Binance Square
公众号:元哥投研 。斐波那契爱好者,孤独的交易员,深谙币圈奥秘,洞悉数字资产之玄机,自入币圈,历经无数风雨,见证其蓬勃发展。这里充满暴富机遇,亦不乏风险挑战。我始终坚守,与粉丝共度牛熊,分享独到见解,解读最新动态,共筑一个优质的币圈交流港湾。感恩铁粉支持,未来继续携手前行。
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Hi! I finally waited for you ----🔍🔍🔍《🔍Hey🔍heart🔍 BTC2024BNB》---- Want to stand out in the industry and succeed? The secret lies in focus and professionalism! Only those who devote themselves wholeheartedly and conduct in-depth research can become the best in the industry. Now, an unprecedented great opportunity is in front of you. Are you ready to seize it and change your destiny? Want to stand out quickly? Then, standing on the shoulders of giants is the key to growth! Find those mentors who are experienced and highly professional in the industry and let them lead you to success. Don't grope blindly, don't know when to buy and sell, and don't miss opportunities because you can't understand market trends! As long as you have the courage to jump out of your comfort zone, abandon those circles that can't help you grow, and work hard to improve yourself, this year is the year to change your destiny! Don't wait, opportunities are rare, let's meet the challenge together!
Hi! I finally waited for you

----🔍🔍🔍《🔍Hey🔍heart🔍 BTC2024BNB》----

Want to stand out in the industry and succeed? The secret lies in focus and professionalism! Only those who devote themselves wholeheartedly and conduct in-depth research can become the best in the industry. Now, an unprecedented great opportunity is in front of you. Are you ready to seize it and change your destiny?
Want to stand out quickly? Then, standing on the shoulders of giants is the key to growth! Find those mentors who are experienced and highly professional in the industry and let them lead you to success. Don't grope blindly, don't know when to buy and sell, and don't miss opportunities because you can't understand market trends!
As long as you have the courage to jump out of your comfort zone, abandon those circles that can't help you grow, and work hard to improve yourself, this year is the year to change your destiny! Don't wait, opportunities are rare, let's meet the challenge together!
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Changpeng Zhao, the pride of the Chinese people and the legendary founder of Binance, faced challenges head-on and never looked back!Today I share an article that really touched my heart. The article begins Zhao Changpeng finally admitted defeat today, brothers, who is he? He is the founder of BInance, the world's largest exchange, the former richest Chinese, and now the pride of Chinese people, Zhao Changpeng. A generation of heroes has since retired from the world. The specific thing is that on Tuesday, November 21, Zhao Changpeng pleaded guilty to U.S. regulators, admitting that he had violated anti-money laundering regulations and criminal charges of U.S. sanctions, and agreed to pay a sky-high fine of 4.3 billion US dollars, which included confiscation of income of 2.5 billion and criminal fines of 1.8 billion. The United States also made a lot of money this time. This Qin Shihuang won by touching the electric switch. However, this 4.3 billion is just a drop in the bucket for BInance, which has made tens of billions of dollars in a bull market in a year. Well, no matter how BInance faces this 4.3 billion fine, the focus should be on the impact of this incident on our market. What about us as retail investors? Where are our opportunities to make money? Follow the big beautiful wealth code to your home. The same sentence is still below. All content is the original work of our team and is not any form of investment advice.

Changpeng Zhao, the pride of the Chinese people and the legendary founder of Binance, faced challenges head-on and never looked back!

