet, will small coins continue to be cut in half? Profits and losses are the same. Where the money is made, it will be spit out there, so the core of investment is not to see what makes money quickly, but what money can be made more sustainably. Then add "certainty" before this condition. In fact, there was no such thing as investment profit at first. Our traditional art is speculation, and the term investment is a set of capitalism. How to say it. The West seeks wealth and power, and there is something called private ownership. Coupled with the development of banking and accounting, this makes future income "quantifiable", profit = revenue - cost. Bosses make profits calculable through internal control of the company and the commodification of labor. In this way, investment has become certain. Investors can roughly determine how much money to invest and how much money they can earn back by looking at the company's management (cost) and the industry (revenue). Now the return rate of traditional industries, including entities and the Internet, is limited. Those companies with extremely high certainty have been discovered and given higher prices by the market. All aspects of demand are fully filled, and it is difficult to see leaders in batches. Friends in the crypto industry are always confused by the soaring and plummeting K-lines and the surging market sentiment. They look down on this income and that income, and think it is too slow. But if you walk out of the crypto industry and look at other capital markets, there is no market that can find a target with high certainty and an annualized return of more than 50%. This is impossible. BTC is simply the greatest gift of crypto to friends who join this industry. It can really be called a gift. People who were able to save some money in the past can achieve capital income beyond work through BTC. Whether it is 10,000, 100,000, or even millions. All of these can help you take a big step forward in your current life. And it is 99.999% certainty. But BTC is indifferent to gamblers. People who are addicted to taking shortcuts, pie in the sky, and those who like to dream of becoming rich overnight obviously look down on the income of BTC. But in fact, if you can't hold on to BTC, it means that you know nothing about investment, and naturally you can't make money elsewhere. Even if you occasionally make money, it's no different from going to the casino. If you win today, you will lose tomorrow. Maybe they can't be called gamblers. Gamblers are people with strict discipline and a deep understanding of gambling projects. These people are more like gambling dogs? Summarizing unreasonable rules such as "eighteen consecutive bigs, the next big probability is small", they are squeezed out of their bones in the wins and losses. We must jump out of the gambling dog thinking and jump out of the comfort zone. Think seriously and join this industry. No matter when, you should not be in a state of panic. Because the decentralization represented by BTC is the only known solution to the cyclical collapse of capitalism. Even friends in the crypto industry have reached a subconscious consensus. You might as well ask yourself, when the market plummets, how do you feel about Bitcoin and other tokens? For Bitcoin, have you never worried about its rise, but just don't know where it will fall, and are afraid of buying the bottom halfway up the mountain? For other tokens, once there is a big plunge, will you panic about its return to zero? Slow is fast. The "oldest" cornerstone of crypto is steadily moving upward at a slow pace that everyone thinks is slow in every cycle. And other "wealth codes" are being blown away by the wind and rain in the surge and plunge. Bitcoin is our confidence and luck. There is no need to panic, and there is no need to regret missing the so-called market. The opportunity is still there, the great complexity is simple, the great wisdom is foolish, and the great wealth holds the coin, Bitcoin. The market always has ups and downs. Don't be a licker when the goddess is charming. Pay attention to her, wait until she falls into underestimation and embrace her. When she becomes a goddess again, you will be successful. #BTC走势分析
The market is stable, but many friends are cursing. Everyone knows the reason. Although BTC and Ethereum continue to fluctuate at high levels, many small coins have reached new lows. This is very frightening. If BTC and ETH continue to plummet, will small coins continue to be cut in half?
Profits and losses are the same. Where the money is made, it will be spit out there, so the core of investment is not to see what makes money quickly, but what money can be made more sustainably. Then add "certainty" before this condition.
In fact, there was no such thing as investment profit at first. Our traditional art is speculation, and the term investment is a set of capitalism.

How to say it. The West seeks wealth and power, and there is something called private ownership. Coupled with the development of banking and accounting, this makes future income "quantifiable", profit = revenue - cost. Bosses make profits calculable through internal control of the company and the commodification of labor.
In this way, investment has become certain. Investors can roughly determine how much money to invest and how much money they can earn back by looking at the company's management (cost) and the industry (revenue).

