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Wednesday will be an important day, as the SEC will make a historic ruling on the Ethereum spot ETF. Especially VanEck's ETF application, if approved, I believe the price of ETH will usher in a short-term surge. Five SEC commissioners will cast the decisive vote, and we know that Commissioner Gary Gensler has expressed support for the spot Bitcoin ETF in January, so he is likely to vote in favor of the Ethereum ETF. Of course, our focus should not be limited to VanEck, because Ark 21Shares will also face a ruling soon after. And the impact of this decision will go far beyond these two companies. Industry giants such as Hashdex, Grayscale, Invesco Galaxy, BlackRock, and Fidelity are closely watching this result, which will have a profound impact on their future strategies. Let me briefly talk about my opinion on the current ETH market. From the daily chart, we can see that Ethereum has broken through the bearish trend line and is blocked near 3150. If there is no data impact, this pullback is also normal selling pressure. I personally expect the pullback to touch 2970 again and then rise again. This is without the impact of data. If the ETF is passed on Wednesday, the market is expected to rise to around 3300. Let us wait and see! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH #BTC

Wednesday will be an important day, as the SEC will make a historic ruling on the Ethereum spot ETF. Especially VanEck's ETF application, if approved, I believe the price of ETH will usher in a short-term surge.

Five SEC commissioners will cast the decisive vote, and we know that Commissioner Gary Gensler has expressed support for the spot Bitcoin ETF in January, so he is likely to vote in favor of the Ethereum ETF. Of course, our focus should not be limited to VanEck, because Ark 21Shares will also face a ruling soon after. And the impact of this decision will go far beyond these two companies. Industry giants such as Hashdex, Grayscale, Invesco Galaxy, BlackRock, and Fidelity are closely watching this result, which will have a profound impact on their future strategies. Let me briefly talk about my opinion on the current ETH market. From the daily chart, we can see that Ethereum has broken through the bearish trend line and is blocked near 3150. If there is no data impact, this pullback is also normal selling pressure. I personally expect the pullback to touch 2970 again and then rise again. This is without the impact of data. If the ETF is passed on Wednesday, the market is expected to rise to around 3300. Let us wait and see! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH #BTC

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比特币大涨!山寨币春天已至,抄底黄金时机来临,财富列车即将发车! 比特币突破66000美元一路走强,昨晚就来了一波小回调,虽然这波回调没有回调多少,但是很多的山寨又顶不住了,差不多的都回到了上涨之前的位置,现在的山寨行情,真的是应了那句话,比特大涨它小涨,比特小跌它大跌,有一种山寨币马上就要凉凉的感觉 不过,机会往往就诞生在绝望中。我认为山寨行情的春天很有可能马上就要来了,主要原因有以下几点: 第一,就是比特币的市占率,也有人称为统治率。 目前,已经来到了中线级级的阻力位,如果收缩,那么比特币的市场份额就会下降,而山寨币的市场份额就会上升,此消彼长下,山寨比接下来的表现自然也就会比比特币强上一些。 第二,就是后半个月sec就会公布方舟等几家机构申请的以太坊现货ETF的申请结果,如果说能够通过,那这对山寨币绝对是极大的利好。 第三,那就是经过几天的拉升,目前市场情绪已经是逐渐乐观了,机构们的购买意愿也在逐渐的增长 昨日现货货ETF市场净流入了2.21亿美金,已经连续四天净流入超过1亿美金了,所以现在比特币的行情是非常的稳定的,那么稳定的大盘加上市场份额的增长,再加上很有可能通过的以太坊现etf,多个条件都具备的情况下,所以我认为山寨币肯定是要有一波爆发,大家就多留意这些市场指标和以太坊ETF的审批结果,以免一觉醒来山寨起飞,错过了最佳的上车机会。#BTC走势分析 #RWA板块涨势强劲 当然如果你不知道在哪里关注的话,我的小港湾,我每天都会在里面分享最新的市场数据和行情观点,点我头像哦!

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