Today I share an article that really touched my heart. The article begins
Zhao Changpeng finally admitted defeat today, brothers, who is he? He is the founder of BInance, the world's largest exchange, the former richest Chinese, and now the pride of Chinese people, Zhao Changpeng.
A generation of heroes has since retired from the world. The specific thing is that on Tuesday, November 21, Zhao Changpeng pleaded guilty to U.S. regulators, admitting that he had violated anti-money laundering regulations and criminal charges of U.S. sanctions, and agreed to pay a sky-high fine of 4.3 billion US dollars, which included confiscation of income of 2.5 billion and criminal fines of 1.8 billion. The United States also made a lot of money this time. This Qin Shihuang won by touching the electric switch. However, this 4.3 billion is just a drop in the bucket for BInance, which has made tens of billions of dollars in a bull market in a year. Well, no matter how BInance faces this 4.3 billion fine, the focus should be on the impact of this incident on our market. What about us as retail investors? Where are our opportunities to make money? Follow the big beautiful wealth code to your home. The same sentence is still below. All content is the original work of our team and is not any form of investment advice.
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Loopring was hacked, the 'most secure wallet' was lost, and $5 million disappeared in an instant! Recently, the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Loopring suffered a serious hacker attack, resulting in a loss of approximately US$5 million. This attack targeted Loopring’s “Guardian” two-factor authentication (2FA) service. This service should be an important barrier to protect the security of user assets, but unfortunately it was exploited by hackers. Loopring has always been known for its high level of security and is even known as "the most secure wallet on Ethereum". The attack revealed that even the most advanced security systems can have vulnerabilities. Hackers cleverly exploited a security vulnerability in Loopring's official guardian service to perform illegal recovery operations on wallets using a single guardian. It is understood that the guardian service is a special feature provided by Loopring, which allows users to invite trusted wallets to perform specific security tasks. However, in this attack, hackers successfully reset the wallet ownership of some users through the service and then extracted the digital assets contained therein. Only wallets using a single guardian, specifically the official Loopring guardian, were affected, while wallets with multiple guardians or using other types of guardians were unscathed. In response to this attack, Loopring took quick action. They announced that they have cooperated with the well-known security company Mist Security to jointly identify and fix vulnerabilities in the 2FA service. At the same time, in order to protect users’ asset security, Loopring also decided to temporarily stop all Guardian and 2FA functions to prevent further illegal access by hackers. Loopring is also actively trying to track down the identity of the hacker and has issued a request to the community for any information that could help track the hacker. As of now, the identity of the hacker remains a mystery. This attack undoubtedly dealt a serious blow to Loopring's reputation and market position. Since the attack was disclosed, the price of Loopring’s native token LRC has fallen by about 5%, reflecting market concerns and uneasiness about the incident.
Loopring was hacked, the 'most secure wallet' was lost, and $5 million disappeared in an instant!

Recently, the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Loopring suffered a serious hacker attack, resulting in a loss of approximately US$5 million. This attack targeted Loopring’s “Guardian” two-factor authentication (2FA) service. This service should be an important barrier to protect the security of user assets, but unfortunately it was exploited by hackers.
Loopring has always been known for its high level of security and is even known as "the most secure wallet on Ethereum". The attack revealed that even the most advanced security systems can have vulnerabilities. Hackers cleverly exploited a security vulnerability in Loopring's official guardian service to perform illegal recovery operations on wallets using a single guardian.
It is understood that the guardian service is a special feature provided by Loopring, which allows users to invite trusted wallets to perform specific security tasks. However, in this attack, hackers successfully reset the wallet ownership of some users through the service and then extracted the digital assets contained therein.
Only wallets using a single guardian, specifically the official Loopring guardian, were affected, while wallets with multiple guardians or using other types of guardians were unscathed.
In response to this attack, Loopring took quick action. They announced that they have cooperated with the well-known security company Mist Security to jointly identify and fix vulnerabilities in the 2FA service.
At the same time, in order to protect users’ asset security, Loopring also decided to temporarily stop all Guardian and 2FA functions to prevent further illegal access by hackers.
Loopring is also actively trying to track down the identity of the hacker and has issued a request to the community for any information that could help track the hacker. As of now, the identity of the hacker remains a mystery.
This attack undoubtedly dealt a serious blow to Loopring's reputation and market position. Since the attack was disclosed, the price of Loopring’s native token LRC has fallen by about 5%, reflecting market concerns and uneasiness about the incident.
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It's plummeting, brothers! Wash the contract pool, buy the bottom, do it
It's plummeting, brothers!
Wash the contract pool, buy the bottom, do it
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————Breaking news! Breaking news! ———— Insider trading, insider trading! A mysterious insider trader is galloping in the cryptocurrency market like a lone wolf. He targeted the HULK token and successfully manipulated the entire market with only a negligible 7.1SOL, pocketing 190.2 million $HULK In just three hours, the insider trader sold all the HULK in his hands at 5,760.7SOL per day, making a profit of 978,000 US dollars! His move instantly detonated the entire $HULK market. The price of $HULK plummeted like a kite with a broken string in this sell-off, and the plunge exceeded an astonishing 85%! Countless investors were dumbfounded!
————Breaking news! Breaking news! ————