Now the return rate of traditional industries, including entities and the Internet, is limited. Those companies with extremely high certainty have been discovered and given higher prices by the market. All aspects of demand are fully filled, and it is difficult to see leaders in batches.
Friends in the crypto industry are always confused by the soaring and plummeting K-lines and the surging market sentiment. They look down on this income and that income, and think it is too slow.
But if you walk out of the crypto industry and look at other capital markets, there is no market that can find a target with high certainty and an annualized return of more than 50%. This is impossible.
BTC is simply the greatest gift of crypto to friends who join this industry. It can really be called a gift. People who were able to save some money in the past can achieve capital income beyond work through BTC.

Whether it is 10,000, 100,000, or even millions. All of these can help you take a big step forward in your current life. And it is 99.999% certainty.

But BTC is indifferent to gamblers. People who are addicted to taking shortcuts, pie in the sky, and those who like to dream of becoming rich overnight obviously look down on the income of BTC. But in fact, if you can't hold on to BTC, it means that you know nothing about investment, and naturally you can't make money elsewhere. Even if you occasionally make money, it's no different from going to the casino. If you win today, you will lose tomorrow.

Maybe they can't be called gamblers. Gamblers are people with strict discipline and a deep understanding of gambling projects. These people are more like gambling dogs? Summarizing unreasonable rules such as "eighteen consecutive bigs, the next big probability is small", they are squeezed out of their bones in the wins and losses.

We must jump out of the gambling dog thinking and jump out of the comfort zone. Think seriously and join this industry. No matter when, you should not be in a state of panic. Because the decentralization represented by BTC is the only known solution to the cyclical collapse of capitalism.

Even friends in the crypto industry have reached a subconscious consensus. You might as well ask yourself, when the market plummets, how do you feel about Bitcoin and other tokens?

For Bitcoin, have you never worried about its rise, but just don't know where it will fall, and are afraid of buying the bottom halfway up the mountain?

For other tokens, once there is a big plunge, will you panic about its return to zero?

Slow is fast. The "oldest" cornerstone of crypto is steadily moving upward at a slow pace that everyone thinks is slow in every cycle.
And other "wealth codes" are being blown away by the wind and rain in the surge and plunge.
Bitcoin is our confidence and luck.
There is no need to panic, and there is no need to regret missing the so-called market. The opportunity is still there, the great complexity is simple, the great wisdom is foolish, and the great wealth holds the coin, Bitcoin.
The market always has ups and downs. Don't be a licker when the goddess is charming. Pay attention to her, wait until she falls into underestimation and embrace her. When she becomes a goddess again, you will be successful.

See original
Before buying "value coins", please keep the following questions in mind. ● What is the value of "value coins"? What changes have taken place in our production and life as a result? ● If "value coins" are really valuable, why do institutional VCs continue to unlock and sell them to you, instead of taking a hundred or a thousand times the value in ten years? ● Since it's all gambling, why do you have to learn a bunch of proprietary technical terms and high-sounding narratives that the sickle made up to fool you into taking over? #ETH #NOT开盘预测
Before buying "value coins", please keep the following questions in mind.

● What is the value of "value coins"? What changes have taken place in our production and life as a result?

● If "value coins" are really valuable, why do institutional VCs continue to unlock and sell them to you, instead of taking a hundred or a thousand times the value in ten years?

● Since it's all gambling, why do you have to learn a bunch of proprietary technical terms and high-sounding narratives that the sickle made up to fool you into taking over?

