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Bitcoin/Ethereum long orders can take profit and then short orders can find opportunities to enter the market. Bitcoin 27300 and Ethereum 1610 are continuing to place long orders. I believe that friends who have won are also very happy at this time. The market has been relatively good during this period. Friends who have followed should have better room to win. All the previous posts can be seen ! At present, the market is rising again in the evening. The time is approaching the weekend. Looking at the weekly and daily lines of Bitcoin, there is strong pressure near 28500 above and the dividing line between long and short. There is no need to overly pursue the long after the rise. The same is true for Ethereum. Focus on the 1680 pressure level on the weekly line. From the four-hour short cycle level, the Bollinger Bands are shrinking. This has also been mentioned. The long and short continuity will not be strong. In the short cycle Ethereum, focus on 1660 suppression. In the evening operation, Bitcoin entered the market with a short order between 28100 and 28300, with a target of around 27400; Ethereum entered with a short order between 1655 and 1665, with a target of around 1625. Posting is time-sensitive. For specific strategies, please pay attention to communication #BTC #ETH

Bitcoin/Ethereum long orders can take profit and then short orders can find opportunities to enter the market.

Bitcoin 27300 and Ethereum 1610 are continuing to place long orders. I believe that friends who have won are also very happy at this time. The market has been relatively good during this period. Friends who have followed should have better room to win. All the previous posts can be seen !

At present, the market is rising again in the evening. The time is approaching the weekend. Looking at the weekly and daily lines of Bitcoin, there is strong pressure near 28500 above and the dividing line between long and short. There is no need to overly pursue the long after the rise. The same is true for Ethereum. Focus on the 1680 pressure level on the weekly line.

From the four-hour short cycle level, the Bollinger Bands are shrinking. This has also been mentioned. The long and short continuity will not be strong. In the short cycle Ethereum, focus on 1660 suppression. In the evening operation, Bitcoin entered the market with a short order between 28100 and 28300, with a target of around 27400; Ethereum entered with a short order between 1655 and 1665, with a target of around 1625.

Posting is time-sensitive. For specific strategies, please pay attention to communication #BTC #ETH

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区块链梁丘:5.17比特币/以太坊操作策略附带行情分析 生命没有草稿,年华不容浪费,朝着一个目标不停的向前,让梦想照进现实,才是当下最应该做的事情。比特币/以太坊行情隔夜大跌,大饼下跌幅度2000余点,以太下跌幅度100点左右,我们昨天两次布局的空单策略也是完美及时发布止盈,相信跟上的朋友收获都不错。随后凌晨开始震荡拉升,大饼再次回升1000余点空间,以太基本没怎么动,拉升过程中上方高点不断下移,目前行情拉升后再次遇阻开始展开回落,上方压力依旧比较大。 四小时线上,行情依旧高位震荡盘整修复,以太刚好在四小时中轨一线附近,大饼则继续冲高后开始回落,上方关注66000以及2980到3000一线压制。日线均线上以太均线指标基本重合在2920到2940一线支撑。行情预计如昨晚下跌后走势一般,多空延续性不会很强。但是大饼完全不一样,由于前面拉升较猛,均线虽然三线共振排列向上,但是指标在63500一线,均线还有向上修复的过程,后续关注64000附近一线支撑。 日内操作上比特币65700到66000附近可以继续空单进场,目标64000到64500附近,以太可以同步操作参考2960到2980一线进空,空间自行把控即可。目前行情比较好,需要做好波段,发文具有时效性,节奏上把控不好波段的朋友可以多咨询,更多策略具体以实时指导为主。#BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #BTC #ETH $BTC

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