Insider trading, insider trading!
A mysterious insider trader is galloping in the cryptocurrency market like a lone wolf. He targeted the HULK token and successfully manipulated the entire market with only a negligible 7.1SOL, pocketing 190.2 million $HULK

In just three hours, the insider trader sold all the HULK in his hands at 5,760.7SOL per day, making a profit of 978,000 US dollars! His move instantly detonated the entire $HULK market.
The price of $HULK plummeted like a kite with a broken string in this sell-off, and the plunge exceeded an astonishing 85%! Countless investors were dumbfounded!
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Jeff Kendrick, an analyst at Standard Chartered Bank, predicts that if Trump wins the US presidential election, the price of Bitcoin is likely to soar, and may even reach $150,000 by the end of the year. He also said that if the US employment data performs well, the price of Bitcoin is likely to set a new high over the weekend, laying the foundation for climbing to $80,000 by the end of June. Kendrick is so confident in his prediction that he even predicts that the price of Bitcoin will reach $200,000 by the end of 2025.
Jeff Kendrick, an analyst at Standard Chartered Bank, predicts that if Trump wins the US presidential election, the price of Bitcoin is likely to soar, and may even reach $150,000 by the end of the year. He also said that if the US employment data performs well, the price of Bitcoin is likely to set a new high over the weekend, laying the foundation for climbing to $80,000 by the end of June. Kendrick is so confident in his prediction that he even predicts that the price of Bitcoin will reach $200,000 by the end of 2025.
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Floki has become the most popular meme coin on the BNB chain, with more than 417,400 holders and is also among the top in terms of market capitalization. To make trading more convenient, Floki's developers have launched a new trading robot based on Telegram. This robot allows holders to easily trade any token on the BNB chain, and will charge a 1% transaction fee. 50% of this fee will be used to purchase FLOKI tokens. The robot is currently in the testing phase and is expected to be officially open to everyone in mid-June 2024. In the future, developers also plan to make this robot available on the Ethereum and Base blockchains. The project team has been working on it, so many people are optimistic about it and hold it.
Floki has become the most popular meme coin on the BNB chain, with more than 417,400 holders and is also among the top in terms of market capitalization. To make trading more convenient, Floki's developers have launched a new trading robot based on Telegram. This robot allows holders to easily trade any token on the BNB chain, and will charge a 1% transaction fee. 50% of this fee will be used to purchase FLOKI tokens. The robot is currently in the testing phase and is expected to be officially open to everyone in mid-June 2024. In the future, developers also plan to make this robot available on the Ethereum and Base blockchains. The project team has been working on it, so many people are optimistic about it and hold it.
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LINA's eating behavior is too ugly. I wonder if she thought I was the dealer and revealed the internal secrets. The short-term friends made a lot of money this time. Will she continue the previous script? Let's wait and see! #BTC走势分析 #LINA/USDT
LINA's eating behavior is too ugly. I wonder if she thought I was the dealer and revealed the internal secrets. The short-term friends made a lot of money this time. Will she continue the previous script? Let's wait and see! #BTC走势分析 #LINA/USDT
Guess the coin by looking at the picture
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The Astar Foundation proposed to destroy 350 million ASTR tokens to be reserved for Polkadot's famous parachain slot auction. The vote on the proposal will be held after three weeks of community discussion. If passed, the token will be deflated and the price will rise. You should know what to do next!
The Astar Foundation proposed to destroy 350 million ASTR tokens to be reserved for Polkadot's famous parachain slot auction.
The vote on the proposal will be held after three weeks of community discussion. If passed, the token will be deflated and the price will rise. You should know what to do next!
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Known as Japan's Bitcoin, my friends who got on board with me have doubled their money. Congratulations to those who hold on.
Known as Japan's Bitcoin, my friends who got on board with me have doubled their money. Congratulations to those who hold on.
Jasmy will increase the position first, and then add more positions when there is a chance. After all, the hourly line has a double bottom. Bitcoin in Japan is said to be supported by the government. It is expected to double again easily. The spot is held for a long time, and the contract is used for swing trading! If you want to catch the spot that doubles, follow me and get the latest news as soon as possible! Free sharing, only for increasing fans, thank you for your attention and support! #5月非农数据即将公布 #JASMYUSDT
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Those who understand the next step will naturally understand that the short position is to take profit!
Those who understand the next step will naturally understand that the short position is to take profit!
Guess the coin by looking at the picture
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DWF Labs, a well-known digital asset market maker and Web3 investment firm, said it will purchase $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens to show its support for the Floki ecosystem. They will obtain these tokens from the market and the Floki treasury. Previously, the company had already committed to purchasing $10 million in FLOKI tokens. This purchase is strategic and aims to strengthen Floki's position in the industry, especially this year Floki will launch several important products, such as the mainnet version of the Valhalla metaverse game, and several other practical products such as trading robots and decentralized domains. Floki aims to become the most well-known and widely used cryptocurrency in the world. DWF Labs has been promoting the adoption of Floki since it established a partnership with Floki in May 2023, including promoting its listing on major exchanges and industry collaborations.
DWF Labs, a well-known digital asset market maker and Web3 investment firm, said it will purchase $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens to show its support for the Floki ecosystem. They will obtain these tokens from the market and the Floki treasury. Previously, the company had already committed to purchasing $10 million in FLOKI tokens. This purchase is strategic and aims to strengthen Floki's position in the industry, especially this year Floki will launch several important products, such as the mainnet version of the Valhalla metaverse game, and several other practical products such as trading robots and decentralized domains. Floki aims to become the most well-known and widely used cryptocurrency in the world. DWF Labs has been promoting the adoption of Floki since it established a partnership with Floki in May 2023, including promoting its listing on major exchanges and industry collaborations.
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Yesterday I saw many big players transferring ETH from exchanges. I mentioned that the Ethereum Foundation should not come out to buy coins, but today it tentatively sold 100 coins. Is it to pay salaries again?
Yesterday I saw many big players transferring ETH from exchanges. I mentioned that the Ethereum Foundation should not come out to buy coins, but today it tentatively sold 100 coins. Is it to pay salaries again?
Another whale withdrawal indicates Ethereum surge: $5,000 target in sight?