See original
How did the Fed stir up the emotions of retail investors? 1. First, they teased you that they would cut interest rates. According to the trend of inflation in the second half of last year, they would have cut interest rates in the first half of the year. The expectation was reversed. Then, when the data for the first quarter came out, they found that the data was not good, and they said that they would delay the cut, or even not cut interest rates. Now they have directly revised down the PPI data, and the capital market expects that the CPI will also be revised down. The US stock market has reached ATH again. Last year, the price of coffee rose by 80%. Now coffee is no longer included in the statistical component of inflation... 2. The Fed has been kidnapped by the US government. They really want to cut interest rates and have been sending positive signals to the market. For the US election, they wrote 12% inflation as 3.4%. Is this what you really feel about your friends in the Bay Area? After communicating with my friends, their perceived inflation is between 12% and 20%, especially insurance (auto insurance and medical insurance) has risen very fast. Many large insurance companies have launched the California market, and there are too many looting and smashing. There will be wildfires in the second half of the year, and hurricanes in Florida. They all feel that insurance premiums will become more and more expensive in the future. Now credit card defaults are rising, and there are not many tenants in commercial real estate. The only good thing is that the supply chain has improved a lot, and commodity inflation has indeed come down. But these are small businesses. They have no power to raise prices, while insurance companies with big capital are still making money. Isn't this a wealth transfer?
How did the Fed stir up the emotions of retail investors?
1. First, they teased you that they would cut interest rates. According to the trend of inflation in the second half of last year, they would have cut interest rates in the first half of the year. The expectation was reversed. Then, when the data for the first quarter came out, they found that the data was not good, and they said that they would delay the cut, or even not cut interest rates. Now they have directly revised down the PPI data, and the capital market expects that the CPI will also be revised down. The US stock market has reached ATH again. Last year, the price of coffee rose by 80%. Now coffee is no longer included in the statistical component of inflation...
2. The Fed has been kidnapped by the US government. They really want to cut interest rates and have been sending positive signals to the market. For the US election, they wrote 12% inflation as 3.4%. Is this what you really feel about your friends in the Bay Area? After communicating with my friends, their perceived inflation is between 12% and 20%, especially insurance (auto insurance and medical insurance) has risen very fast. Many large insurance companies have launched the California market, and there are too many looting and smashing. There will be wildfires in the second half of the year, and hurricanes in Florida. They all feel that insurance premiums will become more and more expensive in the future.
Now credit card defaults are rising, and there are not many tenants in commercial real estate. The only good thing is that the supply chain has improved a lot, and commodity inflation has indeed come down. But these are small businesses. They have no power to raise prices, while insurance companies with big capital are still making money. Isn't this a wealth transfer?
See original
A little far-fetched: Eth has not performed well so far in this round, and I don’t have high expectations for Ethereum in this round. It’s enough if the exchange rate can recover to between 0.05-0.08. This round is understandable, because so far, there has been no explosion in the application layer, and there is nothing particularly new. It is far from the grand occasion of DeFi/NFT taking turns in the last round. But if I completely abandon ETH in the next round because of this, I think I may suffer again. Why? Infrastructure and applications always advance in waves. In fact, Ethereum’s current round is mainly focused on infrastructure, which has basically solved the scalability problem, although L2 still needs to be upgraded to stage 2. The next upgrade will focus on user experience (wallet upgrade). Then it is conceivable that applications will rise in the next round, and these applications are adapted to higher TPS and better UX.
A little far-fetched:

Eth has not performed well so far in this round, and I don’t have high expectations for Ethereum in this round. It’s enough if the exchange rate can recover to between 0.05-0.08.

This round is understandable, because so far, there has been no explosion in the application layer, and there is nothing particularly new. It is far from the grand occasion of DeFi/NFT taking turns in the last round.

But if I completely abandon ETH in the next round because of this, I think I may suffer again. Why?

Infrastructure and applications always advance in waves. In fact, Ethereum’s current round is mainly focused on infrastructure, which has basically solved the scalability problem, although L2 still needs to be upgraded to stage 2. The next upgrade will focus on user experience (wallet upgrade).

Then it is conceivable that applications will rise in the next round, and these applications are adapted to higher TPS and better UX.
See original
Normally, a mature market must be a primary market and a secondary market that complement each other. The primary market incubates projects, and when the projects mature and scale up, they are listed in the secondary market for everyone to participate. In theory, this can reduce the risks of the secondary market. After all, there is a big difference between start-ups and listed companies. But why do retail investors in the crypto market deny VC coins (also known as value coins)? There are only three reasons: 1. Deny the process and results of VC incubation; 2. Deny the quality of listed projects; 3. Deny the structure of chips and the way they are released. In fact, this is not a problem with cryptocurrencies. A-shares have always had this problem. Investors have been shouting for no IPOs, because listed companies are all selling, and US stocks do better in this regard. As retail investors, we have nothing to say about the current market situation. The only thing we can do is to appeal for three points: 1. Project owners: expand the initial circulation, such as achieving at least 50% of the initial circulation, and let the trading results of the secondary market determine the market value, rather than using a very small circulation to protect a very large market value; 2. VC: Don’t be so crazy, don’t invest in projects exceeding 1 billion, and let the project owners play by themselves; 3. Exchanges: According to market conditions, strictly suppress the initial market value, and strictly manage the release of institutions, or clearly announce the subsequent unlocking of the project, and make a mark in the secondary market trading. #山寨币热点 #PEPE创历史新高
Normally, a mature market must be a primary market and a secondary market that complement each other. The primary market incubates projects, and when the projects mature and scale up, they are listed in the secondary market for everyone to participate. In theory, this can reduce the risks of the secondary market. After all, there is a big difference between start-ups and listed companies.