A smart whale withdrew $7,000 ETH (worth $26.7 million) from Binance today, and now holds up to $36,785 (140 million) in ETH. With a profit of about $76 million, the whale began to hoard coins with a strong bullish sentiment.
The price of Ethereum rose by 25% in May, and the current ether trading price is 3814, and the 4,000 target is within reach. Large-scale withdrawals usually indicate confidence in further increases, reducing the market's selling pressure and suggesting explosive growth. I hope the Ethereum Foundation will not come out to sell value coins this time😂
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Guess the coin by looking at the picture
Guess the coin by looking at the picture
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ULTI Anan investment project, why is it listed on OKX first?
ULTI Anan investment project, why is it listed on OKX first?
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Yesterday, Ethereum fell. In addition to the technical problems in the U.S. stock market, which led to market panic, the cross-market linkage effect caused a short-term decline in Ethereum. Secondly, a giant whale transferred $32 million of ETH to Kraken. An old ETH giant whale transferred 8,518 ETH worth $32.51 million to the address of Kraken, a major U.S. exchange. During the ICO, the holder received 100,000 ETH when the price of the main altcoin was $0.311 and sold it a year later. The activity was resumed three months ago, transferring 29,519 ETH to the address we know today. Since the ICO, the price of the main altcoin has risen by 1,228,387%. If the investor had not sold these 100,000 ETH all the time, he would have made a profit of $349.7 million on these 100,000 ETH.
Yesterday, Ethereum fell. In addition to the technical problems in the U.S. stock market, which led to market panic, the cross-market linkage effect caused a short-term decline in Ethereum. Secondly, a giant whale transferred $32 million of ETH to Kraken. An old ETH giant whale transferred 8,518 ETH worth $32.51 million to the address of Kraken, a major U.S. exchange. During the ICO, the holder received 100,000 ETH when the price of the main altcoin was $0.311 and sold it a year later. The activity was resumed three months ago, transferring 29,519 ETH to the address we know today. Since the ICO, the price of the main altcoin has risen by 1,228,387%. If the investor had not sold these 100,000 ETH all the time, he would have made a profit of $349.7 million on these 100,000 ETH.
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Although BTC and ETH have undergone tremendous changes, the so-called Japanese Bitcoin has not moved at all. Jasmy has almost doubled and is still waiting.
Although BTC and ETH have undergone tremendous changes, the so-called Japanese Bitcoin has not moved at all. Jasmy has almost doubled and is still waiting.
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$1 million in Binance account gone to ashes! Today, an incident involving the theft of funds in a Binance account has attracted widespread attention in the cryptocurrency community. It is reported that a user had nearly one million dollars in funds in his account stolen through "cross-trading" without revealing his account password and secondary verification instructions (2FA). Looking back at the whole incident, how did the hacker manipulate his account without the user revealing any sensitive information? After investigation, the reason turned out to be a widely recommended Chrome plug-in Aggr. This plug-in was originally a tool to provide market data, but it was used by hackers to collect users' cookies, hijack user sessions, and control accounts without passwords or 2FA. This discovery is shocking and reminds us that Chrome plug-ins can also be the source of security vulnerabilities. After downloading the plug-in, the hacker could not withdraw the currency, and the hacker used the cross-trading method to consume all the money in the account. Cross-trading is a transaction between a designated buyer and a designated seller in a bargaining manner for the same currency at the same price and quantity, and the transaction is completed through platform matching. Therefore, it is recommended that you protect your devices properly, do not click on some plug-ins or links at will, and beware of being deceived.
$1 million in Binance account gone to ashes!

Today, an incident involving the theft of funds in a Binance account has attracted widespread attention in the cryptocurrency community. It is reported that a user had nearly one million dollars in funds in his account stolen through "cross-trading" without revealing his account password and secondary verification instructions (2FA).
Looking back at the whole incident, how did the hacker manipulate his account without the user revealing any sensitive information? After investigation, the reason turned out to be a widely recommended Chrome plug-in Aggr. This plug-in was originally a tool to provide market data, but it was used by hackers to collect users' cookies, hijack user sessions, and control accounts without passwords or 2FA. This discovery is shocking and reminds us that Chrome plug-ins can also be the source of security vulnerabilities.
After downloading the plug-in, the hacker could not withdraw the currency, and the hacker used the cross-trading method to consume all the money in the account. Cross-trading is a transaction between a designated buyer and a designated seller in a bargaining manner for the same currency at the same price and quantity, and the transaction is completed through platform matching.
Therefore, it is recommended that you protect your devices properly, do not click on some plug-ins or links at will, and beware of being deceived.
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I want to say that you guys are making random reports. Am I a third-party channel? The platform is also randomly removing products from the shelves!
I want to say that you guys are making random reports. Am I a third-party channel? The platform is also randomly removing products from the shelves!
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Jasmy will increase the position first, and then add more positions when there is a chance. After all, the hourly line has a double bottom. Bitcoin in Japan is said to be supported by the government. It is expected to double again easily. The spot is held for a long time, and the contract is used for swing trading! If you want to catch the spot that doubles, follow me and get the latest news as soon as possible! Free sharing, only for increasing fans, thank you for your attention and support! #5月非农数据即将公布 #JASMYUSDT
Jasmy will increase the position first, and then add more positions when there is a chance. After all, the hourly line has a double bottom. Bitcoin in Japan is said to be supported by the government. It is expected to double again easily. The spot is held for a long time, and the contract is used for swing trading! If you want to catch the spot that doubles, follow me and get the latest news as soon as possible! Free sharing, only for increasing fans, thank you for your attention and support! #5月非农数据即将公布 #JASMYUSDT
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