But why do retail investors in the crypto market deny VC coins (also known as value coins)? There are only three reasons:

1. Deny the process and results of VC incubation;

2. Deny the quality of listed projects;

3. Deny the structure of chips and the way they are released.

In fact, this is not a problem with cryptocurrencies. A-shares have always had this problem. Investors have been shouting for no IPOs, because listed companies are all selling, and US stocks do better in this regard.

As retail investors, we have nothing to say about the current market situation. The only thing we can do is to appeal for three points:

1. Project owners: expand the initial circulation, such as achieving at least 50% of the initial circulation, and let the trading results of the secondary market determine the market value, rather than using a very small circulation to protect a very large market value;

2. VC: Don’t be so crazy, don’t invest in projects exceeding 1 billion, and let the project owners play by themselves;

3. Exchanges: According to market conditions, strictly suppress the initial market value, and strictly manage the release of institutions, or clearly announce the subsequent unlocking of the project, and make a mark in the secondary market trading.

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Keith Gill: The King of Retail Investors in U.S. StocksGameStop GME.US made a stunning comeback, soaring from $17 to $80 in three days, and meme stocks began to squeeze out. According to S3 Partners data, GME shorts have lost a total of $1 billion due to the sharp rise in intraday trading on Monday. Other meme stocks also rose collectively due to Keith's return. $AMC Cinemas (AMC.US)$, which is also a core meme stock, closed up 78.4%. The most amazing thing is the meme $pepe and $people in our cryptocurrency also soared, and pepe followed suit and also went ath. This tweet was interpreted as another clarion call to beat up Wall Street, and has been viewed more than 25 million times on X. He then posted a bunch of movie clips suggesting that the characters would return to fight again. Prior to this, his last tweet was in June 2021. 0:45 / 1:07

Keith Gill: The King of Retail Investors in U.S. Stocks

GameStop GME.US made a stunning comeback, soaring from $17 to $80 in three days, and meme stocks began to squeeze out. According to S3 Partners data, GME shorts have lost a total of $1 billion due to the sharp rise in intraday trading on Monday.
Other meme stocks also rose collectively due to Keith's return. $AMC Cinemas (AMC.US)$, which is also a core meme stock, closed up 78.4%. The most amazing thing is the meme $pepe and $people in our cryptocurrency also soared, and pepe followed suit and also went ath.
This tweet was interpreted as another clarion call to beat up Wall Street, and has been viewed more than 25 million times on X. He then posted a bunch of movie clips suggesting that the characters would return to fight again. Prior to this, his last tweet was in June 2021. 0:45 / 1:07
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How do ordinary people make 10 million?How can an ordinary person make 100 million? Well, if there are fool-proof steps to accomplish this and it can be made public on the Internet, then it must be fake, because everyone has done it, so where does the money come from? Let's be more realistic and talk about how ordinary people can earn 10 million. Just this number, it is still possible for ordinary people to reach it if they try hard. Note that I am talking about ordinary people, so we cannot assume that this person has any particularly amazing skills or is particularly smart, and must be one of the thousands of people. Then the conclusion is that this person must not be able to get this number from work, because even if you earn a million a year, you can't rely on work to increase your net worth to more than 10 million in this lifetime, because your work will decline, change, and your expenses will increase. You will not have a net worth of 10 million by saving about 400,000 a year - and this prerequisite of earning a million a year is no longer something that "ordinary people" can achieve through ordinary efforts.

How do ordinary people make 10 million?

How can an ordinary person make 100 million? Well, if there are fool-proof steps to accomplish this and it can be made public on the Internet, then it must be fake, because everyone has done it, so where does the money come from?

Let's be more realistic and talk about how ordinary people can earn 10 million. Just this number, it is still possible for ordinary people to reach it if they try hard.

Note that I am talking about ordinary people, so we cannot assume that this person has any particularly amazing skills or is particularly smart, and must be one of the thousands of people. Then the conclusion is that this person must not be able to get this number from work, because even if you earn a million a year, you can't rely on work to increase your net worth to more than 10 million in this lifetime, because your work will decline, change, and your expenses will increase. You will not have a net worth of 10 million by saving about 400,000 a year - and this prerequisite of earning a million a year is no longer something that "ordinary people" can achieve through ordinary efforts.
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Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the market of Bitcoin and some altcoins. The overall result is just one word - difficult!!! The money-making effect is very bad. Why is it difficult to make money in the currency circle at this stage? 1. Formal capital inflow The passage of Bitcoin ETF has led to more and more formal funds entering the market, and the market has become more and more formal, that is, the market has become larger, and the entry of large funds is no longer easy for individual small institutions or some whales to control. In my opinion, the probability of the future market being controlled by Wall Street capital is very high. The hegemony of the US dollar is weakened, and these capitals also need another thing to harvest the world. Obviously, the currency circle is a better choice. In short, the formal market is a good thing, but the myth of wealth creation in the previous rounds is basically coming to an end, and the profits that retail investors can earn from it will become less and less. 2. New concepts are decreasing This bull market has been going on for a long time. Except for the AI ​​sector that appeared at the end of the last bull market, which is still a new sector, there are very few other currencies with new concepts. When many concepts appear, the market value is already very high. In other words, everyone is watching a little new thing. When it comes to your mouth, others are already ready to feed it to you and let you take it. With fewer new concepts, there will be fewer narratives, and it will be difficult to hype. Without hype, it will be very difficult to pull the market. When retail investors hear the good news of some currencies, they are basically pulled almost. In short, it is basically difficult to make money by relying on good news. #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the market of Bitcoin and some altcoins. The overall result is just one word - difficult!!!

The money-making effect is very bad. Why is it difficult to make money in the currency circle at this stage?

1. Formal capital inflow
The passage of Bitcoin ETF has led to more and more formal funds entering the market, and the market has become more and more formal, that is, the market has become larger, and the entry of large funds is no longer easy for individual small institutions or some whales to control. In my opinion, the probability of the future market being controlled by Wall Street capital is very high. The hegemony of the US dollar is weakened, and these capitals also need another thing to harvest the world. Obviously, the currency circle is a better choice. In short, the formal market is a good thing, but the myth of wealth creation in the previous rounds is basically coming to an end, and the profits that retail investors can earn from it will become less and less.
2. New concepts are decreasing
This bull market has been going on for a long time. Except for the AI ​​sector that appeared at the end of the last bull market, which is still a new sector, there are very few other currencies with new concepts. When many concepts appear, the market value is already very high. In other words, everyone is watching a little new thing. When it comes to your mouth, others are already ready to feed it to you and let you take it. With fewer new concepts, there will be fewer narratives, and it will be difficult to hype. Without hype, it will be very difficult to pull the market. When retail investors hear the good news of some currencies, they are basically pulled almost. In short, it is basically difficult to make money by relying on good news.

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In which month will the next bull market outbreak occur in 2024?If someone gives you a bunch of analysis and tells you which month the bull market will come, then this person is most likely a "smart charlatan" I know that many people in the market will look at trend lines, breakout lines, buying volume, net inflow, trading volume, and so on. With my lower-middle-level qualifications, I couldn't understand it anyway, so I concluded that it was useless to me. Please note that I was talking about ordinary people like me. Because it is unfalsifiable and unpredictable. It is a kind of metaphysics. So I never use it. Just this one point has actually saved me from countless pitfalls.

In which month will the next bull market outbreak occur in 2024?

If someone gives you a bunch of analysis and tells you which month the bull market will come, then this person is most likely a "smart charlatan"
I know that many people in the market will look at trend lines, breakout lines, buying volume, net inflow, trading volume, and so on.

With my lower-middle-level qualifications, I couldn't understand it anyway, so I concluded that it was useless to me. Please note that I was talking about ordinary people like me.
Because it is unfalsifiable and unpredictable. It is a kind of metaphysics. So I never use it. Just this one point has actually saved me from countless pitfalls.
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